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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Everything posted by kayc

  1. Anne, I have been known to clean the house before the cleaning lady came just because I'm embarrassed for anyone to see the condition the house can get in, so I understand how hard this is for you (of course it's been years since I've afforded help). Just remember, she is grateful for the work because it keeps her in business! I was surprised bread is so high in sodium because when I make bread, it only calls for a tsp. of salt in the entire loaf! I checked my "Dave's Killer Bread" (organic, high in seeds & grains), and it has 170 mg. per slice. Darn! fae, The chocolate recipe sounds great, I think I'll print it out and may try it for company or a potluck, but I'm not supposed to have sugar (Diabetic) so I don't want to get too fond of something that's a no no for me. Gosh, aren't these dietary restrictions offputting!
  2. Beth, wishing you the best as you choose health and the fight for it! Praying all goes well with the treatment and your renewed vigor.
  3. Family dynamics can be very complex, it's hard to say why they do what they do sometimes. Just know you are not alone and rest in the knowledge that you are strong and handling this the best you can. Let it all go. I'm so glad you ran into friends, now THAT can brighten one's day! "Friends are the family we CHOOSE."
  4. You're right that I'll breathe a sigh of relief come Wed. when I get the results, but for now, I'm thinking positive. His stools are going back to normal color with stopping taking the K-1.
  5. Usually when I add water to Arlie's dry food, he ignores it all.
  6. No, I haven't, but you could google it for more info. Strep infections can be quite serious, I know my son had to be hospitalized when he was little because of it. I'm so glad you slept, the best thing for you!
  7. Mary, that is so funny...here you were worried Bentley was drinking too much water and it turns out he's not drinking enough! Ha ha! If you have any pointers to share about HOW to get him to drink more, please let me know as I worry that Arlie doesn't drink enough...he doesn't begin to consume what Skye always had, even though he's bigger. And I'm so glad it's the DW and not Bentley! Dishwashers can be replaced, dogs can't!
  8. I don't think you're in denial either. The fact that you sobbed shows you are in touch with your grief and your feelings. I don't recall actively trying to bring on my grief, it just came to me of it's own accord. But I did allow it and dealt with it as it came. I do think my time spent with others was a diversion that kept me busy so I didn't have time to think. In the end, I still had to deal with my grief and I think I miss him more with each passing year. I rarely sob now, but I do have that missing him feeling inside of me all of the time, I just carry it with me.
  9. Anne, I, too, marvel at your recovery. Chocolate torte sounds wonderful. fae! What is it about flour that it is disallowed, Anne? Am just wondering what it does (besides put on weight an be a carb). We want to see pictures of Beni on the fire engine, that would be so cute!
  10. Mary, it does indeed sound like you've found the culprit. There must be a low spot in the floor where it keeps ending up. You could put a towel in front of the dishwasher when you run it and if it gets wet, you have your answer. It might just be a hose that needs replaced or something but believe me, troubleshooting dws can be more of a pain than you can imagine, I have ran the gamut with my last one. It was easier to get a new one.
  11. I'm proud of you, fae! We do learn to grow some backbone when we have to...and sometimes when we've lost that person who used to stand up for us, we learn to do it ourselves!
  12. Nemo, I'm sorry about your loss. I am losing my mom to Dementia too, she has Lewy Bodies. It is indeed a hard thing to go through. There are some others here that lost their spouses to Alzheimer's as well. Welcome to this board, I hope you find some solace, knowing you are not alone in what you're going through.
  13. My positive today: I just watched "Return To Me", it was a very special movie I recommend to anyone here. It's about someone who lost his wife and her heart was donated...he met the person who received it. I don't want to say any more, but it was a special movie.
  14. I, too, wish I could have had something like that from George...I wish he'd bonked me on the head when I was thinking of marrying John!
  15. If Bentley is drinking a lot, that could account for it being clear and odorless. If he is consistently drinking excessively, it could be kidney problems but it might be Diabetes...my boss' dog has that but they're able to control it with medicine. Your vet should be able to rule out any problems. My son's dog drinks a lot too but he doesn't have kidney problems.
  16. Today is Arlie's last day of pills. Now to wait until Tues. to get his blood draw and until Wed. when I get the results.
  17. Oh Mary, do let us know as soon as you find out. I'm glad you had a good lunch with your friends.
  18. I am VERY curious to see Anne's video, but alas I have no sound on this computer and it doesn't offer CC option.
  19. I have to share something I thought was cute. I called my mom on Easter and wished her a Happy Easter. "Oh, is it?" she said. Then she went on for 1/2 hour about how cold she was. I told her I'd bring her a couple of pairs of leggings to wear under her clothes, to help her keep warm. At the end of the conversation, she said, "Happy.....Goodbye!" and she hung up. She remembered there was something to be happy about but couldn't remember what, so just ended it. I thought it was so cute! I thought she did good to remember that much! I went to see her Monday night and she was right, it was cold in there, even though a beautiful warm day outside. They have the air conditioning cranked up and no way for her to turn it off to her room! I complained to the head of the place but it did no good, she just said it's a central unit and they can't control it. Probably set to a government regulated setting and of course that has nothing to do with common sense. Our world is so regulated and nonsensical. These poor old people! The best she can do is keep layering, but it just doesn't make sense.
  20. Shannon, I hope you slept well last night and continue to rest today. (TV always puts me to sleep.)
  21. Mary, I love your emoticons, expressing your confused emotions, I too am dumbfounded! How can water from the dishwasher get AWAY from the dishwasher, you'd think it'd be leading away from it at least. Have you checked the hoses you can see? The dishwasher might have to be pulled out to check it (a job for a maintenance person). Are your loads coming out clean? Do they ever have powder on them? Is the sprayer in the middle getting stuck? My son and I did some troubleshooting on my previous dishwasher (and his dad before that) and they can be confounding...he ended up replacing mine and I've never had problems with the new one.
  22. Nats, Wow, I have not experienced anything like that...maybe George needs to resort to something more drastic to get my attention!
  23. I hope you have a great birthday, dear lady, and a RESTFUL one! We appreciate your contribution here, so much, we are so lucky to have you! Love, Kay
  24. fae, she's been in the anticipatory section...she's sick.
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