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Looking For The Positives

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The sun was out today. It was spring jacket weather. Only a few meager filthy piles of snow remain along fence lines and in the shade. I actually heard birds today and decided my hearing aids are picking up that pitch...I do not remember hearing them with such gusto in a long long time. And oh, how I miss Bill tonight...how we would have enjoyed what feels like the first day of spring here...taking a drive and a hike anywhere. Bittersweet.

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Oh how I can relate to that Mary. Pete and I were totally plugged into the seasons. The winter, though long long long echoed my mood. The lifting of spirits which accompanies the coming of spring just brings me pain, deep deep pain. But I know Pete wants me to live, and to try to live well. So I shall try. I had some good news yesterday. I had brought Pete's cacti into the garage for the winter and there was very little left in the greenhouse. But one plant I left was a family heirloom. Pete's great aunt, Auntie Nellie, had given it to her daughter, who gave it to Pete's mother who gave it to Pete. It's a sort of outdoor succulent, which flowers in the autumn. I forgot it and left it in the greenhouse. And the weather was so cold. And i just knew I had killed it. And I kept saying to myself "it's just a plant, Jan" . Anyway yesterday I saw new shoots on it. Maybe it's trying to tell me something?

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It was a beautiful day yesterday, I love spring. Today is a few thunderstorms, but ending very soon. I am glad because I am driving to Springdale in a few hours for a DR. appointment. Just a check up on my toe surgery.

Daughter and family here yesterday, had breakfast for lunch with them, then played games all afternoon. Our friend Jamie joined us later in the afternoon....good day. Nice breeze, and warm sun...two of my favorite things.

Mary (Queeniemary) in Arkansas

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Yesterday was nice here too. It sounds like you had a great time and I am glad. I hope your foot is ok. Rain all week with snow...YES, snow but it won't amount to much. Preparing for painting. Thursday they remove old wallpaper in kitchen and bathroom. Next week, they clean and treat the kitchen cabinets and paint...kitchen, dining, living, bath. Next year I will tackle my office and bedrooms... I am finally moving into this house. We moved here 9 months before Bill died so of course those 9 months were total devotion to his needs, then 3 years of tears and sadness and health issues for me. So...NOW...some efforts to make this house mine. It is a two-three year project but the house is great...just needs to reflect me more and the basement and garage needs to be purged. Garage on April 18...not a huge job... when I have help. Moving on and yet in many ways...I am and always will be sad... bittersweet.

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Oh Jan, I'm so glad to hear your plant survived! I understand wanting to keep something so important going, the continuity of family that it represents.

QueenieMary, I hope all goes well with your checkup. I'm glad you had a good time with your family, and nice weather to boot!

Mary, me too...woke up to snow this morning. They'd predicted 6-12" so I brought my truck home and left my car in town. Woke up to just a skiff so I needn't have bothered, but better safe than sorry. Supposed to get more today and next weekend. :( I want Spring! Your plans for the house sound so great!

Still haven't gotten paid yet and the wood that I waited all day Sat. for wasn't delivered, hopefully tomorrow.

Can't wait for Arlie's prognosis!

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I took him to the vet, another $140 to draw blood and look at his stools. She's testing him for Giardia even though I don't think he has it. I told her he hasn't had exposure, I walk him on a leash and am with throughout but she thought different. One thing that concerned me was after she drew his blood, he really bled...he's never been a bleeder, so that has me concerned since he's being checked for coagulation. I will be nervous to get the results back tomorrow!

Arlie was pretty good (for him), I held his head, even though he had a muzzle on, and the receptionist his body while the vet drew bood from his front leg. He yelped a little but wasn't horribly wimpy. I could tell he was nervous about "what are they going to do to me now!" since you never know with vets. If they hadn't made him wait so long beforehand (they were short handed) he wouldn't have had so much time to build up his anxiety.

Afterwards I gave him a special treat and took him to PetSmart to pick out something new. He spent 20 minutes making his selection before he decided upon a new Nylar Bone. Oh boy! He's out in his pen enjoying it now.

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Well, we all wait with you....

HOw do you know when he has decided what he wants at Petsmart???? :wacko:

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Oh believe me, he lets you know! He's so funny to watch, it was the highlight of my day. He stands in front of it and sniffs excitedly and keeps coming back to it!

I read up on Giardia last night and I'm very nervous awaiting the results. It can be very hard to get rid of in multiple-pet homes because they pass it back and forth. One of my cats has had problems this week so I'm worried they might have it and gave it to him. It's hard controlling cats, one of them insists on going outside and won't shut up until she gets her way but that increases exposures.

Not much sleep last night, now I'm at work and so tired...

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Oh, Kay, I hope it is nothing contagious! Yikes!

I will be watching for the report when I get back from errands.

I hope you can let worry ride lightly on your mind today, it at all.


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Kay, I have taken Bentley into Petsmart and Mounds but he gets lost in the people....whining until they pet him...I think it is a Golden thing....I will have to try an aisle where there is no one around to see what he does. Usually there are people. That is fun stuff....he sounds like a kid...and I know he is YOUR kid :)

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Oh I know, Arlie is 1/2 Golden Retriever too! I just ushered him straight to the toy aisle, past all of the people, and we were lucky enough to have it to ourselves for a time. :)

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Okay, here we go, I just got the call from the vet., Arlie is in perfect shape. They figure the intestinal problems he's been having is because of a trip to the litter box for a snack on Almond Roca. His blood is perfect, his clotting time couldn't be better! :P

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Alleluia!!!! Congratulations to you and Arlie (and the cats)!!! I am so happy and relieved for you, Kay. What great news. You are so so so overdue for this....have a special evening! I would be in tears of joy!!

