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Karen, praying for a diagnosis for you on this lung problem. I know you need to get better, and am praying for you. Holding you close, wishing you did not have to go through this along with the grief. {Hugs}


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From one wuss to another, I am so sorry for this news. It is hard enough to be sick at a time like this (or any time) but to have it be unknown is certainly frightening as you said. Will your SIL be over to see you today. If all the members lived nearby we could sit with you....a crowded room. But, you know, they are there in a way with you. When I had my eye surgeries last year, I imagined everyone surrounding me....it helps and who knows....how far our energy travels.

So they will sedate you for the Bronchoscopy....I'm with you...just put me to sleep and tell me when it is over. Keep us informed and post as you feel you wish to or can.



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SIL worked all night. I let him know what is happening & he'll be by this afternoon. One of the scariest things is that this hospital has a bad reputation. That's why many go to nearby cities instead of here. Six years ago when we were here & Ron smashed his hand, he contracted a MRSA in the ER & a few days later was admitted. The doctors wanted to cut off his hand. I ended up flying him home to Phoenix where a wound clinic saved his hand through a tendon replacement. My daughter refused to be treated here. For as much as I can tell, this doctor seems qualified. As with many small town doctors, he is from India.


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Oh Karen, I wish I was there to sit with you. This combined with all you have been through...I hope you CAN sleep for a while. Can they at least make you comfortable? The doctor that told you they don't know...was that the lung doctor?

Keeping you in my prayers. If I have no other purpose in life, at least I can do that.

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Dear Karen,

I am so sorry you are going through this terrible time of illness on top of everything else.

You hang in there!

I know it is scary to be in a bad hospital (we have one here in Helena, and it is the only one) and to have these unknowns hanging over you. I hope they get the diagnosis right today.

Meanwhile, we are all here, thinking of you and holding you close in our hearts. I hope you have some local acquaintances you can call to some visit you. I think hospitals do better when there are visitors for a patient.

Sending lots of love and healing thoughts, and keeping you in prayer.

Much Love,


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Yes Kay, that was the lung doctor. I am not in pain, just constantly choking on whatever this foam is.

Debbie's extended family all lives here & they always treat me like family. My ex-husband's wife was here the other night as well as the other grandmother of my grandchildren. One of Debbie's "church family" works in case management here. She saw my name on a chart & visited yesterday. So I am not truly alone, but only around these people every few years. Have only actually been around my SIL a few times as they were only married for a year when Debbie got sick. He was such a knight in shining armor when she needed one.


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I'm glad you have caring people around you and yes it's truly a blessing that your SIL came through for Debbie when she needed him most. Now you take a nap, we need you on the mend! :)

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From your e-mail, Anne. They are familiar with valley fever. LIke you, about 25 years ago, I had either walking pneumonia or valley fever. Most people who live in Az for any length of time will get it. The problem with testing is that once you've had Valley Fever, you will always test positive for it. These symptoms do not match what I had all those years ago. So back to square one.


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Dear Karen,

I am just so happy to see you able to post here occasionally! It means a lot to communicate with the outside world. I am glad you are able to do so. I hope you have very good test results back very soon.

Much Love,


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Back from the test in one piece minus a bunch of stuff in my lungs. Breathing is a bit easier. Throat a bit sore, but doable. So glad I was asleep. Should have preliminary results in the morning & make a plan.

Thank heavens for you, my friends.



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So glad that is behind you and I hope they are giving you something soothing for your throat....We ARE here for and with you.


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Karen, I hope you woke up feeling better this morning and that the results of your test first, do come today and that they show something that can be dealt with "easily".

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Can they give you anything for your throat? Do ice chips help soothe it?

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Dear Karen,

So glad that the test went all right, and now we are all waiting to hear the results. I know you will be relieved to have the results as well, so at least the medical people can figure out how to treat whatever is going on.

I am holding you in prayer, and hope that you have lots of family and friends around to keep the hospital staff on their toes.

Blessings and

Much Love,


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Early results show negative for bacteria, but take about 5 days to complete. Fungus tests take longer.

Am feeling a bit better, but still short of breath even just sitting. Took a shower & in a while will call PT to walk me in the hall.

My BP is very erratic. I do normally take BP meds, but it stays controlled. Now it is running up to 200/110 which tends to get everyone excited(me too). They check it every couple of hours & give me meds. I have a constant dull headache due to the BP, I suppose. Tylenol isn't working so they'll try something else. Even with sleeping pill, only sleep a couple of hours. Still spitting up this crazy foam.

Kay, throat is better & knock on wood, thrush is clearing up.

Really no family & friends except SIL & grandkids & they are busy working. A very nice lady from Deb's church works at the hospital & visits each day.

Guess I'll eat my delicious(NOT) lunch now. Will keep you posted.



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Thanks for keeping us appraised of what is happening. We can't visit you but we can visit you via this website. I hope they get that BP under control and figure out how to treat whatever is going on with your body. When you consider the past almost 2 years, your body is doing what so many of our bodies have done following loss. Prayers are coming your way. Keep us informed when you feel up to it.


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Natural ways to lower blood pressure include beetroot juice and marijuana. Maybe you can have some beets with a meal, although I know they use beetroot juice in GB.

Here is some *<fairy dust>* to go with the beautiful flowers. And many {{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}.

Much Love,


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All of you are too much. I love the flowers, card, & especially the ice cream. Remember I am a chocoholic as most of you are.

I received a mystery beautiful flower arrangement. I have no idea who to thank. The card simply says "Get Well Soon From Your New Friends". This is one of the special things about this area of the country. Everyone I have met is warm & kind. It's the kind of place you can go to the store & not bother locking your car, so different from where most of us live.

Still waiting for PT to walk with me down the hall. They need to check my O2 level. BP is holding good for now.



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