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QMary, I'm sorry you had to leave Faith there, I hope you can bring her home tonight and that it will have helped her. I hope you can sleep better tonight.

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Faith came home about 3:30, yesterday. Her respiration was still high. Vet increased one of the heart meds to a whole twice a day, instead of the 1/2 twice a day. She did well last night, went into her crate in my room with only a little encouragement, and she and I (and Sassy) had a good nights sleep. I took her breathing rate just a few minutes ago, and it was 67/per minute, lowest it has been in days. I am to call the vet this afternoon, with hourly respiration rates. She seems better today, so maybe increasing the Enalapril to a whole tablet twice a day helped. The other heart med is called Vetmedin. She is also on Lasix. If she is still doing well tomorrow, I plan to go to Mountain Home and spend time with my sister. Got a picture from my niece yesterday, she had put a scarf on my sis, turban style, and she was in a summer housecoat, sitting in wheelchair, actually had a little grin on face. That picture gave me a big boost! Of course, she was strapped into the chair, but it meant a lot to us to see her actually sitting in it.

Mary, how is Bentley doing. Think of him and you very often. Seems our paths run similar at times, don't they. Cataracts, sick dogs, and so forth. BTW, saw my eye dr. on Tuesday, he says my eyes have not changed, I was sure they had. He said they are very dry, and I need to put drops in them three or four times a day, besides my medical drops. He tells me that is why I am still getting glare at night, that the eyes when dry, are kind of pitted and it will blur or distort things. I knew they were dry, just did not know that would cause glare and blurry vision. He compared it to plain glass and sand blasted glass. the sand blasted becomes opaque (for instance shower glass). He said dry eyes are like sand blasted glass.....so this gal is going to use the sample he gave me ( Systance Balance, Restorative Formula) and buy more and use it 3 or 4 times a day and see if I can tell a difference.


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Mary, I am glad Faith is home and hope that respiration level keeps getting closer to normal. So scary...I know.

So glad your sister is showing some signs of improvement also. What a time you and your beloveds are having. I am so sorry.

As for eyes, I also have dry eyes. My MD told me dry eyes scratch the corneas and since my corneas are not in great shape I do use drops. When they are dry my ability to read is compromised a lot as things blur up. I use Thera Tears and I carry them in my pocket so I can use them as needed and I set my cell which is in my other pocket (I live in khakis) and set alarms as I do not want to further damage my corneas. But I also have to watch the computer time as that dries your eyes out as we forget to blink which moistens the eyes. Yesterday I read quite a long while (I am reviewing a book for a friend) and my vision was super blurry afterwards. I am trying to stay off of Rx because of side effects. The other important thing to remember is that sugar (including alcohol which is sugar and also high carbs) blurs the vision. One time I told my MD my vision was blurred (long long time ago) and she asked when was the last time I had sugar. Well, of course it had been just hours. I see her iin October. I have almost had my lens changed back to lined bifocals as I can't see well with the progressives but I think it is the dry eyes that have caused that. I am totally off sugar, totally, to run a check on that. Eyes are more vulnerable than we care to admit.

As for Bentley. I switched vets on Monday. The new holistic vet was too woo woo for me and I was not getting answers. I did not return to my former vet because we had an unpleasant incident. So I have a new one that I like. I also had a surprise visit from my friend vet in CO (she just showed up at my door just as she did the day of Bill's funeral) and after I cried (so glad to see someone who knew and loved Bill) she checked Bentley over when she was here Monday. The new vet and my friend vet said Bentley's lymph nodes are NOT swollen yet from the lymphoma but in 10 days we will check him for Addison's and a specific immune deficiency syndrome as they both cause diarrhea and after reading the many pages of records I gave her (and she read them) she said there is cause for us to check. I knew about the need to check for Addison's. So it is ongoing and I was getting so stressed with the holistic vet ONLY using her alternative stuff that I now feel less helpless. Bentley is on meds for the diarrhea, meds that get to the source we hope and meds that neither of the old vets prescribed or recommended when I discussed them. Argh!!!

Do use those drops for your eyes and keep us informed about Faith and your sister. yes, you and I are running parallel. My brother's energy level (on the anti cancer drugs) is going down so I am worried about him. So you and I have eyes, dogs, siblings....in common, I fear. We both MUST take care of ourselves.

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Gee, Mary, sure hate to hear that about the wine.....don't know if I can give that up, pretty much given up any other sugar. Sorry you have this worry about your brother, we have even more in common than I knew. Thinking of you and yours, big hugs. HUGS}


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I would not worry about wine in moderation but sugar I would avoid most of the time. Yes, we share too many tough things. What do we share that is more uplifting?

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You two share loving siblings, whom you love. Loving fur family. Wonderful and uplifting spirits. Hopeful attitudes. Realistic attitudes. Loving hearts. Enjoying good friends. Living in beauty. Living in peace.

