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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Everything posted by LindaKoz

  1. Last month as I was approaching PMS I definitely noticed I became more sensitive and my grief was magnified. I'm again approaching that time and the sadness is pervasive. I feel so alone even when I am surrounded by friends and family. For me, I think hormones do play a big role in my emotions and feelings.
  2. Hi Debbie, I'm sorry it has been such a sad day. I pray that you find a bit of peace to ease your mind, your heart, and your soul. This is the most difficult road to walk and there are many times that I also want to be on a different path, a different journey. Sadly, that is not possible. Be gentle on yourself. It's still so very early and your pain is fresh. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you. Hugs from Berks County. Love, peace, and blessings, Linda
  3. Oh, Lucia, my heart goes out to you on this very special but very sad day. I wish there was a way to take away your pain . . . I would do that for all of us if I could. Hang on to all of you wonderful memories. I hope that in time the sadness will ease a bit. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs from Pa. Peace, love, and blessings, Linda
  4. Oh, Steely, I know how difficult it is. I, too, have had many days when I did not think I would be able to get through even one more moment. Cry when you need to. Scream and yell when you have to. I wish I had an answer for you. My Brian passed away seven weeks ago and I really don't know how long it will take until the pain is manageable and I am able to truly comprehend that he is gone. Sometimes the grief hits me so hard that I also cannot formulate words, I sob uncontrollably. In these times I know that I have to ask God to search my heart for my prayers because I just don't even know what to ask for. I just want Brian to come back home to me. Turn to us in your time of need. We understand. We walk along with you. We care. Hugs to you from Pa. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers always. Peace, love, and blessings, Linda
  5. Hi Debbie, I also think how longing feels would be hard to put into words. For me it's the never-ending desire to have Brian back. I know that it's not going to happen but the thought never leaves my heart. I'm sorry to hear about the insensitive comment about having a moment. I think you are walking this path with courage and dignity and you have the right to breakdown when you need to. I don't understand why people are so uncomfortable around tears. Why don't they understand our need to talk about our loved ones and to cry as we need to? It's natural and it's normal. For me, to hide these feelings would be impossible -- and I would feel as if I am dishonoring my love for Brian. Be gentle with yourself as the weekend approaches. I know that they are difficult. I'm here for you. Hugs. Peace, love, and blessings, Linda
  6. Hi Rochel, We all handle our grief differently. I'm usually good with staying with my friends and just having a good cry -- many of them cry right along with me. But, if you feel the need to return home, then that is what you have to do. Last night I attended a grief support group for the first time. I was given a little card entitled the "Mourner's Bill of Rights." The first item listed is "You havet he right to experience your own unique grief." Number five is "You have the right to experience 'griefburst'." We do the best we can. We have to honor the feelings and emotions as they come to us. And, only those who have experienced such as deep loss as ours is truly able to be empathetic. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers always. We share this journey and we will walk it together. Hugs from Pa. Peace, love, and blessings, Linda
  7. Hi PK. You've found a community where we all understand your loss because we are walking this grief journey along with you. I wish this was a path that you did not have to walk but I've found there is no other way toward healing. I think you are right when you say that the pain will never go away. My hope is that some day it will just be a little easier to bear. That I might reach a place where I experience some peace and I can look at pictures and memories of Brian without the overwhelming anguish that I feel right now. And, I hope this for each and every one of us. I've only had one dream about Brian so far. It was a bit odd but upon reflection it did give me some solace. Brian passed away seven weeks ago after he had an infection which got into his blood stream. I took him to the hospital and he was gone within 14 hours. I was feeling a little bit of guilt and needed reassurance that it wasn't my fault. That's what I took away from the dream. I saw on another post that you had the courage to go to a folk festival. Brian and I enjoyed music festivals (particulary Celtic music) and I'm just not sure how I will be able to face that part of my journey. The thought of going without him is too sad for me right now. Maybe some day. But, I applaud your courage. Come here as often as you need to. I find that sometimes just getting these thoughts out of my head offers a bit of peace. Often I cry while I type my posts but I also think that crying helps to release the emotions I am feeling. Anyway, we are here to listen and to support you on this journey. May you find the peace and solace that your heart needs. Peace, love, and blessings, Linda
