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Looking For The Positives

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Good news Harry!! My positive today...heading out in about an hour with my friend Joe for our weekend adventure in Eureka Springs. Going to be beautiful weather, hoping for lovely colors!!

Hope all have a good weekend, will check in when I get back.


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Dear friends,

The dinner went well. The proclamation came into my hands. AND, the letter arrived from the IRS approving Walking with Jane's 501 © (3) status.

But I'm taking today off to go play at Book Fest in Boston. Mary, have a good time among the leaves. I'll spend my day with leaves of a different kind.



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So this is a bit risqué: I went to a poetry reading by a poet I've heard about but not read at a pub in Boston as part of Book Fest. I'm standing there listening to the first poet with my eyes closed because that's the way I listen to poetry. The poet finishes and I discover this 20-something female grad student standing next to me who proceeds to make a pass at me--only to drop me like a hot potato when she realizes from the conversation that I'm old enough to be her grandfather. Of course it does not occur to me she has made an abortive pass at me until I'm on my way home--not terribly observant on these things even in my youth.

People keep telling me I look good for my age. I generally don't believe them. After tonight's experience, I may have to re-evaluate that.



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Ahh Harry, that's great, it's always nice to get a stoke to the ego! :) And I'm sure you don't look like her grandfather with all the marathons and busy life. I'm glad you enjoyed the poetry.

QMary, I hope you're having a grand time and pick some Fall colors (picture??)...George and I used to do that together every year. I should do it again as a tribute to him. Maybe for the ten year mark. It was too hard to before...

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Kayc, so sorry you had to miss your retreat. I had a wonderful weekend in Eureka Springs with my friend. We ate some great food, and enjoyed the outdoors. I am not a big seafood person, but I had pan seared scallops and crab cake and they were both really good. The colors are not at their best yet, and I think next weekend, I will take a solitary trip toward Jasper to see if they are peaking yet. I will drive over to the Maplewood Cemetary today and see how those trees are looking, if at peak, I will post a picture.

Harry, how super for you with the dinner and proclamation, and it is always nice to be taken for younger. I get it occasionally (not hit on though :unsure: ) and it is always a nice feeling.


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I just returned from a trip home - to Seattle - to visit my mother and siblings. And I got together with some old friends I hadn't seen for years and years. Somehow this trip was a turning point for me.

It's helped me to release a lot of old anger and negativity. I've forgiven old hurts and mended some relationships. It felt very good. I didn't even feel like killing my mother this time.

Returning home, after picking up my dog, I felt almost changed. I still felt that same loss, the same ache to talk to my husband, the same sadness, but a little more free.

Hope this feeling sticks around, though now since I'm back in the same routine and it's growing darker - getting to be winter - it's going to be a challenge.


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Melina, how wonderful first that you got home, saw your family, did not feel like killing your mom, and released a lot of old anger and negativity. That has to be a huge successful visit filled with forgiveness and mending. I celebrate with you. Certainly coming home and seeing the darkness of winter approaching touches those feelings but they are yours forever and I hope you can find a neat way to remind yourself of them....a collage or photos or writings...something on the frig door perhaps. :)



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Melina, I am so glad for you! I had to laugh out loud at the "I didn't even feel like killing my mother"...I had a mom like that too. :D I hope winter this year will bring you a full appreciation of the season for itself and not depress you with the darkness.

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Friends, I am putting a picture on here, I did not take it, but it is of the cemetery across town where many of my family members lie, including my parents and my son. I need to go over and see the colors at Maplewood for myself.

Melina, so happy you were with family, and it was a good experience for you. Kayc, I know was not in this thread, but will be anxiously awaiting news from your doctors visit.



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QMary, thanks for sharing that, it's gorgeous!

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QMary, that is spectacular...just plain awesome. Thanks for sharing. We still have some color here but not much and temps are in the 40s and 50s.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Time is marching on....this weekend is a busy one. Now that I know Sassy is all right, I can enjoy weekend.

I am taking a concealed carry class on Saturday...ok, I know not everyone agrees about gun ownership....but remember this gal lives in the South, and it is almost required to own a gun. My brother is taking me on the 16th when I go to Hot Springs, to buy a gun that fits my hand. What I have right now is Mike's Glock, and it is too big for me, and too hard to use.

