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Our Pets- Consolers (Four Legged, Two Legged, Fur, Finned)

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Thank you, pet lovers all. Bentley had a good time at the farmers market begging people to pet him. He walks right up to them (on the leash) and leans against them giving them no option. Thanks much, Mary

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I agree, Bentley is as sweet and gentle as Skye! He, too, did the leaning thing, who could resist indeed!

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I joke that if Bentley had been a girl, a good name would have been Eileen....I lean.

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Pretty funny Mary....Eileen....lol. I am not sure what I would call Sassy, she jumps on you...Jum....something I guess. I am glad Bentley is doing good for the present. He is such a sweet looking fellow, would love to be one of the ones petting him. Sassy was very very happy to see me come home. She has followed me around ever since, barely 2 feet away from me. Right now laying at my feet. I was glad to see her also. She did have a great time however. My daughter's two girls were here, as well as the daughter of Sandy's new friend. She is about the same age as my youngest granddaughter, 16, and loves dogs. Sassy had lots of attention, which she think is only her due.

So glad to be home, think I will just stay for a while!


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Dogs love having company, something to break the routine, and of course, attention!

My son says I should have named Arlie "Goofy", he is very funny and goofy!

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Bittersweet moment yesterday, bringing little Faith's ashes home. They put her in a little cedar box, with her name on an engraved plate. I have placed her beside Mike on the bookcase. I put her collar with her tags on top of the little box. I really think Sassy had some feeling for what was happening, she lay down beside the bookcase for a long time yesterday.


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....another contributing piece to your sadness today.

Dogs are so smart...they amaze me. I am so sorry about Faith. Very sorry.

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Oh QMary, that must have been heartwrenching. Dogs are such amazing companions, they really have the capacity to feel. I'm sorry. Sending you hugs!

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This was posted on Facebook today at the IAAHPC (below) but frankly it is appropriate for those human beings we have "lost" also.
One of our partners, Day By Day Pet Caregiver Support had a National Pet Memorial Day event last Sunday, and during the remembrance ceremony they played a song that touched so many hearts that day so we wanted to share it with you. The song is called "I'll See You Again" by Westlife. Here is the YouTube link.
I'll See You Again is the 13th track in Westlife's latest album (Where We Are 2009) the song is really emotional and very powerful... talks about how a perso...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Today is Bentley’s 11th birthday. Happy Birthday, Bentley ~ I hope you get lots of treats today and that mom takes you for extra walks. Mom said that it was cold there. You must like that ~ have fun.

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Thank you, Anne. Yes, he is 11 today. His energy and appetite are good. His weight is good. He has developed a heart murmur due to the change in viscosity of his blood as lymphocytes increase. I hope he feels this good for his 12th birthday but I do also know he may not see it. We, he and I, take one day at a time.


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The truth is, Mary, that none of us knows if we will see our next birthday.

All we can do is live in the awareness of that reality, living each day to the fullest ~ and I know that you already know this!

Give that boy a great big, long, warm hug from all of us!

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Oh, yes, I do know that....but, of course, with a cancer Dx I tend to think around that. I will give him a big hug from everyone. I took him to the art exhibit today and of course everyone is falling all over him and he just leans on them....cute.

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I bought Arlie some food for "big boys" today, it's supposed to help with his weight loss.

Hoping today is a wonderful day for Bentley!

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How much does Arlie have to lose?

Bentley had lots of wishes today on FB and at the farmers market and at an art exhibit I attended. He is sound asleep now. Thank you so much.

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I'd like to see Arlie at 100, he's 128 now.

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Kay, that is a lot for him to lose but he will be healthier when it is done. You might check into Hill's Science Diet for Weight Loss. I am using that right now (Digestive version) until Bentley's diarrhea is totally gone without meds. We are getting there. Then I will go to homemade food. Hill's makes sure the nutrients are in the food...I resisted it but after research switched to it. They have lots of versions. Good for you for tackling this. Will he eat veggie treats....green beans soaked in low salt chicken broth, etc. It is pricey but temporary though it will take a long while to do it safely....... https://www.google.com/search?q=hill%27s+science+diet+weight+loss&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=np&source=hp#q=hill%27s+science+diet+weight+loss&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=np&tbm=shop

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I got this at Costco, it's made for this purpose, I'm not so concerned with it coming off fast, just that it starts in the right direction and most of all, that he doesn't gain any more. I'm concerned about his aging, he'll be seven in February.

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Ayes, the extra weight is. It good for his hips or heart. I wish you the best on this.

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Hope Bentley had a great day. He and Sassy are about the same age, she will be 11 in November. We had a good weekend here with my brother and SIL. Sassy loves my brother, and he pays her lots of attention. They had to have their dog put down last year, and my brother misses having a dog. I don't think they will get another, however, they travel a lot.


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Don't they just love it when they get to visit with someone? Arlie cried when my son, DIL, and their dogs left after spending two days here. He did last time too, it was a real brokenhearted sound. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kay, how is Arlie doing on his "diet". Sassy has been on her "diet" kibble for a year and a half, I just increased the amount a little when she got to her good weight. It is same as her other kibble (looks same, same brand) just made for overweight dogs.

Mary, how is our Bentley doing. Been thinking about him.

Felt sad last night. My granddaughter was moving her stuff into the back bedroom. Her friend Jacob was helping her, and I overheard him ask her down the hall "Where is the other dog" and she had to explain to him that Faith had died. Made me sad all over again, Sassy and I sure miss her.


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QMary, so glad Sassy reached her goal. Weight is so important for a dog and especially for those hind legs. Good for you. I can't imagine how sad it was to hear the conversation about Faith. It opens the wound which is barely protected.

Bentley is still holding his own. His weight is right on target. His appetite is good. I will take him next week in to get his weight and have the vet check his lymph nodes etc. He gets groomed in two weeks and is sorely in need of it as I forgot to schedule and though my groomer who is a good friend always offers to come in on a day off I won't do that so he is a mess. I am the only one who seems to notice thought....Thanks for asking.

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