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Grief Healing and growth after Shock and AWE

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  • 1 month later...

Nine years ago today, Rose Anne, you transitioned from Earth to Heaven. I still miss you every day. I look forward to the day when we can rejoice together. Shalom (Peace)

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Thinking of you today, I know it's poignant.

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It is a hurt that never heals.  We just get older.  Thinking of you on this date.  I'm sorry any of us have to be here.  It is a safe place to voice our pain.  

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  • 2 months later...

Checking in... Life continues. May is a month full of memories, celebration and loss. Time is elusive. It's been over a decade since I celebrated My Mom's birthday, Mother's Day, Rose Anne's(wife) Birthday, my birthday, and my Parents wedding anniversary. My sister's birthday is on the same day as their anniversary. My father and brother have also passed.  It has been another busy season and I keep pressing foward towards the mark set before me. Life is full of many wrinkles(problems) that I have come to realise that they will all be ironed out one way or another. I'm grateful that I am still able to work to keep and maintain my home. My hernia has healed well. I continue to exercise, move, practice good sleep hygiene, and stay focus on the many tasks that arise. By God's Grace and mercy, I have managed to stop and reverse the progression of Type 2 Diabetes for seven years by totalling changing my lifestyle when I discovered the main cause of this disease.  Like most people, I went undiagnosed for 10-15 years, because the medical system focuses on treat of disease rather than prevention.  I was fortunate because I was curious, love to learn and research the root cause of problems and then learn how to naturally resolve them. I am on no medication and will turn 69 this month.  Choose Life, Choose HOPE. Shalom(Peace)

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Your just a few years older than my son.  I keep trying to get him to go to the fitness center he pays for each month.  He has fallen back into old habits though and his liver suffers.  He has free 100% VA care, but like my dad, he is afraid of what they will say.  My dad passed at 65 from a very curable cancer, if you go when you first have symptoms.  There is nothing they can do for me, because of the destruction from the radiation, but that same radiation has given me 42 more years, and my diet is so different from the keto one I tread a thin line from the diabetes.  I've outlived the colon rupture and sepsis from over 10 years ago, and I guess there was a reason, to take care of all the others.  Alcohol and cigarettes have almost made my little sister an invalid, certainly with a chemo brain.  And, it is a mean brain.  But we are our brother's keepers.  All the college degrees and the beauty contests that she won did not make her intelligent.  Still, she is going down fighting.  I'm proud you are faring so well with your health.  Keep it up.   

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