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Our Pets- Consolers (Four Legged, Two Legged, Fur, Finned)

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Thanks, Marty! I had to share it with my FB friends, that was too cute!

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Mary, I loved the corgi puppies....they are so cute, I had seen this on FB also. Really makes me want a puppy!! Yes Kay, I got Sassy when she was a puppy. If I can find it, I will post a picture of her sleeping in Mike's houseshoe when she was a puppy. I did not get Faith until she was a year old, but I knew her when she was a puppy, as she belonged to my youngest son. Marty, the doggies opening presents was so funny, thanks for sharing. (found the picture...she was so cute!!)

Mary (Queeniemary) in Arkansas


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She is such a cutie here!

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What a cute puppy. Makes me want to get one...but Bentley might not enjoy sharing me at this stage of his life...someday. I love how he is sleeping in the slipper...so sweet. They fall asleep anywhere they happen to be at that age. She chose a great spot.



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  • 2 weeks later...

A dog in trouble. My friend left this morning for all points south taking their dog with them. She called to tell me that It was so cold at the first pit stop (for the dog) that his privates froze to the fur on his leg when he peed and he could not walk. It took a bit but they solved the problem and then rewarded him with some treats.

We are dealing with a very dangerous 44 below zero with our wind (about 23 below without it). Schools have not yet opened after Christmas break and will be closed tomorrow as well. Our furnace, a fairly new one, is having trouble keeping ahead of the cold. The fire is going. Very dangerous out there. No one is going anywhere if they can help it. Colder in Chicago than the North Pole and about the same here. Every state except Hawaii will have freezing temps tonight and tomorrow...even Weight Watchers is closed nationally. KEEP YOUR DOGS AND PETS INSIDE...EVERYWHERE. I let Bentley out (he waited 8 hours to ask to go out). Put his coat on him. He kicks his boots off (new boots coming). He was out 2 minutes max and his whole body was REALLY cold when he came in.

Life in Wisconsin.


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Dear Mary,

It is very warm here compared to your weather.

I hope the news stations are carrying warnings for pet owners. Dogs have frozen out here in cold weather, left out on runs while their owners were at work. I am so glad you and Bentley are snug and safe, and I hope the furnace holds up. Blankets, lots of blankets and EIM tea.

Warm Thoughts to you



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Yes, fae it is pretty dangerous here. There ARE announcements to keep pets inside and more. Drinking lots of EIM for sure. :)

Hope you are fairing a bit better....


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Mary, I will be praying for all those back east and in the midwest tonight as they experience such bitter cold. It's not bad here, around freezing, snow moving in by Sunday they say. Anyone who can stay home and work, should. You wouldn't want to chance being on the road in this cold weather! I'm glad your friend's dog is okay, poor thing!

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Kay, I hope some of those things that keep going wrong start to get resolved and you get a very very very very long break from bad stuff happening to good people.

Peace to your heart,


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Thanks, Mary. I have plans to get a new roof on next summer and I'm going to try and hold off on the latest leaky pipe until my son can look at it, hopefully Spring break. It's not real bad, it's really near the floor and everyone is afraid to touch it. It's where all the pipes come together. I was able to invert a lid and slip it under, it has about 1/4" lip, not much, but I put a rag on it to soak up the water and keep it from running off the lid, there just isn't any room in there. It's old style mobile home pipes and they don't use them any more, so it may all need redone. If it gets worse, I'll have to call a plumber, that'd be major bucks so for now I'm holding off and going to keep a daily eye on it.

At least I have all my wood replenished (I got four small truckloads, about 2 1/2 cords) this weekend. It's all split and stacked, it feels so good! I may order another load if he's still doing it. It's old blowdowns, so ready to use and I got a great deal on it.

AND my light is working. I bought a new switch and plate and was going to put it in but with all the fiddling with wires it started working again, so maybe it was just a loose connection. Will keep the switch just in case another goes out. :)

All of this stuff is just life. My ankle seems to have improved a bit but it's slow, it still hurts to touch it, it's four weeks today. Am waiting to get info/card from my ins., will have to find a new doctor after I get it.