Saturday night a group of friends are taking me out for my BD, which is the 9th, and then on Sunday, after our vet. day show, my daughter and her fiancé and the girls are taking me out to eat. I will enjoy the weekend.

I got BD cards from all my siblings today, including one signed by my sister Lois and her husband. I could not really read her signature, but it was so special to see that she had signed the card, that I just cried. They sent me gift cards to Pennys and Coltons.

I guess 69 is a good age to become. :rolleyes:


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I have what's called a "Pink Lady", it's a small revolver that's MADE for women! Very easy to handle. It's kind of a metallic mauve pink. :)

I think it's great you're taking the class. I have no problems with gun ownership (this IS Oregon!), only those who use them irresponsibly. Taking a class is always responsible Yay, QMary! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

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Just a little report on my concealed carry class. It was great. A friend who just retired from managing one of the funeral homes here in town, and his wife have gotten their certification, and they taught the class. He was a very good teacher. Then, believe it or not, I tied with one other person in a class of about 20, with most hits on the target. We got 8 shots all together, and all 8 of mine, and one other person, hit the targets. I have only shot one other time in my life, and that was years ago with Mike, as I recall, I did all right that time also. Anyway, I passed, and now just have to get fingerprinted, and send in all the paperwork, and money. I just want to be able to carry a firearm with me when I am traveling alone, I will feel safer. Doubt I will carry one around town....lol. :) Told my kids they now had a pistol packing Mama...lol. Not true, don't have a firearm yet that fits my hand. I think they are all a little nervous now! KayC, I will research the Pink Lady. I just need something small and light.


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I talked to a friend of mine that has lots of guns (big NRA fan/member), and he said the Pink Lady is a good choice because it's easy for us to handle, small, not a lot of "kick". I had a smaller magazine but it was hard to load, that's why I got the Pink Lady revolver.

BTW, I won't be breaking into YOUR house! :D Good shot!

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My positives for yesterday and today. Yesterday my son and I went on a "leaf hunt". It was a beautiful fall day and we had a great time enjoying it together! We even talked about his daddy without either one of us tearing up, just good memories! Today my positive is that it is veterans day and I am just grateful to live in an amazing free country. Thank you to all who have served and to the families too!

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That is so neat! George and I used to take a drive every year in the Autumn and pick leaves and come home and I'd make a bouquet of them, I have good memories of that.

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Dear friends,

It's been a while between posts--or even the opportunity to check in. NET Cancer Month is in full swing here. Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day was yesterday.

I did my annual NET Cancer Social Mediathon yesterday--18 hours on five different platforms posting patient stories, interviews, reflections and videos. we had a total audience of over 4,000 people--including Anne. The website was two posts from breaking the all time single day record set in April.

I may be from "liberal" Massachusetts" but I have no problem with firearms in responsible hands. An untrained militia is a danger to an independent state, in my humble opinion. That's why the second amendment is phrased as it is. I won't have a gun in my house, but that is mainly because i don't want someone using it on me. I was taught the only weapon that is safe is one that no assailant can take from you, hence my martial arts training. As a friend of mine says, you'd best kill me with the first shot or what happens thereafter is not going to be pleasant for you. But most people don't have that training and I can understand the need for high speed lead poisoning in a pinch. As my body ages, I may need to consider that option myself.

Hope your birthday was wonderful, Mary.

My other news i'll post elsewhere.



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I also love the fallen leaves, my yard looks like it has a carpet right now. Harry, although I did not go to the website, I read and shared several of the your posts on Monday on NET cancer. I learned a lot from reading them. I am glad you had such a good response on the website.


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Me too, I'm so glad the website had so many hits, you've worked so hard to spread the news!

I was always told not to have a firearm if you were hesitant to use it because in that hesitant moment, they'll take it from you and use it on you. So it's important to know if you can be "me or them" or if you're hesitant.

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the test results were at my doctor's Monday but they never called me to let me know. The soonest I can get in to find anything out is next Monday.

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