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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Valentine's Day

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Dear friends,

Here is Jane's poem for this year.



For Jane, Valentine’s Day 2015
I weep. The snow encases grief in silent white
Cement that crumbles. Cold ignites the frozen tears
That dry the rotting purpose of silent noisome light.
My words are paper matches flung against the starless night
And sunless days of deepest space when all is gone
To less than nothing. Nothing moves and nothing sings.
My soul aches silence none can hear or feel or see;
That none can taste or smell or sense. The maggots chew
The sounding strings and chew the echoed body’s boards.
Five times this day has come. Five times this day has passed.
For fifty months this salt has seared my days and nights
And tried to cleanse my heart and tried to scald my mind.
The snow may fall, the wind may rise, the cold may pierce
And shriek the void; still, dawn will come and I will rise
And sing the song and dance the dance 'til time and space both end.
All my love, always and all ways,
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Harry, you should be a writer. That is beautiful. And I'm sure Jane can hear the words as you read them to her...

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I am new to this site, but so glad I found it. I lost my husband, Mark on December 4, 2014, two days after his 53rd birthday. We were married on Valentine's Day 2009. He died from a massive heart attack. I had to give him chest compressions to keep a pulse until the paramedics arrived. It will be 11 weeks this Thursday (I hate Thursdays). It is hard to explain how I feel from day to day. I have a tremendous amount of support where I work; they are like my family. I still tend to just wander through the house. By the end of the day, I am exhausted and go to bed early (partly because I am so tired and partly because I miss Mark so very much). We didn't have a social life, so it was mostly him and I. We have three dogs who are my complete salvation. I wouldn't make it if it wasn't for them. I have found a lot of comfort and information by reading some books on grief. Sometimes I feel bad that I feel bad, like I am feeling so much self-pity. I just miss him so much at times it hurts like I can't explain. I wish sometimes it was a physical hurt and I could take a pill and make it go away.

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I'm sorry, we all remember those early days, it's very hard and yes, I think physical pain is easier to deal with. There's no pill to take for a broken heart. I'm glad you have your dogs to bring you some joy in life. A lot of us here have furry friends that help us get by.

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This Year on Valentines Day was the 5 Year point for me...

Ruth was heavy on my mind and the days leading up to the 14th were a rolling wave of grief, I kept positive and spent the

evening with my best friend.

The missing part just never leaves us!


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Nats, so true, even another relationship doesn't fill that void, it rather creates a spot of its own, but the missing them goes on.

I'm sorry you lost your love on Valentine's Day, that must have been doubly hard, not only for then, but for every year after.

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