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Our Pets- Consolers (Four Legged, Two Legged, Fur, Finned)

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Feeling very blessed/fortunate that Arlie is alive and well.

One friend has a dog that attacked her other dog...ripping his throat open and his ear nearly off. The flesh is gone from his throat, and he's draining blood. 26 puncture wounds and lots of stiches, inside and outside his ear. The poor dog is 13 and has multiple tumors...large ones. Personally, I would have had both dogs put down, one because he's vicious and the other to relieve his horrendous suffering. But everyone decides different for their own situation.

Another friend has a dog with cancer...a young dog. He just lost his leg and now has to go through chemo. I am so sorry for what they are going through, that is her baby.

Another friend's dog got out yesterday and was hit by a car, and killed.

I will hold Arlie a little tighter tonight.

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I discovered a wound or sore on the back of Bentley's last evening. I have no clue what it is but I cleaned it up and emailed the vet (he was closed but you can make appts on their website) and they called just now to set up an 11am appt with Allen. He also did not eat this morning for the first time in his life. The not eating has me as concerned as the wound but who knows....He is very lethargic this morning and ignores my calls to "come" and that is a first also. Last night I found some pieces of wood on the bed (like perhaps a shim perhaps from the clock repair time...might have been in Jonas' case on the floor or who knows). I keep the bed covered so he can sleep on it if he chooses in the daytime and while I was gone yesterday he apparently chewed up this piece of wood and it was splintered all over the bed. This is so unlike him. I do not know if he ingested any of it. So off to the vet in a couple of hours. I am worried as you can imagine.

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Oh gosh, Mary! I am praying for Bentley even now, I know how it feels when our babies aren't right and it's so hard that they can't tell us! But if he chewed on wood, how would he end up with a wound on his back? Do you think he rolled over on the wood? Oh Mary, I will keep praying for Bentley!

I am concerned about Arlie too because when I was walking him day before yesterday, he started nosing around something and turns out he ate a mushroom and spit it out, but I don't know if any of it went into his system. They can damage kidneys, make them go into renal failure, etc. depending on the mushroom. I have no idea what kind it is, there are tons of species all over up here. I've just been keeping an eye on him. He's seemed a little lethargic but not so seriously I can tell for sure if something is wrong. I know if a human ingests a bad mushroom, they can be hospitalized, kidney transplant, etc. Of course I have no such $ for that. Scared but just waiting and seeing.

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I just re read my post...the sore/wound is on the back of his neck a bit lower than his collar so he has been without his collar since last evening.

Kay, so glad you caught Arlie in the act and saw him spit it out and I also understand fully your concern. We lived in the woods and i know about mushrooms. Keep us posted on this. I would think signs of a bad mushroom might show up quickly first with a vomit. Let us know.

Bentley finally went out and ate his breakfast...but is plastered to the bed and ignores me...this is not my Bentley. He seeks me out constantly...any opportunity to be hugged and petted, he grabs it. If I close my laptop....he hears it when I can't and is right there waiting for some loving. My appt is at 11 my time. I do not think the wound and the eating are related but who knows. Last night i had to stop him many times from scratching the wound after I cleaned it up. He has a tough time with reprimands and distracting him did not work so I had to use "the voice" which causes him to cling to me for reassurance that he is ok and I still love him. I will post after the vet who is 30 minutes away. A hop skip and a jump for we country folk. Thanks, folks.

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Mary, anxiously awaiting your report. I do know what you mean, Arlie isn't himself either. Maybe it has nothing to do with the mushroom, but I have no idea what's going on. When I came up and gave him attention this morning he gave me a low soft growl, warning me that he didn't feel like it. :( Even my neighbor commented last night that Arlie didn't seem like himself, kind of listless like he didn't feel good. Stools look okay, no signs of vomit. I keep him on Probiotics and yogurt daily so hopefully that will help.

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Bentley Hunt

I am home from the vet. Allen said not to worry about Bentley possibly eating some of the mulch…they like the smell but also to monitor him outside so he does not eat more. He has never had trouble with it with dogs. He has been a vet for a long time. Took care of our Buffy 1987-1996 when we moved to CO. I do watch him but not 100% of the yard time. He is not out long...prefers the house. But heads right to that new mulch. So he brought a piece in with him and shredded it my bed. I see it as a call for attention. He is back to his normal self and I am not worried about his delayed breakfast for now.