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Kay, glad some things are looking up somewhat.I am glad that your ankle is better. Mary, loved the cartoon of the dogs in snow.....my girls are like the short legged one!! They are in and out pretty quick in this cold. We only got about an inch of snow. We are having heat wave today, it is 10 already and is actually supposed to get up to about 38 or so. I think our current cold wave is almost over....sure hope so. Fae, so sorry that you have to be retested, I know you were hoping to know what is going on by now.
Had a friend who is a nurse stay the last two nights so that she did not have to drive in the dark on icy roads to work in the mornings. We had lots of fun playing games. She picked up a pizza last night before she came from work, good! I will miss having her here.
Feeling not so hot today. Think it is sinus infection, or beginnings of a cold. Had real restless night and woke with headache and stuffy head. Taking sinus meds, hope to not get really sick. Not going out at all, just will stay in and be warm.
Mary (Queeniemary) in Arkansas

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Arlie is sick today, not sure what...he threw up twice, hadn't eaten since yesterday, asked to go out in pen. I got his Probiotics down him and he did want to go for a walk with me, so that was a good sign. I'd given him a bit of my breakfast yesterday, perhaps he couldn't handle it, or maybe he picked up a bug...the things he sniffs and licks, who knows!

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Couldn't resist either of these. A smile should cross your faces now. I posted the horse on Facebook with a reminder to bring pets inside tonight and tomorrow....in these cold, dark days we all need to smile.

post-14525-0-39255800-1389147245_thumb.j post-14525-0-48817800-1389147264_thumb.j

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Kay, how is Arlie now? And how are you healing? The stress of so many things are no doubt catching up with you. Have you been able to visit your mom? I'm so glad that you can keep warm with your firewood.

Queeniemary, are you feeling better? It sounds like you had a good time visiting with your friend. Don't let that sinus problem turn into an infection. I really like watching dogs play. They go all in without being concerned whether or not they can do something.

Fae, the artist you asked about is Bonnie Gibson. She works with southwestern gourd art. The dragonfly gourd is attached. I think it is pretty.

Mary, pics are cute. I like the horse. It brought a smile to my face the first time I saw it. I'm sure I have it on Pinterest. The weather is so dangerous that I hope everyone is keeping their animals indoors.

I see both my cardiac and pulmonary doctors next week. I'm hoping for some good numbers and less restrictions! It's a real discipline to keep everything on track. I spent $173.00 dollars on my medication today for renewals! I am concerned about putting all this stuff in my body! I'll try to talk them into letting up on some of the meds. My PT is going well. She had to cut back on some of the stretches because of hamstring tightness behind both knees. I still have to go twice a week. I am doing more stretches at home. I think caregiving must have hammered me physically. It all caught up to me.

Be well everyone. You are all on my prayer list. Hot chocolate, warm fires, fuzzy socks, and good books are my prescription for all of you these days. Even here in AZ we get cold at night and in the early mornings.



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Kay, how is Arlie now? And how are you healing? The stress of so many things are no doubt catching up with you. Have you been able to visit your mom? I'm so glad that you can keep warm with your firewood.

Queeniemary, are you feeling better? It sounds like you had a good time visiting with your friend. Don't let that sinus problem turn into an infection. I really like watching dogs play. They go all in without being concerned whether or not they can do something.

Fae, the artist you asked about is Bonnie Gibson. She works with southwestern gourd art. The dragonfly gourd is attached. I think it is pretty.

Mary, pics are cute. I like the horse. It brought a smile to my face the first time I saw it. I'm sure I have it on Pinterest. The weather is so dangerous that I hope everyone is keeping their animals indoors.

I see both my cardiac and pulmonary doctors next week. I'm hoping for some good numbers and less restrictions! It's a real discipline to keep everything on track. I spent $173.00 dollars on my medication today for renewals! I am concerned about putting all this stuff in my body! I'll try to talk them into letting up on some of the meds. My PT is going well. She had to cut back on some of the stretches because of hamstring tightness behind both knees. I still have to go twice a week. I am doing more stretches at home. I think caregiving must have hammered me physically. It all caught up to me.

Be well everyone. You are all on my prayer list. Hot chocolate, warm fires, fuzzy socks, and good books are my prescription for all of you these days. Even here in AZ we get cold at night and in the early mornings.


Thank you Anne, her site is lovely.

Anne, I am sure you have had someone review all your medications with you for side effects and everything? I probably already asked you that. Mother-henning you. :) Heat on the hamstrings with gentle stretching after five minutes of gentle heat, no bouncing, only gentle stretch. I am sure she told you that. I have a bad case of hen-itis.

