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It has long been known that music is a powerful force.  I have a hard time listening to it now, but I hate beeping alarms worse and sometimes a blaring TV for company is really obnoxious.  Steve also was a musician so I cannot listen to any of his recordings yet.  But, I did get thinking about what song or songs we considered 'ours'.  I don't know if all couples have one, but we did.  It is Urgent by Foreigner.  It was very popular when we met and described that intense love/lust phase that created the foundation of the partnership.  It's not just the words, but the music behind them that so perfectly could describe the intensity between us when we found each other.  Every time we heard that song (I have it on my fav mix CD and computer) we would both get a knowing smile of that time when all there ever was in the world was the need to be together.  Time mellowed things to realistic love, but that moment you know you found the one for you is phenomenal!

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It has long been known that music is a powerful force.  I have a hard time listening to it now, but I hate beeping alarms worse and sometimes a blaring TV for company is really obnoxious.  Steve also was a musician so I cannot listen to any of his recordings yet.  But, I did get thinking about what song or songs we considered 'ours'.  I don't know if all couples have one, but we did.  It is Urgent by Foreigner.  It was very popular when we met and described that intense love/lust phase that created the foundation of the partnership.  It's not just the words, but the music behind them that so perfectly could describe the intensity between us when we found each other.  Every time we heard that song (I have it on my fav mix CD and computer) we would both get a knowing smile of that time when all there ever was in the world was the need to be together.  Time mellowed things to realistic love, but that moment you know you found the one for you is phenomenal!

Gwen,me and my beloved man Jan also had those songs we used to play driving our car or anywhere else.This is one I used to play being together. 


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Kevin, I met Steve in a bar also.  He was the lead singer in the band as well as guitarist.  They played top 40 cover songs and he hated it as he was a folk guy.  Fascinating watching the women go ga ga over him.  I was the challenge because I didn't do that (that he saw).  My roommate was in a country band and I loved going to see her sing.  Rondstat and so many other great groups were popular.  It was more country swing/rock.  I miss dancing!  Miss my boots.  Steve could never really dance because he heard music as a language.  Always analyzing it instead of feeling the primal beat that makes us shake our booty.  ?

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I have a thing about music. It's the lyrics because I always spoke to songs that told of how I felt. I too was in a band we started in high school here in Phoenix. I remember when we heard about this new band in Tucson made up of just girls. We had to go down there to see what it was all about. Talk about being outclassed!  Yeah it was Linda Rondstat  and the Stone Poneys. We also played a battle of the bands here and after we preformed the next group asked if they could borrow my bass amp and I said sure. They were wearing these collarless suits with pin stripe ties. They were called "The Earwigs and they won easily. The lead singer was Alice Cooper. 

Our band broke up of course but the music stayed. The lyrics are the thing. Sometimes I wish when someone asks me how I'm feeling, that I could hand them a tape and ask them to get back to me after they hear it and we'll talk. For example, months after Kathy died I lost my dad. The song "Leader of the band" by Dan Fogelberg  played inside my head for a while. Like him, I started a business as self employed became a pilot like him, and worked it all my life. I followed in his footsteps without even realizing that I was. Yeah you could say he was one of my heroes too and if someone were to ask me about him and our relationship, I would just say listen to the song.

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I cannot listen to songs yet.  Aren't we all so different?  My daughter sends me songs she thinks would be about her dad.  I don't listen.  His song was "Billy the Kid" naturally, by Billy Dean.  That is what we called him, "Billy the Kid."  Maybe this is a strange phenomenon I am living.  She puts pictures of him up on Facebook too, and I cannot look without crying.  Yet, his 1956-57 school picture the year before he shot up to 6'3", well, it makes me smile.  I look forward to having his pictures all around me.  Right now the wound is just too gaping and raw to listen to music or to see his beautiful face.  I so look forward to the day that I can do that.  Just like all of his "things," I will put in plastic boxes and move with me, when the time comes to move.  I don't want anyone throwing anything of his away.  I will get to that place one of these days.  Right now music and pictures hurt.  But, I am getting to where I can almost concentrate on a book and I can get lost in a TV show for a few minutes and sometimes even laugh at them.  It has only been three weeks.  I will get there.