As for the wound…it IS a hot spot. Allen said there may have been a tick there (I have removed three filled with blood in the past few weeks) and he scratched it until a hot spot was created. He said based on examination of paws, etc. he does not believe it is systemic. He shaved the place, cleaned it and sprayed it with an antibiotic spray that I must use 5 or more times a day and clean the wound if the surrounding fur starts to stick to the wound but it should not if I spray enough. If it is not showing improvement by Monday I am to call. He will then prescribe an oral antibiotic most likely. He said this kind of wound heals quickly…days usually and he can’t lick it due to location but he can scratch but since I cleaned it last night he has not tried to scratch it except for now as I typed those words :wacko: This scared the bejeebers out of me until I did some common sense self talk.

I am going to the art tour with one friend. We agreed to 4 studios ONLY. I will take Bentley with me as it is cool and I can spray the wound and monitor him. He will sleep in the car when we enter a studio...all in the country side on a lovely autumn day. My friend adores Bentley. Her grands have a Golden and she told them (regretfully) that she met a dog (Bentley) who is the most beautiful Golden she ever saw. So when they visited at Christmas I had to take Bentley over so they could see. They actually agreed but I think they did not appreciate their grandmother choosing Bentley's looks over Sequoia's.

I am more peaceful now. So vulnerable to loss...this small threat was tough. The art tour will be a good distraction and one of the studios was Bill's favorite, a gentle kind woodworker much like Bill who was very kind to Bill as was his wife. Lots of hugs there.

Thank you for caring so much! I think the crisis is over.

Now, Kay, we must get Arlie healed also. Prayers are flying from Wisconsin to your home in the woods. See them landing in the yard... :wub:

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Mary, have fun with the FOUR studios on the art walk, and I know Bentley will be happy in the car. Both of you come home and rest after that.

Kay, Arlie will be a concern as well until I read all clear words from you.

I am not going birding, but instead, weed-whacking the edges of the gardens and then hoping to stain some more as the day gets warmer, hoping to cross some pre-winter projects off the list.

I will be around checking in on the pups today as well.



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It's amazing how attached we can get to four legged animals that we never even met. I am so glad for the good news, Mary. Now waiting to hear how Arlie is doing.

Enjoy the art tour, Mary.

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Anne, my dear, the animals who belong to our members (or those they have loved and lost) are just as much a part of our GH family as the humans who gather here. So many of us are "animal people" ~ kindred spirits, we all are

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Oh I just caught up with this news about beloved pets. I've been very busy working on a calendar which our local society is involved with using old postcards so didn't check in. Am keeping Bentley and Arlie in my thoughts. A thunderstorm here caused Kelbi to jump on my lap. Oh our pets are so precious to us.

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I am home from the art tour...four stops plus picking up my blates (plate with raised edges like a bowl = blates) at my potter friend's. Bentley was well loved on the tour...at every stop I got him out and people gathered to pet him. His wound is already drying up so by Monday, I suspect we will not need an oral med. I will have him with me every minute...I only have one stop to make tomorrow at my jeweler friend's (very close friend) just to support her and will take Mr. B with me. Thank you all for your concern. I think we are on our way out of this...and will follow up here Monday. It is hard to do this without Bill.

On the way home from our tour, I suddenly, out of the blue, asked my friend if she minded if I stopped at the cemetery...I have not been there for a long time...a year...it is so painful there... and this friend lost her husband 20 years ago and it felt safe. I never know with her. I fell apart at the grave site and she held me as I sobbed and as we turned to leave after a while, I turned around and took a photo of the stone and then she asked if we could visit her husband's grave in the village and so we did and I held her as she sobbed...and she said..."Mary, please know that in 20 years you will still sob." I told her I do know that. post-14525-0-17877700-1382222981_thumb.j

Now I am home and tired...but it all felt ok. Bentley is out like a light...good for healing. A more upbeat post in Positives. :)

Peace to all


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Mary, that is a beautiful stone, with a wonderful message. Thank you for sharing it here.

I am glad Bentley's wound is already better, and that you are home to rest.

Off to positives to read the upbeat post. :)


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I am glad to hear Bentley's report and will be praying for him (and you) as he is healing.

I hope you enjoy your art weekend!

