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How many of you have heard of this song or have listened to it. I play it over and over - just set my computer to replay. I have cried many tears during this song, but now it gives me great peace to listen to it. It makes me feel that Rick is not so far away and that I will certainly see him once again. Please try it, I hope it makes you feel better also


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Yes, It is beautiful.

"To Where You Are"

Who can say for certain

Maybe you're still here

I feel you all around me

Your memory's so clear

Deep in the stillness

I can hear you speak

You're still an inspiration

Can it be (?)

That you are mine

Forever love

And you are watching over me from up above

Fly me up to where you are

Beyond the distant star

I wish upon tonight

To see you smile

If only for awhile to know you're there

A breath away's not far

To where you are

Are you gently sleeping

Here inside my dream

And isn't faith believing

All power can't be seen

As my heart holds you

Just one beat away

I cherish all you gave me everyday

'Cause you are my

Forever love

Watching me from up above

And I believe

That angels breathe

And that love will live on and never leave

Fly me up

To where you are

Beyond the distant star

I wish upon tonight

To see you smile

If only for awhile

To know you're there

A breath away's not far

To where you are

I know you're there

A breath away's not far

To where you are


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Jane, Jamine and STOO - Thank You for the reminder. :)

As I stepped outside tonite, the sky was absolutely clear and full of dazzling stars.! I remember my Jeannie and others who have gone ahead of us. As the words of Groban's song say, I do cherish all she gave me - every single day. She is my forever love, watching from above.

Love will live on and never leave - a breath away is not far to where she is!

Thanks for the reminder - and bless you all

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The hospice company that we used for my Mom played that song in the background as a power point of the loved ones that had passed was displayed. It was beautiful. I was kinda on autopilot at the service so I couldn't remember the song. I've been hearing it in my head but couldn't place the song. Thanks for jogging my memory.

Missing my Mom,


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I,m glad that some of you are familiar with this terrific song. It says everything to me and lets me know that I will certainly see Rick again. Those who have not heard this song check out the website and do have kleenex ready. You are right tho reading the words doesn't have the same impact as Josh'e voice. Enjoy!! Jane

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I love all of his songs and have his cd's . i have been unable to listen to them since mom died. i just can't . the tears come and i feel sad. for me music does not give me comfort just makes me saddier. crazy?? i try to avoid anything that will make me upset. i wish i could listen to it again. i really love him. Lori

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Sometimes I need to cry. Teresa had a CD of her favorite songs and my brother made a copy of it for each of us. If I feel like I am about to burst, I play it and cry until I am exhausted. For me it is a release valve.

One of her favorite songs was 100 years by five for fighting, that one always gets me because she only got 35 years.


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I love all of his songs and have his cd's . i have been unable to listen to them since mom died. i just can't . the tears come and i feel sad. for me music does not give me comfort just makes me saddier. crazy?? i try to avoid anything that will make me upset. i wish i could listen to it again. i really love him. Lori

To Lorikelly

I don't yet know how to reply to you without this quote thing appearing but I know how you feel about being sad and crying i did too, but I made myself listen as I said I just put that one song and let it repeat all night - I have trouble sleeping - and I cried my heart out, but after getting all those tears out I could really listen and appreciate the song. Now I gives me peace and HOPE that he is around me and that I will see him again for he really is just a breath away literally. I understand completely about your mom as even tho I am a "grown-up" supposedly I lost my mom in Aug /05 just 6 weeks after her diagnosis. She wanted to die at home and between my sisters and my dad we made it possible.It was only a month after her death we learned that Rick was sick with the same horrible disease (cancer) and he was 57. Mom was 75 and she was ready to die, she truly felt she was going to a better place, her only fear was what kind of pain she would go thro to get there. She died so peacefully and pain free but I cried gallons of tears then and after Rick died in June/06 I didn't know who I was crying for,my mom or Rick or myself to be truthful. There were so many times I needed her during Rick's illness and felt so alone. You are not feeling crazy but I think sometimes we have to not avoid the things that make us sad - just cry and release all those ugly pent-up emotions, cry, get in your car and scream at the top of yourlungs (that is what my support group leader did when she lost her husband 12 yrs ago and she had 4 teenagers at the time - I think they were 13,15,17,18.-what an age for her to lose her partner in raising these kids - but she did it and I know that if she could , we can do all that we need to do also. It was worse for her because her husband died of a rare stomach cancer and died within days of finding it. Her children also had to be tested and both of her boys carried the gene - one actually had cancer cells so they had to have their stomaches removed right away. Her brother in law also carries the gene and could get this at any time. I think he must have also had his stomach removed as did his daughter. She says that now she can feel some good come from Larry's early death (45) because it prevented deaths of her children, bother in law and niece. They didn't know that this gene was in their family. Sorry to ramble on but once I get talking, someimes I can't stop. It is so great to have this spot where some how talking to peoplewe don't really know helps - I hope both of us - will pray for some healing for you from your grate sadness with love Jane

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  • 2 years later...