  8. The past two days have been cloudy and overcast where I live . . . and I kind of began to feel like the weather--sad and blue. I've been at work but was feeling incredibly sad. When I left for lunch both days, I noticed a small ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds. It was at the exact same place both days. I think it was Brian trying to bring some sunshine into my life and to help me understand that all will be well. To confirm this, today when I drove down the street after seeing the sun, a hawk flew across the sky and into a tree. As I watched this beautiful creature, I realized Brian was indeed sending me signs. He used to look for hawks and falcons all the time . . . he would notice them and point them out to me. I know that Brian lives on in my heart and I know that his essence exists in all of nature. For some reason, hawks, falcons, and butterflies seem to be the signs that I notice, along with that sunbeam. I know Brian doesn't want me to be sad the rest of my life and I'm really trying to walk this grief journey with dignity and courage. I also wanted to comment on an article I read today which indiciated most people in our society are uncomfortable with grief. This can mean that those of us who are experiencing grief begin to avoid going out in public (including church), or trying not to show our tears and our sadness. Rather, we must learn to embrace our grief and show the world that it is perfectly natural to cry--that tears can be healing. We need to remember our loved ones and have opportunities to talk about them opening and honestly. This a way of honoring their time on earth and keeping them alive. My Pastor and a good friend commented that I am teaching others how to grive by being open and honest. Though I wish I wasn't walking this path, I hope that I can in some small way change the perception of grief for those around me. Peace, love, and blessings, Linda
  9. It makes me so sad to learn that you are experiencing these insensitive comments. Grief is overwhelming and it takes a long, long time to heal. To say that grief support is interfering with your progress is dishonoring to your feelings and emotions. I applaud the fact that you are willing to reach out and share with others. It really does take a lot of courage to pour out your thoughts and feelings. But, the benefits abound as we are able to offer comfort to each other in a way that someone who has not experienced such a devastating loss can. Keep coming here. Keep sharing. We will listen, understand, and continue offer love and support. Hugs to you from afar. Peace, love, and blessings, Linda
  10. I'm with you on this one Steely. I don't want any presents. The only gift that would make me happy would be to have Brian back and I know that can't happen. The only gifts I want to give out are the guitars I bought for Brian's grandchildren. I saw them in a catalog shortly before Brian died and we talked about buying them. I bought them the week after he died. I will give them to Connor and Bella as gifts from their "Boom Boom." I wish I could just hibernate and sleep from Thanksgiving through about mid-January. Then I wouldn't have to feel the pain or remember the memories of our wonderful holidays. I miss him so much. Peace, love, and blessings, Linda
  11. Thanks for sharing this sweet memory. I know that it is sad to think about our loved ones not seeing their grandchilden grow up. I feel the same way about Brian's grandson, Connor. He misses his "Boom Boom." The other week he told his mom he thought "Boom Boom" could part the fluffy clouds and come back to earth to see him. I wish that he could, too. I hope some day that our memories will make us smile . . . not yet. Hugs to you. Peace, love, and blessings, Linda
  12. Hi Debbie, My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you. It's a huge step to return to work. Allow yourself grace if you find that you need to leave early. I hope that your co-workers are sensitive to your needs and your grieving process. There is no longer a "normal" and you should not be expected to conform to others' ideals. Be who you are with all of your sensitivity and compassion and know that you are never alone -- God and Dean are there to lift you up and to carry you when necessary. If you find that you need to speak to a friend, please call on me. I'll always be glad to listen. Peace, love, and blessings, Linda