I'm thinking maybe Arlie has just been depressed since he came home from my son's, he had such a fabulous weekend and I think he misses their dogs. He spent two days recuperating from the high activity but has been slumping around all week. So I took him down to my neighbor's to play with Sammy, his golden lab puppy. Now he is back and panting, laying on the floor but I think it's from being worn out, not sad. I'm going to be taking care of Sammy for two weeks beginning Nov. 18 (I hope I haven't bit off more than I can chew) so the two of them will have a good time and it will be ME laying on the floor panting!

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Kay, I won't be surprised if you are right. This past week was challenging for me and I know Bentley did not get his usual attention and hence...I believe...the reason he brought in the mulch and chewed it up. He knows how to get my attention. Brings me the bathroom hand towel at 8pm if I am on line and ignoring him. Our dogs know so much more than we give them credit for. I hope Arlie continues to improve and when you are puppy sitting...you might learn that you need a second dog for Arlie :o:D

Video from Facebook that is so much like Bentley's life...from puppy to adult and all of our furbabies.

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Oh, Mary, that is such a super video! Doug and I knew these fur babies from when they were three weeks old. Their humanmom has hair the same color. They all match, out on the trails of Fairbanks. So cute. The humandad also has reddish blonde hair. They have three Goldens in their family, He is a gold geologist. :) It just all fits. I get to visit them a lot when I am up there. And my hope is to be back X-C skiing with them.

I am doing well with the exercise/rest cycles these days.

And Seabiscuit was a super movie to see once again. I do not remember when I began riding, but probably as a baby in front of one of my family. I love horses. Our horses at the ranch have the run of a big range, and they are really happy there. And family, of course. So, I have a lot of good horse films. :)

But I am out of horses at the moment. If I go Chamberlain, there will be talk of horses. It is too soon to get a horse, but they are nice to have. I will need more room to stable one properly. And then we will need to get Anne up here during good riding months. Anne, do you ride Western or Light? (I am going to take this ride with her, vicariously, while I am here not yet allowed on horses or even mountain bikes. Sheesh.) I am feeling the tractor a bit, though, so I am going to watch how I am doing just riding a little John Deer mower tractor. Little back aches, but nothing out of the ordinary for working different muscles. I'l not haul for a couple of days now, probably. Surely not tomorrow.

Let's see . . . Bentley is recovering with great speed, now has Mary's attention, and is making his presence known in his home, to the rest of the family.

Arlie is probably suffering from pup prostration, which is what we get after roughhousing with the pups for very long. And Kay, you have remarkable courage to take a puppy visitor for two weeks. A puppy. Hmmmm.... Mary may be right, and it is time for a pup for Arlie. And speaking of pups, Mary, how would Bentley feel about a little brother or sister?



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That video is great, they are so adorable! The puppies remind me of my golden retriever, Teddy, when he was a pup.

Nope, no pups for Arlie & me! But maybe a lot more play dates, he is very social. :P

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fae said: And speaking of pups, Mary, how would Bentley feel about a little brother or sister?

fae, no puppy for Bentley. He is a people dog and so attached to me that a puppy would actually be hard for him as it would take me away from him to some degree. I will get a puppy after Bentley joins Bill someday but I can't bear to think of that these days...I can not live without a Golden.

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Mary, that is a beautiful stone, with a wonderful message. Thank you for sharing it here.

I am glad Bentley's wound is already better, and that you are home to rest.

Off to positives to read the upbeat post. :)


Thank you, fae. The flowers (daffodils) were on the tables at our back yard wedding. I plan to take our first dog's (Buffy) ashes up in the spring and bury them at Bill's feet. Bentley and I will also be buried there. There is a small stone bench near the headstone that a group of friends got me so I can sit there. The cemetery is in the country, up a dirt dog-legged path, surrounded by woods. When we arrived yesterday the bird song was deafening...as seemingly thousands of migrating birds gathered in the trees. A shag bark hickory (one of Bill's favorites stands sentinel at the gate. There are stones/graves there dating to the 1700s and my dear friend Mary Louise (we share a name and a birthday) died three weeks before Bill and her ashes are buried there with a bird bath as a marker. The day after Bill's funeral/burial I returned to the cemetery. It was Easter Sunday and my 70th birthday. A peacock came out from the woods as I drove the path and led us to the gate and disappeared. The following Saturday, the same thing happened but this time the peacock walked along side of me as I drove. I never saw it again and there are no peacocks in the area. I have seen deer in the cemetery and once a horse, no rider, small animals. There is a gate but no fence. The trees form a fence around this old country cemetery on a hill overlooking the Spring Green area and which allows green burials which is what I did. His casket is from the Trappist Monastery in Dubuque IA. They make them there and plant a tree in their sustainable woods with Bill's name on it. Someday I will drive down and pay for my casket. My mom's came from there also. Plain but beautiful wood with muslim inside stuffed with straw. Simple. Lovely.