Thanks for posting this link...I know it is from just about a year ago, but I love this song...it brings tears but hope also. Because I believe they are close by us. Oh, some day I can fly up to where he is. I know he is smiling and watching over me today. And yes he is mine and I am his....forever more.

Today is one year since his passing...I knew it would be a sad day full of tears. I can't believe just a year ago he was here. I have been in a fog most of this year...I hope someday it will get better. I have so much to do, but no strength or energy to take care of matters. The last few days, I found myself replaying the days we had together, we thought we had a few more years.... If we had only known. Guess it was not to be. But I am so glad we had the nearly 13 years together, the good times are so clear in my mind, the bad times seem so unimportant. We so thought we would have time for us...kids would be grown (like they are now) and we could just enjoy each other. We were so busy working...it seems so unimportant now; we should have taken more time for just us. I remember in the summer of 2003 we found places for the kids to stay, and we went to the coast (Cayucos CA) for a week just us. It was so wonderful, I cried and did not want to come home. Oh, I so wish we had taken more trips like that, just us by ourselves. But I am glad for the memories. Do others have memories that keep playing back in your head? It is like I want to remember each day we had together.

And Valentines Day is just around the corner; such a special day for couples... But I am no longer a couple, I only want to be a couple with him...guess that will be another sad day. Remembering all the other Valentines days. I did find a flyer in his papers for a necklace with an silver envelope attached to the necklace that said "To My Love" on the outside and "All My Love Always & Forever" on the inside. I just had the feeling he was going to get it for me last Valentines Day, but he was already gone. So I bought it--- it was my Christmas present from him. Is that silly or what? But it seems like it was the last present to me from him. He was always getting me little things like that.

I do treasure each day with my love ones...I think they treasure those times too. We have learned first hand how quickly everything can change...with just one breath. Thanks for letting me share some of our times together.... If any of you have any advice of a good way to spend a day like today...please let me know. There is no gravesite, he was cremated and is on my shelf. So I visit every day. Our agreement is that he would be put in the box with me when I go...so we can snuggle forever. Is that legal? I do not know but I sure hope so.

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Bdzak my thoughts and prayers are with you today on your 1 year anniversary, I am only a few weeks away from my 2 year and I am having a very hard time with it also. I had posted a link to this beautiful song by Josh awhile back with a touching video that is no longer available to be viewed, so I will include this link now instead. I think it is one of the most beautiful songs ever written and who could possibly sing it any better than he ?

Love Always,

Wendy :wub:


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Bdzak, I don't think it's silly at all (buying the necklace), I would have done the same thing. You're right, that is what he intended. After George died, when I was going through his things, I found a post it note in his wallet and it listed things he was going to buy for people, he kept a list all the time, he'd write down ideas, it was the kind of person he was, always caring and thinking about others. He bought an air mattress for a homeless man, complete with a pump, and I remember a few months after he died, it was hunting season and my son was on break from the Air Force to go on a hunting trip, and he came out of his bedroom with a stunned look on his face, and he held up a pair of wool pants and asked where they'd come from, and I said, "Oh, George ran across them and bought them for you" and he was so blown away, because he'd always wanted some to wear under his gear to keep warm in the wilderness snow, and George had bought the perfect size and everything, and it wasn't for a birthday or anything, it was just something he knew Paul'd like, even though he'd never said anything. That's the kind of man my husband was. It's special to run across those kinds of things that showed their intentions, the way you did with that necklace.

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I have this song "To Where You Are" on my web site (listed below) - but I did not have this You Tube version - so I added it under the Inspiration Section of my site. Thanks for bringing this You Tube presentation to my attention.

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Oh John you are so welcome my dear friend, I go to your site often and get such inspiration from it, Jack certainly was a very special guy and lucky to have found you ! I loved the video from the movie that went with this song but it is no longer available and I am not sure why.

Love Always,

Wendy :wub:

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Dear Bdzack,

You said, "If any of you have any advice of a good way to spend a day like today...please let me know. There is no gravesite, he was cremated and is on my shelf. So I visit every day. Our agreement is that he would be put in the box with me when I go...so we can snuggle forever. Is that legal? I do not know but I sure hope so."

You may find this article helpful: Remembering Our Loved Ones on Valentine's Day

As for having your own cremains co-mingled with those of your husband after you die (or having his cremains placed in your casket), I'm fairly certain that there is no law against doing this ~ in fact, many couples decide to do the very same thing. You might simply make a phone call to the mortuary you used for your husband and ask that very question, just to put your mind at rest. Make sure, however, that your wishes about this have been written down somewhere and have been made known to your other family members.

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Just a little information of co-mingling ashes. I know there is not a problem if you live in Arizona. Jack and I always said our ashes (along with our cat and dog) would be co-mingled - and then scattered over the Four Peaks - a mountain range just east of Phoenix. When Jack died I requested that our cat and dogs ashes be put together with Jack. The only question the mortuary had was whether I wanted the ashes separate and in the same container - or - all mixed (co-mingled) together. I told them to mix them ALL together. Mine will be added later - and then we will all be scattered.

My hunch is regardless of the state the answer would be the same.

I like having Jack (Dusky and Buck) right here with me - where I can say hello every day.

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