  13. I am really concerned about how to handle the upcoming holidays. I'm planning to attend a grief support seminar on this topic and hope they offer some tips to make it manageable. I also made arrangements for my son and I to go to the beach on Thanksgiving and the day after. I just don't think I can be with my family and pretend that all is well. The past few years Brian and I cooked Thanksgiving for his children, grandchildren, and my son. There was always a lot of commotion in our home. The night before we would make as many dishes ahead of time as possible but there would still be a lot to do in the morning. It was hectic but fun. I loved being in the kitchen with him. Brian was the better cook and he really enjoyed it. He always handled the turkey and I would make the side dishes--with his help. There was so much love in that kitchen and our table was filled with family and food. How am I going to get through this year? The beach will be quiet and serene. I hope I can find some solace for my broken soul. We're not going to attempt turkey or any usual Thanksgiving dishes. I guess we will create new traditions and new memories. I'm also not sure how to handle Christmas or New Year's Eve. Both of these holidays are going to be so difficult without Brian. We had already talked about what we wanted to do for New Year's Eve this year. There's a bed and breakfast about an hour away from our home where we stayed for a night last winter. We were going to try to get a room and have dinner in their wonderful restaurant. It was going to be such a romantic evening -- just me and my love. Romance was high on our list of priorities and we did it well. I cherish my memories but they also break my heart. Any ideas on getting through the holidays? I welcome all suggestions and tips. Thanks for listening and for caring, my friends. This journey is hard but it would be harder without all of you. Peace, love, and blessings, Linda
  14. Hi Phyllis, I'm relatively new to this grief journey. I lost my beloved fiancee, Brian, seven weeks ago. It doesn't make me feel bad to know that you are still experiencing grief 8.5 months after you lost the love of your life. I understand that I will walk this path for a long, long time. I loved Brian very deeply and I will miss him every day for the rest of my life. I hope that some day the happy memories of our life together will be in the forefront while the unbearable sadness and ache will reside somewhat. But I will never, ever "let him go." And, if anyone says those words to me, I will probably have to reconsider if it is someone I want to spend time with. Don't ever "let go" of the person you wanted to spend the rest of you life with. Don't ever let go of the love that you hold in your heart. Why would you want to? And, why do others think that you should? I've had a few people offer very insensitive condolences and I now do my best to avoid them. I surround myself with those who are willing to listen, to cry with me, to surround me with love and compassion. They are my true friends. I'm sending you hugs and prayers. Peace, love, and blessings, Linda
  15. Oh, Mary Linda, if I were with you I would put my arm around you and let you cry for as long as you need to. Your loss is great and of course you need to continue to grieve. There is no "right" time frame. My loss is relatively new (7 weeks tomorrow) but I know that it is going to take me a really long time to walk this grief journey because our love was so great. Keep pouring out your feelings on this site. We will continue to listen and to offer our love and support. I extend my birthday wishes to your Tom and my prayers and thoughts to you. May you feel God's loving arms wrapped around you and may you continue to experience the love you shared with Tom deep in your heart and soul. Peace, love, and blessings, Linda
  16. When will it get better? God, please grant me peace.

  17. Oh, Steely,I feel your pain. I've been having a real difficult time getting up in the morning. I don't seem to have the motivation I need to live my life the way I used to. Try to hold on to the love that you had and remember that your husband would want you to take care of yourself. I'm told once the pain and the longing subside we will be able to reconnect to the strong, ever-lasting love that we had. Hold on for that feeling. Your husband is still your rock and your biggest supporter and he always will be. I think everything you are feeling and experiencing right now are "normal" -- I'm feeling the same way. Be gentle on yourself and remember to focus on the moment ahead. Don't look too far into the future for now because it will seem overwhelming and unmanageable. I'm sending love and hugs your way. Peace, love, and blessings, Linda
  18. Kath, Thanks for the beautiful imagery. I long for the day when I can hear Brian's praise and approval echo in my heart and for the pain to be in the background rather than the forefront. He was my biggest supporter as I prepare for my future ministry. I've been afraid that I might not be able to keep taking the necessasry steps without him. But I truly know that he is in heaven cheering me on . . . I just wish I could hear him now. Thanks again. Peace, love, and blessings, Linda
  19. I'm asking God to enter my heart and grant me peace. God knows all of my pain, anger and guilt. Only God can give me the peace that I seek.

