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Life after Death....

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Before I lost the love of my life I always pondered this question..."is there life after death?" I want to believe that there is especially now. I'm just hoping that he still lives on somewhere and that he isn't truly just gone. A few hours after he died I received a text message from him. Crazy right? The message read "I miss u" I want to believe that it was a sign from him....I mean could it have been? Or am I just holding on to false hope? 

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Before my wife Tammy died, I had no preconceived notions about life after death. Fact is, no one really knows. But, I've had a number of things happen since Tammy has died that has given me hope that we will be together again. The one thing I know without question is that Tammy lives forever inside me, heart and soul. It's unfathomable to me that someone with the amazing spirit and courage she always showed could just cease to exist in some way.  And it's that feeling that makes my grief journey a journey that has a semblance of hope.

Here is a post I made back in March of this year that you may find helpful/comforting...


There just have been too many unusual, even mind boggling things that have happened since Tammy died to deny this. And I'm not talking about people saying "she will always be with you". Those people referring to memories and just the love I have inside for my Tammy for always. No, I'm saying that I am now convinced that she is here with me, helping me, and existing in my life here in the present. No, I can't see her. I can't really feel her presence, per say. Again, I'm not talking about looking around my house and getting a measure of comfort seeing her in every corner of the house. I'm saying Tammy is here but in a way that's beyond my comprehension. But she is here and she is helping me in ways that she can.

Before you start thinking "hmmm... they say grief is a form of insanity", let me assure you I am sane (well, at least as sane as I can be given the circumstances). Let me outline why I believe Tammy is "watching over me" and not only was she my precious angel and one and only in life, she's now my personal angel watching over me.

Tammy's wish was to be buried back in her home State of Illinois, and I made the drive to Illinois for the funeral. Not an easy thing to do... driving 800 miles in massive grief and 16 hours on the road alone. Driving along on the highway in the early AM, I drifted off to sleep... behind the wheel going at least 70mph. Seconds later, I woke up to a loud sound. It was the sound my car bouncing off a concrete construction barrier, lifting up in air a bit and landing. All I could think was "Oh no, my car is wrecked and I won't make it to my own wife's funeral!!" The car surprisingly seemed to still be driving ok. I pulled off at the next rest stop to survey the damage. And ... not a scratch!! Just so you know, I'm a car guy. I've run a major car website and forum for a decade and a half. I know cars. This was impossible. Not a scratch? And the car was tracking true meaning my alignment was still good. Again, it just can't happen. But it did. How did it happen? Tammy, that's how. She knew how anal I was about the car and she certainly needed me to give that eulogy! This was my first thought that somehow Tammy still was with me.

A few days after that I gave more thought to the incident. I was very lucky that I feel asleep on the stretch of highway that had the construction barriers up. Had they not been there, I would have continued to veer into oncoming traffic in the other side and most likely been killed.

Back at home in Maryland, I was on the phone with my niece and the subject of our daughter Katie came up. Katie is a bit of a sore subject for me. She decided to leave home at 18 to live in Illinois. Tammy was not doing well at all at the time and her leaving caused Tammy much anguish and sadness. Anyway, I started to get upset on the phone, telling my niece that Tammy felt like Katie sort of abandoned her and how hurt she was. All of the sudden the ceiling fan in the bedroom beeped and turned itself on... at the highest speed! That scared the "you know what" out of me. It certainly got my attention. Immediately I knew it was Tammy telling me not to get upset. I literally had goose pimples from this incident and told my niece I had to call her back. Fans don't just turn themselves on and if there was a freak electrical thing it wouldn't turn on at the highest speed. Clearly, Tammy wanted me to calm down.

Since then there have been other things that have happened. I often lose my remote controls and when I'm ready to give up I ask Tammy if she knows where the remote is or can help me find it. EVERY time, I find it seconds later. Same thing happened the day I thought I lost my keys. I always panicked when I lost something like that. When Tammy was living she'd always be the voice of calmness and assure me I'd find them and she was always right. And sure enough this time, I found the keys.

Shortly after Tammy's death I was working on the front yard. This unusual butterfly appeared. It was following me everywhere I went. I'd never seen anything like that before. Aren't butterflies supposed to represent rebirth after death?

Today was the day that convinced me Tammy, my angel, is here in the present. We have a blind on one of the windows in our house that's sort of been stuck in the 3/4 closed position for like 3 years. I've tried on a seemingly weekly basis to get it to close completely, to no avail. Today, for the first time, I asked Tammy if she could help me fix it. I thought to myself if somehow, some way, it got fixed Tammy truly was here. So I tried to adjust it the same way I always did. This time I felt a lot of give as I pulled on the cord, and it released to the closed position. I dropped to my knees and sobbed. "Why can't I see you?".

No I can't see her. but, I'm convinced. My sweet, darling, most perfect Tammy... the love of my life is still in my life. Just in a way that's beyond my understanding.



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Hi, AB3. I hope today has been a better one for you. To hopefully help you with your pondering I will share the following things that I experience from time to time, since my wife's death on Jan. 1st.

