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Marty , Harley was 3 months in those pictures.....Born Jan 25th.....Weather has turned to much needed rains next few days....Kay, my friends in Southern BC and Alberta also getting moisture....This really helps  ..

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We are going from snow to 80 degrees F in just five days time! (Sun>Fri)

So glad you are getting the moisture, we are too but it may dry up soon.

May be TMI so don't read beyond here if you don't want to, but it's a huge positive for me!!!  Kodie ate plastic wrap Sunday and they wanted to do surgery this morning.


I took Kodie out in the yard and implored him to try to go, I knew he wanted to please me and he did!  It had a good size piece in it (yes I took it in the house and unraveled it to see how much, who wouldn't!) and from what that part of the stool looked like, I recognized he had some in his stool earlier too on one of our walks.  I'm confident he will get the rest out.  Praying!  He isn't eating much but some.  But he may have felt sick to his tummy too.  Will see how he does today.  And of course he'll eat his treats!


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Me, a petless person, I now have a cat and 14-year-old poodle.  Kelli moved in the back bedroom when Bri left.  Bri has not gotten back in contact, but that is just another problem many families suffer, and she fits an adoption trauma profile although we have had her since she was born.  Love that woman/child so much.  Kelli pitches in and does everything.  I didn't do anything anyhow, does not matter who lives with me.  I take care of my sister mainly and as yet she does not live in a nursing home, but the new biopsy showed cancer.  With the chemo brain, I'm the only one she will tolerate.  TMI. 

I have had so many dogs for pets, and I did not want to go through another passing away or me passing away and leaving one.  Paul, the cat, has taken a liking to me though, and I'm not a cat person.  Does not bother him.  Sweet cat.  Kelli keeps them all up to "snuff" with all shots, no fleas, etc.  Nawlins (the old woman poodle) can't hear or see much.  Her heart is failing, but Kelli keeps her going and we have the vet near the apartments.  I just dread the inevitable.  It will really hurt Kelli.  (me too). 

Enough going on, but will have to just say, "nothing else going on."  

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Kodie went some more on our walk. I am continually amazed by how much he listens and understands and tries to please me.  Amazing baby.

You have your hands full taking care of your sister, Marg.  I know, I took care of mine. 

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Marg, I just finished reading "The Four Winds" by Kristin Hannah. Completely different than her Alaska book. Another winner in my opinion. Hope you give it a look.

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I notice Nevada Barr has her 19th book out.  I'm so far behind on reading her, I doubt I will remember the first one.  I'll give this one a look.  Thanks Karen.  

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I'm caught up on Nevada Barr except for a stand alone. Haven't read CJ Box "Three Inch Teeth" yet.

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I read the new C.J. Box, it just went too quick.  Enjoyed it.  Was not a real cliff hanger, but makes you want to read the next one as soon as it comes out.  I'm bad about telling "spoilers" and it drives my kids crazy, so I try not to tell too much.  


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Well got my second eye done this morning, prep work and tests began at 6:00 AM, surgery took half hour, I was out of the hospital by 8:30 AM......doing first drops ...in half an hour........Happy so far..

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I was happy that my reading glasses are the 1.25, lowest ones.  I asked when to be fitted for glasses and he told me I did not need them at all.  I got to see the bags under my eyes, so all's well that goes well.  Proud for you.  I depend on reading glasses; my eyes get tired.  But I was reading with strong ones before the surgery.

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I've been using 2.75 reading glasses for a long time. The surgery did not change that. It did enable me to have distance vision without glasses until double vision came along. I can't walk anywhere with both eyes open, only one eye at a time. Very disorienting and tiring. Still trying to get dentures fixed before I make a neurologist appt. Just don't want to meet a new doctor with no teeth at all. About 3-4 weeks ago, the dentist himself finally looked at them and said they were too big for my mouth which I've said all along. I had only seen his assistants before. He took them to have them remade. Still waiting to get them back, hopefully before I'm blind!

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I'm sorry Karen.  I at least had a pair of old ones when they had to remake my gray ones.  I never went back to that dentist again.  And, they had been recommended to me.  I promise, the color gray was a dark gray.  Who in their right mind would send out dark teeth.

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Wow, still going through the ill fitting dentures, Karen?!  They should have remade them and had them on you by now!  Glad someone is finally listening.

Kevin, so glad you got your other eye done!  How long do you have to stay out of the light, etc?  Congrats!

Kodie had another stool with some ingested plastic wrap, this one partially digested, I didn't know that could happen.  He ate all his dinner last night!

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No big restrictions but i will  wear shades for a week....Will golf on day 5....I'm more concerned with dust , my shades are wrap arounds...Bad news is we had smoke this morning from a fire burning 300 miles away....too early for this....

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Wow, way too early.  Winter barely over!  Just a week ago we had snow, now I cleaned out my woodstove yesterday, vacuumed, dusted.

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Thick smoke again today......big silly news up here is Government want employees to work3 days a week in the office...Unions saying unhealthy...Clearly crazy thinking these days...

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Just read about it on the news.  Please be safe.  We are having lots of moisture to the air and my sister cannot breathe outside.  I know the air quality must be bad for y'all too with all the smoke.  Take care.  

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Smoke clearing up, weather is actually cold and damp......Next three days i have my eye out for frost.....Tomatos still4 days away from planting....Saturday, had a kiss of frost on the Wind Shield, plants alright....Up north its still Raining in the fires(next 3 days) Cool and wet brings the threats to Moderate...blessing

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Glad to hear it, Kevin!