  20. Oh, Kat, I'm here to listen any time . . . I understand. Everything you miss about Pat, I miss about Brian. We will walk through these shadows together, my friend. I wish it could be different. I wish we could both continue to be with our beloveds. I wish life didn't have to seem so deeply unfair. All we can do is work through the emotions when they come and honor the feelings in the hope that they will help us to heal our deeply broken hearts. Be gentle with yourself. The sadness you feel is a result of losing a love which was great. Hugs to you. Peace, love, and blessings, Linda
  21. Thanks. Today is a better day in some aspects. I was reading about prayer last night and realized that sometimes my prayer is more like a one-sided dialogue with God. Instead I need to open my heart and allow God to search for my pain and then hopefully healing can begin. I've been trying to recite "God give me peace" as my prayer. It has helped a bit. I'm not quite as sad today. What is hurting today is the fact that my son has flu symptoms. He came home from college over the weekend and yesterday afternoon started feeling achey and tired. He now has a sore throat and a fever and has been sleeping most of the day. I stayed home from work because I got really scared even though he is 20. Brian had flu symptoms when he got sick and he told me he would be fine after a few days. Sadly he also had some type of infection in his leg which he didn't connect with how bad he was feeling. The infection is what took his life. I just need to be with Kevin to make sure he is ok. My irrational guilt tells me that I should have done this with Brian . . . but I know that I encouraged him to call the doctor and he really thought he would be ok. I keep trying to give the guilt away but at unexpected moments it comes back to me. I did talk about this with my counselor. Thanks again for listening. I'm trying to walk this grief journey the only way that I can, one moment at a time. Peace, love, and blessings, Linda
  22. Sadly, I cannot say I am a "widow." Brian and I met 3 1/2 years ago and planned to marry in August of 2011. Although we lived together, marrying earlier would have had financial my son is in college) and emotional ramifications (blended family / irrational ex-wife) so we were going slowly. Six months after we met, he asked me if I would become his wife when we were ready. A year later he bought me a beautiful ring and called it my "I will love you forever and always ring." In know that in our eyes and in the eyes of God we were totally committed to one another. I was more of a wife to him in 3 1/2 years than his wife had been in the many years they were married. But I'm still considered single in the eyes of the law. While I'm not a person to really be concerned about "labels" I was looking forward to the day when Brian and I would be married because we would have stood before our family and friends and pledged to love one another for always. I know that our friends and family could see how much we loved each other -- I've been told this mamy times since Brian passed away. It just hurts that so many of our hopes and dreams were cut short. I understand that someday this devestating loss will help me in whatever ministry God calls me to (I'm currently a seminary student). I know that walking this grief journey will deepen my compassion and empathy toward others who will walk through these shadows. It's just so hard to be in this dark place right now. I waited so long to find Brian and after four days of being sick, he's gone. I'll carry on because of my son, Brian's children and grandchildren, my faith in God, and my need to honor Brian. But it is just so difficult right now. Thanks for all the continued love and support. Hugs to you all. Peace, love, and blessings, Linda
  23. Hi Amy, This weekend was extremely difficult for me, too. Not sure why but I cried and screamed because the pain became so intense. I also want peace for all of us. I just keep taking it moment by moment and try really hard not to look too far into the future. I think I'll go to the grief support group on Thursday evening. I'm glad that yours is tomorrow night. I will continue to hold you in my prayers. Hugs. Peace, love, and blessings, Linda
  24. Hi Ted, I'm so sorry that we all have to experience this deep sadness. Sometimes I just don't know what to do. I want to run away but I know that the pain and the sorrow will follow me. I just want some peace. I want answers to questions which really have no answers. I want to know that Brian is okay and at peace. In my heart I know that he is with God but my a lot of really irrational thoughts enter my mind. Does he know that I love him and I will miss him for the rest of my life? Did I make him happy enough? I really do know that the answer to this is yes because he used to look at me and ask how he got so lucky to have me in his life. But I also know that I was the lucky one. Brian was so kind and humble. I imaginge he was amazed at how full the church was for his Celebration of Life service. He was an incredible songwriter and guitar player but he never thought he was that good. And, he truly played his songs for God -- not for applause or attention. He walked humbly and gently with God. He was the love of my life, my soulmate, and the man I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with. What do I do now? How can I go on for the rest of my life without him? Some days I wish that God had called me home instead. Other times I wish we had been called together. Mostly I just want him back. Thanks for listening and for understanding. Peace, love, and blessings, Linda
  25. Yesterday for some reason my mind began to think that Brian was at work and I started thinking about what we would do when he got home. Of course these thoughts were greeted with an overwhelming realization that Brian is gone and I am by myself. I miss him so much.
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