I could go on, but just thought I'd jump in to mention how I see both of you. :)



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Wow, fae, thank you so much. Remember we see in others what resides in ourselves. :)

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QMary, your news is good and I'm glad to hear it. I'm pretty much having a hard time putting thoughts together today so I'll wait until things calm down a bit. I've been on the phone calling relatives all day long, phone ringing off hook about my mom dying. I'm so exhausted I can't think.

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Kay, I hope you can get some sleep/rest. The days following a death are so exhausting with arrangements, calls, etc. See if you can sneak in a nap yet today.


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Ditto what Mary said.

Please take 15 minutes or a half hour, sit down with some tea or cocoa or a smoothie—best of all—and put your feet up and close your eyes. Just for 15 minutes. If you can do it, make it 30 minutes. Just hug yourself, be cozy, and let your mind and heart rest for a few minutes, in peace.

I am holding you gently.

Please go gently with yourself.

Much Love,


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I still have two more sisters to notify...one has been gone (will be back tonight) and the other, the fax machine has been on all day. I faxed a note but apparently no one has read it yet.

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Kay, I am so sorry, I did not know that your Mother had died. You must have posted this is a post that I missed. I am so very very sad for you. I know that her quality of life was not good, but it still hurts to lose a parent. Rest, and know that we are all holding you close to our hearts, and I am praying for you and your family.

I just realized that you posted the loss of your Mother under a different discussion group. Lovely posting there, I am so glad that the sweet caring side of your Mother was the one that you had for the last couple of years.


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Faith seems to be doing better, with the slight change in her meds. I called in yesterdays respiration rates (about 6 of them scattered throughout the day) to the vets office. After reviewing them, she called me later in the afternoon, and is very encouraged with the trend. I think she will be feeling even more encouraged with todays. So far today (2 readings) are 55 and 57 breaths per minute. Much better. I will take another couple before I go to Mountain Home to be with my sister. My daughter gets off work at 2, and will come and let the dogs out and check on Faith. I will get home about 4. I think she will be fine, she just lays around and sleeps a lot. Looking forward to seeing my sister today, it has been a week, and I am really ready to see some specific improvement. I hope that is the case. My niece has kept me updated, and everything has been positive.

Appreciate all the continued prayers and concern for my sis, and for my little Faithie also.


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QMary, I am so glad Faith's respiration has slowed down. I hope your visit with your sister goes well and that your arrival home finds Faith's respiration even lower.

Be peaceful,


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QMary, I am so glad Faith's respiration is lower, and hope this means you both slept well last night? I'm so glad you'll get to see your sister today...I hope that every time you see her, you see marked improvement. I know she has a long haul ahead of her but if you can see continuing improvement, that'll be great. Hugs for little Faith!

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Today Faith is having another bad respiration day, although the last two days were good. I have talked to the vet clinic, and if it gets too bad, I will take her in to be put in the oxygen cage for a few hours. Visit with my sis was not so good. The day before I was there she was pretty alert, talking in complete sentences, but my BIL said that later that afternoon she started regressing. The therapists are concerned. The speech therapist said it is like she has disconnected. She said my sis has a lot of brain damage, and they are not certain how much she will be able to get back. My BIL thinks she may be sinking into depression. My brother and his wife will be here later today, spending the night, then going to see our sis tomorrow. I am anxious to get his read on the situation. My fear is that this is the most she is going to progress, which will mean nursing home for the rest of her life, something none of us want for her. She cannot move left side at all, and only can move right arm with difficulty, and not good direction, barely able to swallow, barely talk, so there is no way they can care for her at home. So frustrated....which is probably how she is feeling also! Her mind is there, it is just that her body will not respond to what her brain tells it to do...


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Dear QMary, I am so sorry to learn of Faith's set back. I know you are scared. And your sister's setback also....This is a great deal for you to carry. I hold you in my prayers and thoughts and thank you for keeping up informed. Try to remember to breathe....we tend to hold our breath when stressed as you know and that is exhausting. Peace, Mary

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I am so sorry to hear this news, both of Faith and your sister. This was my worry for my mom too, when she went into a coma, I was so afraid she'd be stuck there, unable to respond...strokes run in the family and I was worried maybe she'd had one. I really hope and pray they can help her progress and she can see some light at the end of the tunnel. My heart goes out to you, I know how frustrating it feels. I pray the oxygen helps little Faith too. You are in my thoughts today...

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After spending all day Sunday at the Vet Clinic, in the oxygen crate, I brought Faith home yesterday evening, and she died peacefully in her sleep last night. I know it will hit me later, but right now I am feeling relief on two levels. One, she is no longer struggling to breathe, and two, I do not have to make that decision for her. RIP my little Faith, you were a great dog and a sweet companion.


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