After her passing, I hung one of her favorite little windchimes inside the house in the doorframe between the living room and a small hallway. Where it hangs it is NOT exposed to any kind of breeze of any kind. No fans, no a/c vents. Nothing of any kind of that sort. Yet, on certain occasions and usually when i'm feeling really blue and down in the dumps, i will hear the windchime tinkle. Bear in mind, i live absolutely and completely alone now, except for a little chauhauhau. And this little puppy i guarantee isn't capable of jumping up and hitting that windchime.

Also, wy wife was a lover of anything nautical. I used to be a truckdriver, and there's a certain truckstop in Alabama that i would stop at when i was able just to get my wife a certain kind of lighthouse figurine that the truckstop sold. One that i got her has a motion sensor on it and when triggered it plays a short snippet of nautical sounds. I have it sitting on a somewhat tall table with the sinsor aimed away from the living room window so that passing car traffic doesn't set off the sensor. Now it's aimed just toward a living room wall, and even i can only trigger it when i walk past it from one certain angle. You guessed it! Sometimes, usually in the late evening after i've gone to bed to read for awhile, the lighthouse will start playing. Remember, there is absolutely no one else (not human anyway) in this apartment but me. 

As God is my witness, this truly has happened on more than one occasion. I like to think that it's my wife letting me know that she is looking in on me. What do you think? Maybe what you are hoping for is possible.


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1 hour ago, AB3 said:

Before I lost the love of my life I always pondered this question..."is there life after death?" I want to believe that there is especially now. I'm just hoping that he still lives on somewhere and that he isn't truly just gone. A few hours after he died I received a text message from him. Crazy right? The message read "I miss u" I want to believe that it was a sign from him....I mean could it have been? Or am I just holding on to false hope? 

I wholeheartedly believe that there IS........I've had experiences myself, and have heard of countless others who have rec'd "verifications". 


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AB3 I definitely believe they are still with us, love like the love we had never dies I have always felt my Kevin's presence still around I was at the beach one day not truly thinking of him just there with my grandbabies I looked up and a butterfly flew right over my head, I have had countless butterfly experiences since he passed, I am a big listener of music it is my coping skill I listen to his music everyday you see he had bipolar on top of his addiction and a pretty rough childhood I never noticed until he passed that his music that he listened to told the story of his life and feelings one night I was outside listening to his music tears streaming down my face and I felt a warm touch on my legs like he was telling me it is OK I am here. Of course no one can definitely prove life after death but chosing to believe in the thought that they never truly leave us is not hurting anyone, I believe it was a sign from him with all my heart I believe that they never truly leave us, sometimes it is hard to remember that though when we are feeling so sad,lost and lonely but I know that the connection/love me and my Kevin had can not be destroyed even by death if anything it has made my love stronger any hope that you can find in this journey is a blessing hold onto it for it will help you right now sometimes hope is all we have hugs.

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Thank you all.  I have been feeling empty and hopeless tonight, more than I have felt since LC had first passed. Your words and experiences are a comfort to me.


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I very much believe in afterlife.  There is so much we cannot explain or understand, yet that does not make it so.  I've learned to accept such signs at face value, you can't predict when they'll come, but it seems when we just most need it...
I've also learned to live on faith in the absence of such signs, knowing our love continues to exist and we'll be together again and trust that rather than doubting during those in between times.

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That "voices of Experience" article reinforces my own experiences. I've mentioned two earler, but a third one involved a butterfly. I live midway between Houston and Galveston Island, and our winters are reasonably mild here. About 10 days after my wife's death I was out walking my little puppy and feeling blue. It was still terribly fresh and I was still pretty much in shock from it all and having a bad day. I was walking along and just talking to her. Something told me to look to my right, and just as I did a beautiflu green and pink butterfly was fluttering directly toward me at head level. When it got to me it flew around me twice and then fluttered away. Tell me I'm looney toons if you want to, but two things were to me pretty strange about this. First, even for this area January with temps at the time being in the mid-high 30's really isn't butterfly season. The second thing is the colors...pink and green were always my wife's favorite colors. Seeing that butterfly that day gave me a feeling of tranquility that stayed with me for over a week.

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I think I'd take that as a sign.  Right now it's in the 20s and snowing...if I saw a butterfly this time of year I think I'd be very surprised indeed!

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Speaking of signs - my daughter found a paper Easter Egg on her kitchen floor a couple of days ago.  Deedo made it, it is her writing and design, but no one had seen it before.  No one in the house has an idea where it came from, it was just laying there when they came home from work and wasn't there when they left for work that morning.  Now then being a card carrying skeptic I can't help but feel there has to be a logical explanation but then maybe there isn't.


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The way I choose to look at it is pretty simple.  I believe that Deedo and I will be together again.  I do believe we were quintessential soulmates.  If it turns out there is no life after death then I won't know it, I'll just be gone.  If Deedo and I aren't meant to be together then hopefully I will know why and it will make sense.  So for now while I am missing her I cling to the idea that it will only be for a short while.

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A very good way to look at it Brad.  We go with a gut feeling and I wonder why that feeling is there.  You are right about not knowing for certain and accepting that you would be okay if you found out why. It just makes us wonder that if we feel as we do and they did too on their departure , then there is something awfully important about who the two of us were and that spells soulmate.

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Billy had gone fishing and left me a note "Love you, be back by noon" and when I found it in cleaning out things I taped it to his wooden urn.  It freaked Scott out because it is so definitely Billy's writing with a Sharpie.  I keep it taped to the urn.  

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