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Getting On Top Of My Health

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I saw my doctor yesterday morning and she agreed that yes, now, I've come down with Thrush. I got some pills and liquid to take for it but have to go off my Lipitor for 13 days.

I saw the surgeon (finally) after waiting for hours...the hospital is unbelievably ostentacious and huge and not built in a way that anyone can find their way around...it's crazy! You have to walk and walk and walk to get where you're going. Not very handy for those going there!

The surgeon agreed I need to get the gall bladder out, she said it's not functioning now anyway. She scheduled me for December 23. She also sent me to get an EKG. The technician knew I was concerned about it because my dad died of heart disease at 62, the same age I am now. They aren't supposed to diagnose, but he told me he didn't see anything alarming, so that greatly relieved my mind!

Let's see, now I'm going through Bronchitis, ulcers (halfway through treatment, a week to go, NASTY stuff!), Thrush, Cirrhosis of the liver (she said they don't always know what causes it, usually either medicine or being fat-inspersed. I'm hoping for the latter because that I can reverse. I've lost 11 pounds already! Topping all this off, my gallbladder is full of stones, it will be good to get it out. They were impressed that I lost 11 lbs in 11 days...(first 9 in five days), it will settle down to one lb. a week, I'm sure, I'm getting enough calories this week...last week it wasn't only the diet I'm on, but the ulcer medications (causes horrible taste in mouth etc.). Some of it was probably liquid, but I'm trying to drink a lot of fluids. I'm totally off sugar, white flour, grease, hot spices, need to be for life, but that's okay, it helps.

fae, you asked about my insurance...I have Medicaid this year, but it ends Dec. 31. It's not the greatest, they want pre-auth for everything and deny some things that are necessary. I can't get my Diabetic test strips any more, in fact, I got a bill for what they didn't pay for October's! Still fighting it. Frankly, I don't need the stress. In January I have signed up for Lifewise Health Plan of OR, an EPO, which basically means I need to stay in Oregon if I want covered. That's okay, who has money to travel?! I am still waiting for them to send an acknowledgement of my signing up and billing so I can pay the first premium, which will ensure my coverage. A terrible time for a switch! The surgeon wants me back two weeks after the surgery and I don't know if I'll get my health insurance card by then! I know it's not the greatest insurance but the Federal website wants $750-$950 per month for health ins for my age! The tax credits don't cover all that, of course. Funny it's called "affordable"!

One hitch: I need insurance preauthorization for the gall bladder removal. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Oh, and I sprained two toes.

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Kay, I think we need to start a general prayer circle for you that anyone here around our fire can join and use for prayers. I consider myself already in the circle.

You have so much going on. Is there anyone to help you get all the papers sorted out and to make sure you make all the filing deadlines etc? It seems like so much paperwork, and once again, I agree with Harry, that we need to get a better system in place. All the years when I was healthy, I paid fairly large monthly insurance premium, but now that I need the insurance more I am in a system that does not work as well as the one we had for the foundation, and I don't have it all sorted out yet what will and what will not get paid.

But if you must get approval even for a gall bladder surgery (Who would want one if not needed???) then that sounds like a poor system to me.

I am putting you in the middle of the prayer circle, Kay.


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The surgeon has more clout with the insurance company than I do, she is handling it. If they decline or don't answer, I will be on the phone all day before surgery. :)

The paperwork with Riverbend Hospital is unbelievable! They all have separate computer systems which they say will take three years to put together, so I have to answer all of the same redundant questions I've already answered elsewhere in the building. Then I get home and they've sent me emails, I have to register on their site, I get in there and they want me to fill out all of these record request forms...they don't have my name or anything on it, I have to start from scratch. They want the recipient's address, phone, and fax (why don't they automatically have that prefilled?) and when I look that up (one minute) it timed out, wiping out everything I'd already entered. They don't just want my name and the doctor's name, they want to know every ailment I've ever had, etc. A million questions! And I have to do this for three different places. Ugh! On one form (the longest one) they wanted the surgeon's name but you can't enter it, you have to choose from a drop down list and it doesn't have her name on it. I checked her husband and put it in a note and sent them a message. What do you want to bet I'll have to do it all over again? Even if they added her name to the list, they don't have a provision for editing. Ugh again!

I wish I could go to McKenzie Willamette Hospital but my insurance won't cover it. I don't get it!

It IS a poor system, and it's only getting worse!