Still no news from contractor, got the carport cleaned out, all but the middle.  Shelves gone, wood on burn pile, huge load to the dump. 

1 1/2 year old laptop died this morning, black screen of death is all I got, hours later it came back so I cancelled my Amazon order.  Have restarted a couple of times to see if it would do it.  Can't be worked on, no way to get to the innards, can't even change the battery!  Warranty up, of course.  Miss my Windows 7, this is Windows 11, God only only knows.

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Laptop gave black screen of death yesterday, that's it, only 1 1/2 years old, used six months.  I ordered one on Amazon, and THEN looked and it was on!  Weird!  For a few hours, just black, wouldn't even start in safe mode.  Canceled other one, $ very tight with the things that keep happening.  Got back of carport cleaned out, a friend's husband cut the shelving, took a load to the dump and another load for a burn pile.  Getting rain this week, maybe the next week will burn after Jack is back.  I don't start fires after a scare I had once.

Marg, are you okay?  Hoping your power isn't out and that of your sister!  Let us know!  

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We have had rain and flooding but have never been in a low-lying level.  It never seems to affect me.  What is bad is when those new homeowners who paid between a quarter million and half a million for their houses.  They are in flood level land, and it happens.  I hope they have good flood insurance.  I hope the insurance pays too.  Insurance can be an iffy business.  We had life insurance on all members of our family, recommended by our state government jobs.  It was paid off and the insurance companies went bankrupt.  I think our flood insurance carriers in Louisiana are so overdrawn that they cannot honor their promises.  Just business as usual.  My sister, I have to let her off at the supermarket door.  I find her by the coughing I hear.  I have to park as close as I can.  She loses her breath.  Her thing now is she is going to buy a bicycle, so she doesn't have to depend on me.  All she has to do is ask and I'm there within 30 minutes, I've never declined or acted like I minded.  I figure I'm being paid back because she was the only one (and my daughter) to take care of my mom.  I was in the hospital so much and then Billy passed away.  Mama passed away 10 months after Billy.  By that time my sister had to go back to AA and had just gotten her six years (pin, coin,?) but with the recurrence of her cancer I think she is ready to drink again.  That, I can do nothing about.  If it provides relief, and she did use it for relief.  They actually were astonished that Billy was smoking weed to help with his nausea.  He smoked it in the yard and unfortunately for only a short time.  The doctors were not astonished, it was the nurses.  He couldn't hold anything down and went so fast.  We had a deputy a few houses down from us and if it helped him, I was ready to fight for his right to use it.  They have medical cards now where they can use it.  He could not stand by himself, but after one time of using it he (sitting outside) saw me coming and ran bowlegged to hug me.  There is a time and place for all things.  This was the time.  

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Seems like we're all dealing with something. Damn these "golden" years!

Bad news regarding dentures today. Although the new ones are smaller and fit a little better, it seems that dentures cannot be made to really fit me because of a protruding bone(top right). The only way to correct this is by oral surgeon to cut off the bone. I'm not willing to go through that at my age, nor could I afford it. Dentist will do what he can with this new set. They are painful to wear but maybe I can try them just to wear in public, but could never eat with them. Looks like I'm toothless forever.

Going to try and make my neurosurgeon appointment, teeth or no teeth.

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Wish we could have worry-free senior years like we had worry-free child years. Mine were not worry-free.  Like Billy always told me, if I didn't have something to worry about, I'd find it.  I did worry I would lose my parents when I was very young.  The four children across the road had lost their mom at age 29 with a brain tumor.  It left a lasting impression of how fragile life was.

Karen, I've lost weight and my dentures cut into my gums.  Besides all the things I cannot eat, I have to be careful of the things I eat because they dig into my gums.  I am just too old to be bothered with new ones though.  Only if they break.  Good luck with your doctor appointment.  

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My childhood was anything but worry free.  Insane violent abusive mother, alcoholic father that spent his $ on drink instead of shoes/clothes for the kids.  We had to pick beans to earn $ for them, even our shampoo and toothpaste.

Karen, I'm so sorry, I had my share of oral surgery when I was young (no dental ins).  Got my glasses last night, I can't believe the eye strain I've been under, how tired it made my eyes, I knew I needed new glasses, no openings last year so super bad this year!  It felt like a world of difference driving home.  Nine hours sleep, yay!

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My heart goes out to children who come from alcoholic/drug families, broken homes, and those who grow up in such bad conditions.  I was blessed.  We didn't have money much, but we never wanted for anything.  Mama and Daddy loved us in their own way, but we knew we were loved.  I had shirts made out of feed sacks, but the bunch of children in my town most were as poor as we were.  Daddy had a steady job, Mama had three meals on the table.  I don't know how she did it, but on canned soup night she would take a can of Campbell's Mushroom Soup, can of water added, a bunch of crackers, tea always, dessert always, homemade, and it fed four of us and we were not hungry.  My mom had some mental disorder, but she was so pretty, and I got my whippings with a belt from Daddy and a switch from Mama.  I deserved them, I am sure.  Mama was just like all her sisters, so I was a teenager before I knew things were not just right.  I never realized how parents could be mean until I was grown.  I left home/married to get away from Mama.  He knew it.  Somehow with a lot of troubles, we kept our kids fed, clothed and I thought safe until the youth minister abused Kelli when I was being treated away from home for cancer.  My brother-in-law was keeping her and what person would think that going to church was wrong at any time?

I'm sorry for abused children and wish those things didn't happen.  Not many of us grew up in "Leave it to Beaver" homes, but some of us were lucky. 

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