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I don't know how to do the heart either, I just copy and paste one of Marty's. :)

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Skye had some good moments yesterday,moments where he was able to get up for a VERY short time and smile. It is fleeting but it warms my heart to see him try. Other times where he was laying down and crying out. That breaks my heart. Today has been an okay day for him, mostly laying down, only heard him cry out once. I just pray for him to sleep comfortably so that the end of his life isn't untolerable. He is really a sweetheart. And I'm so proud of Arlie for sharing his mom with Skye and getting out of the way when I'm carrying Skye, and just being so understanding and good.

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It sounds as thought the aspirin is working some, and the pain is easing a bit, that is good.

I know that Skye is wonderfully comforted to be there with you and Arlie. He is with his family, and you are surrounding him with your love and prayers, and holding him in your hearts. Thank you for letting us know how things are going. I think Someone worked it out so you would be home right now, not needing to even think about a drive to work. I never ceases to amaze me how these miracles work out.

And you are with Skye, where I am sure he has romped and played with Arlie in your beautiful mountains, and that all of you share good memories together of days of love and joy. I can see you all, happy and playful, out on your place. :) I am going to hold that image of you three as you help dear Skye to escape and conquer poor health in his own, sweet, joyful way.

You are in my thoughts and prayers this evening, and onward, dear Kay. I know everything will be beautiful and peaceful for you all.




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Hoping that Skye can be comfortable for his remaining time. I have a good friend going through a similar situation with her daughter's dog. She is caring for the pet, and he is old and not eating, barely hanging on, but does not seem to be in pain. I dread the day when I know I may face this with my girls. Praying for you Kaye, because I know how this hurts you, and for Skye to be comfortable.

Mary (Queeniemary) in Arkansas

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Skye seemed to perk up a bit after the first three days so I'm wondering if some of his looking like he's on his death bed was missing his dad. He was walking around some last night and smiling! I do think the aspirin helps. They left with Skye yesterday but their other (energetic) dog is here (Mozzy) and my son comes back Tuesday to work on my plumbing and install a radio in my pickup. I have to go back to work Tuesday so am not sure how much I'll see of him, it depends on how long he stays. I was disappointed that we didn't get any visiting in throughout my entire vacation. Yesterday I worked on getting my house back in order after they left and laundry/dishes done. I came down very sick, I suspect a stomach virus, I've never felt like that, it hurt to move! I slept 11 hours last night, which is normally an impossibility for me but it was a good way to tune out my extreme discomfort and pain. Today I still can't eat but made some green tea as it always seems soothing.

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Am eating a little, cautiously. Stomach still isn't right. Sleeping a lot today.

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Oh, Kay!

Now you are sick, but I am happy to hear Skye is better. And Arlie has an energetic playmate.

But you, dear heart, need to take this long weekend to rest and relax, heal, get well, do as little as you can, and rest even more.

Back to work? I missed something! If you get really laid off, can you at least qualify for unemployment insurance? I wish you had a better job, but as I am reading about all the recent graduates from college who cannot find work, I am thankful you have a job at all right now. I still do not like your boss, though. I'll deal with it.

Kay, I do think your body is telling you to rest and walk away from as much stress as you can. I got told that today,so I am sharing it with you. ^_^ It seems appropriate. As long as the dogs are cared for, I hope you can relax and let your body heal in peace and comfort.



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No I don't qualify for unempl. I made him a counter offer: two days/wk incl. med. ins. beginning change in Nov.

I slept 11 hours last night and took naps today. My stomach virus is better than yesterday but not well by any means. Not eating much. Lots of green tea. May have some yogurt later.

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Good news about my Benji’s use of the Pb due to seizures. His vet said that Benji’s blood serum levels were within normal range so he wants to lower Benji’s dose to a half tablet of Pb twice a day (was taking one tablet twice a day) and watch him. He’s hoping to alleviate some of the side effects. So we watch and hope that this will help him. We will need to watch him for any long-term use of the Pb so there isn’t any liver damage! My poor baby…


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This is extremely exciting news. Maybe his confusion will disappear. I feel sad for him and for his mom...but this is a great move IMHO.


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Oh, Anne, that is just so good to hear! Wonderful news. I hope with the smaller doses Benji will be more himself, safe to be around the pool, so when you begin to swim, he can be nearby. Thank you so much for letting us be happy with you, dear one.



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That is great, Anne! Maybe that will help him not to have those "look of confusion" times. Let us know how the decreased dosage pans out.

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My good news did not last long.

My Benji had more seizures since we changed his Pb. The vet just called and we are going back to the full dosage for a week and then check him again. I am concerned that he is suffering. His little body is lethargic and he hides to be alone! My heart is heavy. The seizures are severe enough that he loses bladder control and foams at the mouth. They also are lasting longer.

This is not making sense to me. I can’t imagine this little guy would come into my life only to leave so soon. The pain is more than my heart can take right now. Please keep the little guy in your thoughts.

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Oh Anne

I am so sorry. Is it second opinion time? I will call tomorrow.

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Dear Anne,

I am so sorry to hear this news, and sorry for you and Benji.

I echo Mary's comments, and send many {{{hugs}}} and good thoughts for you and Benji.

Much Love,



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