I so appreciate your prayers, fae, yes, I can certainly use them. I'm on week six of pain...it'll be over eight weeks by the time I have surgery. Some people go in and get their gall bladder out within a couple of days! Why is mine so different? I suspect the wonderful government health care. When I had Regence, I never had problems. (Except the time they billed me for a Prostrate Exam...even when I called...you'd think my name Kay would be a clue, and told them I was the wrong gender for that, they still argued with me and told me my doctor had ordered it. Hogwash! Finally I decided to try a different tactic...I told them I wanted to see the results. Only THEN would they "adjust their error".

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I am sitting in our circle as is fae. Keeping you close, Kay. I bet we could put a "First Account" book together about our health system and it would hit the best seller list in hours!

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My dear Kay, I'm so sorry that you're faced with so many challenges on so many levels, and I can only imagine how frustrated and exhausted (and angry) you must feel. We all are feeling that right along with you. Our health care system is a mess, and so is our federal government. Everything is too big, too complicated, too far removed from the individual who is seeking services. And it does not matter one bit that you've been paying for all of it since the day you began working and paying taxes.

You are in the center of our Grief Healing Prayer Circle for sure, and we will hold you there until you're fit as a fiddle once again. Keep your lovely chin up, and know that we are with you, every step of the way.

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Dear Kay,

I am truly sorry you are going through so much. Due to Jerry's weeks of hospitalization, I can relate to a lot of what you are saying (wandering the labyrinths of hospital hallways to get to different departments, especially when afraid and sick, is so difficult; hallways long and same color!), and due to our daughter, Amberly, being nurse supervisor where she works, I hear a lot about the "affordable" health care plan, and how it's causing so many patients to suffer.

Amberly is a tenacious advocate for many people in similar situations as yours regarding insurance. She does a lot of the prior auths for medications, surgeries, CT scans, MRIs, etc. Because of her tenacity, she achieves much of what she sets out to do, but it's a battle daily, and a battle not easily won. I just texted her to ask her opinion of the plans for California. She texted back that "Straight MediCal or MediCal BX is best; CA Care and Humana are worst. California Health and Wellness are not easy either."

She tells me often that although everyone is supposed to be insured now, it's very difficult to get hospitals (including many university hospitals), and doctors to accept the insurances. So now that everyone is insured, if this new insurance plan is not accepted, how is having this new insurance plan better? It is not better. Many meds are now denied, even life-saving ones. People who are critically ill, and in severe pain, are often denied the meds and care they need.

As for the computer and all the redundant questions, this has health care professionals pulling out their hair also. I know what it's like from the patients' points of view. Maddening!

Because getting the best care for her patients is a passion of Amberly's, I find myself letting that passion show through here. What I really want to tell you is that, if it's all right with you, Jerry and I would like to include you in our morning prayers. We would like to join Fae, and others, in prayer for you. You help many others, and prayer is something we can do for you, even far away. Were we near you, we could possibly do something to help you physically. I told Jerry that you are sick, and he says that he's sorry, and that he cares. We don't know you personally, but we know what it's like to hurt physically and emotionally. We know we have this in common.

Because we have an appointment this morning, I will need to come back to read your posting carefully, so that I can understand better.



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Dear Kay, you are in my heart. I'm so sorry that this is all so complex. We know in the Uk that the medical know.exge on the US is superb but you have to have good insurance. Here we have the NHS so we never have to think about money. However the NHS is reLly stressed and I think people don't always get the best treatment. I suppose older people are getting more numerous (I don't mean you, as you are a spring chicken compared to me). And there is more and more demand for it. Please keep posting here. We will now know where to look.

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Dear Kay,

As I prepare to prepare for a night of rest, I wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers and thoughts, as well as in my heart, as you go through this very challenging time. I am so sorry to must endure these days of pain before your surgery. I know we are all holding you with love and caring, and I hope you can feel the good thoughts and prayers coming your way.

You deserve to be entirely well, healed, and living a good life. You deserve to have good medical care and to be treated by compassionate and and engaged professionals. You deserve to wake up each day knowing that it will be a good day for you, and that the few rough times are just that: rough ties that soon pass.

May you be blessed each day. May your heart be refreshed and gladdened. May you be filled with abundant lovingkindness and caring. May you be able to lay all your affairs in the hands of G*d, and may may you be comforted and held in G*d's heart each moment.

Yes, please keep posting here so we know right where to find you, dear Kay.

Much Love,



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Of course, I would love your prayers! And I just discovered the back of my garage is rotted out and my truck is making a "need to go to the garage and get worked on" noise. I don't know how much more I can have thrown at me!