What days do you see the docs?, so I can put it on my calendar for special prayers. (cluck) :)

Oh, I hope you can get them to acquiesce to your minimalist medications persuasions. Good for you.

Anne, I wonder sometimes if any of us have any idea just how much caregiving hammered us physically, and yet, I know that not one of us would trade a moment of that time for anything. It is all of a piece, of a sum, of a Oneness. This whole journey is another part of life and it is a profound journey. Look how much it costs for the entry! One of what Doug called the most valuable treasures available to humans: the opportunity to have the luxury of time enough to find our Center, and to dwell there through the pain. Because at the Center is the Light. :)

Here we are, holding each other to the Light.



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Arlie is doing fine now.

I LOVE the dragonfly gourd! Beautiful piece!

Anne, you are doing amazing, you are inspiring to us all! And you too, fae!

My ankle is, I think, getting extremely slowly better.

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Anne and fae, I look forward to hearing test results and the input you get from your medical folks. You have both been through so much medically. Let's hope for some firm answers that are also uplifting.

In reference to the role caregiving has had on our physical health (to say nothing of our emotions/spirits) I do believe caregiving has played a major role. Consider what our bodies went through as we took care of the person who so often had taken care of us. As we watched that person get weaker and die and also be unable to be there for us; as we went without good sleep for months and months; as cortisol flooded our systems every time that person fell or had some medical scare or even just as we did what we were doing each day under all the stress involved. On top of that, most of those who did all that caregiving are not young and every day was a good-bye of sorts.

In the recovery world many say it is 3-5 years to recover from tough challenges. I don't like putting a time frame on healing especially healing grief... but I would say 3-5 years is a good start in the realm of healing our bodies depending on how long we were caregivers and what was involved. It is all unique to each person. If we consider that losing our beloveds is like an amputation...and add in that many here were the caregiver through the entire process....I think our bodies have taken a beating to say nothing of the rest of us. And I believe we need to let the pendulum swing in the opposite direction and stay there for quite a while to bring our physical health back to normal someday. Self care (stress reduction via meditation, journaling, reading, exercise, relaxation, long baths, massages, and so much more along with emotional healing through sharing, grief work, prayer, and more) is an essential piece of healing all of who we are (body, mind, spirit). Patience is the key, for sure.

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Thank you, Mary, for your wise words once again. You indeed understand the journey of a caregiver. What I am doing now is allowing what will be to just be. I am beginning to surrender to the reality and to go inside myself more realizing that my healing will come from within.

I have kept a personal journal all along my journey and this 2014 I began a Gratitude Journal also. Before I go to sleep I write down one thing that I am grateful for that happened during the day. I had to smile when I listened to Karen Wyatt's lecture tonight and she talked about a gratitude journal! I took notes about it tonight on the thread "Tools for Healing"- I do not see a full light at the end of the tunnel, but I am starting to see some light.


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Anne, you are so welcome. I like what Karen Wyatt is doing with her webinars. And yes, I agree healing comes from witihin as we also share and obtain support from without (people, webinars, books, grief forums like this, meditation etc.). It seems that is what you are doing so very well.

As far as seeing a light in the tunnel, I think we see flickers of it but as you said, not the full light. That happens in time as we get closer to it... Nouwen's meditation from today...I posted it on Chris' string.

Please do let us know what the docs say...


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Here's Arlie in his coat, I wish I could get a picture of him standing up in it but he never cooperates with photo sessions. :)


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Love Arlie's coat, Kay. It almost looks like a royal cloak. I am up having a glass of milk. It seems like I awaken more often around this time. I do go back to sleep but wish I could sleep through the night.

I saw Nouwen's meditation, Mary, and will be reading them daily this 2014.


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Kay, I love the purple...the color of royalty and in eastern psychology it is considered a spiritual color. I know this is a tough day for you so I put things aside and took these pictures for you. I hope they bring a tiny smile to your face.

You asked to see Bentley's "wardrobe" and since he is not fond of having his picture taken, I did manage to get shots of a dog that does not look his happy self. :) I got the rain coat thinking it would be enough for year round but learned it was pretty flimsy and ran small. This is an XL. The other coat is one reversible coat and it is the one I use these cold days even just for his runs to the yard to do his duty. It is very warm and waterproof. We do love our pets!!!

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