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Dear Margaret,

I can imagine how hard it must be for you.It´s gonna be the 4th anniversary of my beloved man Jan this week and I still have a problem to listen to the music that me and him used to play being together.I´m still close to tears as it hurts so much and always will.My beloved Jan bought me a new piano and I still have a problem to play it,though I had been studying the music-opera singing and piano.I prepare for his anniversary as I know how very hard it will be for me again.I´ve been learning to live and cope with my painful loss more than 1500 days and nights in order to do not break down,stand up each time and move on.I do it every day of my life because of my beloved Jan waiting for me in heaven.I´ll never stop crying for him.He is everything I have,I believe in and I love for eternity...Please,take care!Send you a wonderful music of me and my beloved Jan.




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Thank you Janka.  It is beautiful.  I am at the point that I don't want to enjoy anything, food, music, nature, beautiful sights if my Billy cannot see them with me.  Maybe one day I can feel him standing beside me.  Beautiful music though.  Thank you again.  Do we have good days?  I think I have almost had a good day once or twice, maybe it was a good hour or two.  Time, time, time, time...........

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I cannot listen to any music I associate with Steve. Also, he being a musician, recorded many songs that I know would be too much to bear hearing.  I do but don't want to hear his voice.  I want to hear it for real.  I am just getting to where I can see him in the pictures around the house.  My mind shut them out for a very long time.  Just like it shut out what he looked like from the ravages of the cancer and its treatment.

Music is such a primal path to the heart.  Add to that the sound of our loved ones voice.  We'd know it anywhere.  Steve's voice it still on our answering machine and I scramble to grab the phone if I am home to not hear it.  As his recording studio is still running for his buddies use, I can't stay out there after saying my hellos while they play because he is missing.  Even if he didn't do any vocals, he is missing on some instrument or at the controls.  

So I have all these recordings of his gorgeous voice and wonder, will I ever be able to listen to them again?  I avoid so many songs that evoke memories of our life at the time.  Like you, Margaret, I even have a hard time with TV.   Either they were shows we watched together or there are couples and the worst....someone has cancer.  Because I need some sound in this terribly quiet house, I'll now let the TV run with shows we never watched and in the background.  Meaningless stuff.  It's a no win situation because that depresses me.  What was once a very full and content life comes down to changes made just to survive to do it over again the next day.  Changes that are reminders of everything his death took with him including me in spirit.  It's hard to be a shell walking among the living with their laughter or feeling of purpose in life.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Everytime I turn on the radio car house it seems to be telling me something I need to hear at that exact minute it helps me so much mostly christian music I think God is being there for me . It always has something to do with what I'm feeling right then it does upset me ,but I believe he's trying to be there for me. I listen to love songs our song comes up frequently on youtube my husband will always be remembered.The pain is excruciating I'll never forget the travesty of the incident,musics one of the only things that helps me.I'm a runner I have a hard time facing pain ,but me personally I'm at the place were I need to my realitys are getting mixed up before and after he died.He got murdered 6 months ago I have to accept he is not coming back to me on this earth.I believe I will be with him in heaven I just need to stay close to God and do his will I get side tracked alot not bad stuff just life.That's why I don't commit because I fear to end up not being with him in the end and I have to be with him in the end Thats the only thing I live for is to be with him again in eternity.

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That's why you don't commit to what?

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Oh, I didn't realize that's what you meant so I'm glad you explained it.  I remember feeling that too.  The beginning can be especially hard.

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Do you remember those Italian TV series of Capri?Since I saw it,it was my dream.The last autumn,autumn 2011,the last autumn spending together,me and my beloved Jan planned to visit Capri.We already were about an internet reservation for the next summer 2012.I had found a beautiful Casa Osvalda in Positano with unforgettable sea view,Capri and surroundings that we looked forward to.However a few weeks later my dearest Jan died...my beloved man...my only one...died... Sad.gif

Now I´m looking at those pictures again...dreaming of what we would have seen...and listening to this beautiful music again...

I´d like to post it here and share with all of you,because I like it very much.

***My beloved Jan...this is for you...forever*** Kisses.gif


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  • 3 weeks later...

George had very eclectic taste in music, he liked everything but rap, but our favorite is country music.  Love it!

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I listen to everything from early baroque to pop.  Classical is my favorite and I love the classics: early jazz, early CW, show tunes, classic rock, jazz, soft jazz, rockabilly.  Rap and hip hop are wasted on me but those are about the only things missing in my playlists.  Deedo did not like classical, especially opera so I always had to listen to that by myself.  She was a huge Beatles fan but preferred Disney tunes.  Her favorite was the score from Fantasmic.  I'd come home and she's have her Mickey Mouse gloves on, standing on the couch leading the make-believe fireworks in the Fantasmic Finale.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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