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Many things to respond to here today… Mary, the puppy video is precious. I think the my puppy days are over so for me if I get another dog it will have to be a rescue like Benji. I thought about it and I would not bring another dog into the house with Benji. He deserves all my attention at this time and I wouldn’t want him to feel left out of anything. He has trained me.

I’m glad that you were able to get to the gravesite, Mary – bittersweet. The headstone is very nice.

Fae, you asked about the type of saddle I like. Years ago I used a lightweight Western but I have not had my own saddle for decades. I also no longer have my hat. Something I’ll think about if and when I can ride. I am sure it is the way it is at all trail riding stables that the saddle fitter makes sure that the saddle fits the horse.

Today I would have to allow the horse owner to tell me which saddle would be best for both the horse and me. The pads have been greatly improved but the most important thing is that the saddle fits the contour of the horse’s back. I have never been on an English saddled horse. First time out, I will need a helmet (no hat), as do all those who have not been on a ride for a long time or never.

I think it was Karen who asked me about the cost of riding a trail today. Average price is around $40.00 an hour plus tips and carrots. I do not think it will be a hobby for me just something I have on my bucket list.

I am glad that all of our furbabies are well right now. I am so grateful that my Benji is doing well. No seizures, playful, and full of the devil!

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So glad both dogs are doing better, they are our family, and we worry when our fur babies are acting differently. They cannot talk and tell us when things are wrong, but if they start acting different, you can almost always be sure they are trying to tell you something.

Anne, my older sister who lives in Prescott, owed a riding stable years ago in Prescott Valley. Once Mike and I went there, and we rode horses. It was fun, but it had been years since I had been on a horse, and I was not very good. That has been 17 years ago. Even then I could not swing myself up in the saddle, had to have help.....(never could climb the rope in gym either)

Lovely headstone Mary. I have not purchased one yet. Mike did not really want to be buried, he wanted to be scattered, and many of his ashes have been scattered here and there. The red Rock from AZ urn that holds the rest of his ashes sits on a bookcase in my living room. Someday when I die, I want the kids to cremate me, and then mix the ashes together, and then bury them next to my son, who died as a baby. I suppose that I should go ahead and get a headstone so the kids don't have to deal with that, but I just keep putting it off. Not only am I lazy, I procrastinate...I guess they go hand in hand.

Mary (queeniemary) in Arkansas

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Mary, the cemetary sounds lovely and I love that it has a peacock! I always figured I'd be buried in the town cemetary, but my kids' dad took both our burial plots. I've since decided I want cremated and my ashes scattered in the back yard where George's are, near to my granddoggy Skye, and my dog Lucky, and my cat, George. We call it "the family burial plot"! :)

I don't want to share my attention with another dog either, I'd rather it just be Arlie and me, our bond is tight. I prefer to let him play with other dogs. I wish we had a local dog park, he would love it. He just loves dogs! But I think he prefers his mommy to just be his. He doesn't mind sharing me with the cats, that's different.

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I do like the idea of mixing your ashes together, Q Mary. I would not worry about procrastination...I set the months of eye stuff aside and did not hold myself to anything else except to get through it.

Today, the cold I have fought all week has decided to slow me down. Woke up sneezing and coughing and feeling crappy. So I will lay low today with the exception of one hour to visit my friend's Fall Art Tour sale of her incredible cloisonne jewelry...other than that...home with Emer-C, OJ, Lemon water, rest and some of fae's movies.

By the way, Mary, I experimented and stopped my BP diuretic which Mark MD said I can use or not use as my BP is on the edge. So joining WW should help lower the BP and stopping the diuretic seems to be helping my vision as it was drying up my eyes and dry eyes really interferes with vision...as does sugar my MD said. So both are on hold...well the sugar in the form of chocolate is minimal. I think my vision is better but am experimenting. The progressive lenses however will most likely have to be down graded. I got the best and the amount of Rx for reading is just too limited after 26 years in bifocal lined with a large space. Still working on all this.

More coffee...needed...now. :)

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