Peace, from Mary and Bentley

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Oh Mary, thank you! I loved that in all big letters and color too! You have no idea how excited I am! I texted my son & daughter and called my sister & GF, and posted on FB! So many have been praying for him all month, I really appreciate it! I'm glad there's other dog lovers that understand.

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You are welcome, Kay. Check your FB page also. :) So glad for you. I honestly do not know how I would handle it if Bentley died right now. I know he won't live forever but losing him right now...I can't even think about it...so I don't...unless he gets sick which (knock on wood) he never seems to do since the razor blade incident after Bill died.

All books are moved except my "to read" pile which I will move later. I am tired and won't do more today. Really bare here. Reminds me of when we moved in. These two days have been memory days... good timing on my part. :glare: :( :blush: Oh, well. Too late now. April 26 it will be all over except putting my house back together again. It will feel great then.

I think you might need to consider a celebration tonight....

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I think going home and hugging him will be enough celebration for me. I just can't put into words how elated I am. It's a huge weight off me.

I have a huge library of books, which I went through when I was laid off. There are three sections of shelves and all of the books I can part with on on the first section, the ones I want to keep are on the final two sections. Most places don't have nice shelves like that so not sure what I'd do with them, but I might have to hire someone to build some for me. Who wants to lose their books just when they finally get time to read?!

I'm glad you're calling it a day.

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I can't think of any better news than Arlie is alright. I feel like singing. :P Benji sends kisses to you and we owe them some play time together.

Good news. And I'm sure you are so releaved. Finally some real good news for you. Love, Anne

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Kay, when Bill and I sold our mountain home and got a motor home (from 3200 sf to about 400 sf) :) I gave a lot of books away...boxes and boxes. I have no clue how many I have but i am not at my highest ever...I do get rid of some now and then....hard to do.

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I am sending a great Woo Hoo !

To Kay and Arlie!

Confetti! I need to learn html for the emoticons, really.


I second Mary's marvelous graphics in every way!

Please party.

As you other bibliofiles ponder books, I am awaiting the arrival of my packing materials tomorrow. Whew!

Today, I went to get my hair done, and realized I was leaving this life soon. Whew!

And Mary is going through a every-level transformation, obviously.

We are all on these transformative journeys of such incredible magnitude. I feel as though I was shattered on the floor, like in the movie Joshua, and G*d is picking up the pieces and creating something far more beautiful out of all those shattered bits, and with Magnificent Artistry, is creating each of us as nothing we have known prior. Truly. That is how this transformation feels to me. I am walking so much on Faith these days, and not really walking, so much as being carried along by my feather spirit "On the breath of G*D" (Who said that? She was a Saint, I recall. I profoundly make no claims to Sainthood! Nor martyrdom. I do not allow it. : *<twinkles>* )

Ws it St. Agnes who said, "I am a feather on the Breath of G*D."?

Anyway, this is such a saga of transformations -- from our spirits outward to our hearts, outward to our bodies, outward to our families (Hurray Arlie!) and I imagine on outward to our villages. Fascinating. A polishing fire for mirrors, so we will venture out in joy and love again. For I am convinced that is the mission of this place. :)

Okay, I am off to play for a while, and hide in our theatre room while the go-cart track is in full swing this afternoon. It is just so darned funny, those poor people.

I send love to you all, and I go to do some more organizational work on carton # slips, Master Lists, Index, etc, et ceteras. (Doug loved to use that word joke on his writing. ) I am amazed how much my writing has developed to be more like his. Nice. He was a master story-teller. And story-maker.

I go now to play and rest my mind.



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Kay, my dear, your news about Arlie is absolutely the best news EVER! Say Halleluja! I am so, so happy and so relieved for both of you! This uncertainty has been weighing so heavily on your heart and mind for such a long time! Hip, hip hooray! :P:excl:

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I'm not out of the woods yet, I came home and his stool had thick yellow mucous. What I've read (since they ruled out parasites) seems to indicate an intestinal infection...it could be a blockage but I doubt it, since I think he'd be exhibiting some kind of pain. He also had vomit in his pen, one episode, that's not good. So I'll have to call them tomorrow. I just wish this was all over with. :(

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3200 to 400 SF! My goodness, that must have been an adjustment!

I hope I can sleep tonight, this is getting really old. I manipulated his stomach and he didn't wince or cry out so that's good. He's in good spirits. I would think if there was a blockage, he'd exhibit another sign. I know the fact that he's vomited isn't good...I found some under the table from about a week ago judging from the mold on it, so that's two episodes but if it was super serious, I'd think there'd be more. The yellow mucous is a progression though that his intestines are worsening, not getting better like they usually do with his special diet. I'm thinking he needs antibiotics, but I'm remembering the bad reaction he had 2 1/2 years ago, they seemed to make him worse. Anyone from an inner circle that says they can't handle this...I understand! (A little inside joke)

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Kay, I am so sorry. I thought for once you would have a clearing to just sit and have nothing going wrong. Let us know. I am sorry. Mary

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