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Happy Birthday Dwayne

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Dwayne, I wanted to get this started this morning, please forgive me, I've had an emergency with my mom that has consumed much of my day. I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday on line here and I hope you got to spend some of it with your friends Donna and Greg.

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Dear Kay, and Nats, and Marty,

All in all I had a great day, only one wave washed over me, and the tears flowed again. I got a call from Greg, and went up, he took me out for lunch, then asked if I would take him to Salvation army clothing store. All the months he spent flat on his back in bed and we kept pushing the protein for the bone healing, well his jeans do not fit now. I took him and the last time I was in that store was with Pauline about 10 months before, she passed. I had a very hard time in the store. I sucked it up and helped Greg get some new jeans. When we got into my van to leave, the wave hit and tears flowed, Greg, said I should have not taken him, and he was sorry. I told him I was not and that is just a part of grief. The rest of the day went very well. I went back up to Donna's and Greg's, he cook fried haddock, just like I use, to cook for Pauline. It tasted the same, we enjoyed the evening, and they had a cake with candles on. I took the dogs out for walk short walk and when I got back and started to go back up stairs, the gate that keeps the dogs in the basement was out of place. I was fixing it and they kept telling me to come up. They had the candles lit and they were burning down, me being me I had to fix the gate before I went back up. We all got a big laugh out of that. Donna said you can never just leave thing alone, you just have to fix anything that is needs fixing. We had a great time.

Thank you both for your well wishes, and Kay that, card was the best way to start my day. Sugar was on my lap as we watched the card play. Thank you.

I got one e-mail from Pauline's brother, but no calls from any of her other family members. All my brothers out west called, my younger brother in Denver called and we talked until midnight my time. So I had a great day. I even cut a yellow rose bud Pauline's favorite. I have it on my table right in front of me. It gives me great peace. Now I will get ready for Sunday my big day view to sing in the choir.

God Bless


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Dear Dwayne,

Glad to hear your day went well. I did not check in here at all yesterday. I decided yesterday was going to be ignore cancer day--and everything else. It went well enough, but I am paying for it today.



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It sounds like you had a really wonderful day! I got a laugh out of you making the candles burn down cuz you had to fix something. :) I could use you around here, ha! I'm sure all the widows feel the same...my mom has been widowed almost 30 years now and if she can't fix it with rubber bands, duct tape, or pantyhose, then it doesn't get fixed! LOL

I hear what you're saying about your trip in to Salvation Army with Greg...that was how I felt when my friend was in the hospital...the same one George was in, the tears wouldn't stop flowing but I made myself go visit him, tears and all. He said I shouldn't have but it was something I needed to do, and you're right, it's just part of grief.

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Dwayne: I'm so sorry I missed your birthday, but it sounds like you had a great day. Know that I am thinking of you today, a day late and wishing you many many more.

Blessings to you my friend


I had a rough day yesterday, I put my 14 year old basset hound down yesterday. She was a gift from Randy and was very very loved. But as healthy as she was physically she was not mentality. Dimensia had set in with old age and she was barking lots, getting lost, incontinence and pacing, to name a few. I knew it was time but still not an easy thing to do. :(

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Happy belated birthday, Dwayne. Sorry I missed it. I am not on HOV as often these days....not because the pain has lifted but because I am doing a lot of inner work and reading and writing etc. I hope your day was peace filled.


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Thank You All,

For all the well wishes that you all sent my way. It is a very warm feeling, that there are other people, who take the time, and send me the warm thoughts for the day. Salvation Army was just another first. It had to come sometime, I know that and being with Greg to lift me back up was very good, as well. We are like brothers now, and of course Donna has always been in my life, as Pauline's friend, and now mine.

Becky I am so sorry to hear about your dog. It doesn't make this journey any easer either, when another companion is lost to that ugly thing called death. My heart breaks for you. I get so much joy out of Sugar, I would hate to loss her anytime soon. She is always so happy to see me when I get home. Even if it is just for a short while, they really can put a smile on your face. Take care.

Pam I will give it all I have got. I bought a new pair of Black pants. It took me looking in 4 stores to find my size, 30-30. Everything is huge now. I saw a pair of pants with a 54 waist. That was unheard of 10 years ago, now it is common to see. I think we are in big trouble, if men are getting that big in the waist. You will hear of a lot of heart trouble, but on the other hand, it will be my job security. Go figure!!!

God Bless


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I'm sorry that I missed your b/day, but don't come on as often. Anyway, it sounds like you had a great day.

I'd like to commend you on the time and effort you've put into helping Donna and Greg, You are what is a truly unselfish person and If I ever have to be in hospital,I'm hping for a nurse like you're going to be.


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Dear Lainey,

I thank you from the bottom of my heart, for all those very kind, and warm words. Yes I have been there for Donna and Greg. They were really the only ones there for me after Pauline passed. Donna was Pauline's best friend. She was there until the end. I feel it is only the right thing to do, I know it is what Pauline would do. My parent's taught me to be unselfish all my life growing up. We were dirt pour, but if someone was in need, my Mother and Father were always there to do what they could. It is a shame today that a lot of young people, never had that when they grew up. We would all be better off for it.

I will find out tomorrow if I indeed start school on November 7, as planned. I can only pray and hope, that, things have finally came together for me now. After a summer of health problems, that kept me from starting in July. If I had started in July, I would have never made it though, because my body wasn't healed and ready, and my mind is much clearer and focused now. Yesterday I sang with my church choir for the first time. I was GREAT!! Now it will be 3 weeks until we sing again, and after that we will start singing Christmas song every week, and a big performance on December 17 where we sing 10 songs all at once. I know them really good already, better than the guy that stood next to me at practice on Sunday afternoon. He acted like a 12 year old. He has had the music for over a month, didn't know the words, and kept talking when the director was giving us instructions. But I just kept going and did not miss a beat.

God Bless


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