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Jerry and I prayed for you together yesterday, and again this morning, Kay. We prayed that God will make you well and whole again and very soon. We pray that you will also get your insurance just the way you need it to be, and that God will guide and direct the minds and hands of your physicians as they care for you, and that He will continue to give you special strength and stamina, so you can do all you need to do. Now we know to pray regarding your garage and your truck. We join your long-time friends here in praying for the best of outcomes for you, and for peace in your heart and mind (happens to be the prayer for myself this morning; rough day yesterday). I can't say that I know just how you feel, for I know I don't, but I care that you hurt.

We prayed for Fae, and for all others on this site, especially for those who are hurting physically, as well as emotionally, for they have special burdens to bear. We do not know the needs of each, yet God knows the hearts, minds, and bodies of each one. We learned the power of prayer, to a much deeper level, while Jerry was so sick, yet we still get afraid and full of dread. I know fear is the opposite of faith, so I wish I didn't have to acknowledge this fear (panic) and dread. Jerry is still in danger (aneurysms, plus), so we request prayers for ourselves also. We know that at sometime, God will answer our prayers in a way one of us will not like, yet we are looking to Him for strength to endure (seems utterly impossible, but you know this already). I did not mean to make this about me/us, for you and Fae, and others, are the ones who we know need special thoughts and prayers right now.



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dear kayc im so sorry for your health problems.I will never forget that 7 years ago you gave courage and answered all my posts. I visit and read all new post and wonder about old friends how they moved on.I send you my love.rember me? your far away friend TENY

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Oh Kay, sorry I didn't see this earlier. I'm so sorry to hear all that you are going thru. I hate to hear anyone in pain. Whats worse, being by yourself. I'll say a prayer for you my friend, we are all thinking of you! Love you, Deborah

to everyone, I'm sorry I'm not on here as often anymore. I'm struggling to make ends meet and either I"m working or painting my items trying to sell them to keep roof over my head. At night, I just collapse into bed so utterly tired and feel sick most of the time. thinking of you all, miss the conversations here but can't keep up with everything right now. Love to you all, Deborah

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Deborah, I hope and pray things get better for you soon. I wish we lived closer, maybe we could be roommates together or something to help save money (and help each other from feeling nuts :wacko: )

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Dear KayC,

Two years ago you were the first person to help me out when I lost my Marco unexpectedly when he had a heart attack. Don't think I would have made through if it wasn't for this special place where people truly understand. Now I see you're facing major surgery on December 23 and you are in my prayers daily.


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Kay, I am so sorry you are faced with so much at this time, health, house, truck. I hope everything get worked out very quickly on your gallbladder surgery, and that you are able to get everything done that you need, before the Medicaid runs out. It is so wrong that our health system is so user unfriendly, praying for you Kay, and will continue to do so daily.

I have been off the site for a few days, but you and Fae have sure been on my mind and in my heart.


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QMary, Thank you...yes, I'd noticed you'd been gone, it's actually been a little on the quiet side here lately with Mary gone and fae out of commission for a while. It's amazing how much we come to mean to each other and miss each other when we're away!

Pumkin, Yes, I remember you! So good to hear from you again! How're you doing? Thank you for your prayers, I can surely use them!

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Yes, really miss each person when they are not posting, don't we Kay. My brother was here, we went to see my sister at nursing home (she is now in Melbourne, closer to her family), they were here Wednesday through Saturday. So much going on in my family right now. Think it is time I start my own thread. I will be praying for you Kay, you are in the circle, and many are holding you close in our hearts.


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  • 2 weeks later...


I m posting here mostly just to bump this thread up so we can start keeping track of you as you prepare for and go through surgery.

Will someone be at the hospital with you during and after the surgery? Will someone be at home with you the first few days? I think you said you would be in hospital for a couple of days after the surgery, but I need to see if I can find the details.

Thinking of you and sending prayers for healing and good health.



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No, I'm having Laparoscopic so it's a day surgery. My neighbor is driving me to/from the hospital. He will build me a fire once a day and check on me, but I'll be on my own, I imagine I'll sleep if I can. I've been trying to figure out how to scoot out of the recliner without using stomach muscles (my recliner doesn't go back to upright position), I think I have it figured out and of course my cane and the phone will be next to me. Same neighbor is watching Arlie for two weeks. My daughter is coming up Christmas Day and will try to Christmas Eve day as well. Hopefully my SIL will be with her. I told him to use the family leave act if they give him any guff.

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I'm thinking of you too Kay. Wishing you well. Imagine all the help you would have if we all lived close by. That is good your daughter will be there to help the day after. I am sure you will leave everything all ready for your return. Your neighbor should be able to help you get settled in. Also sounds like your Arlie will be in good hands. We are all thinking of you.


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Thank you. One week from today...I wonder if everyone who is alone thinks about it as I am...more than anything, so aware of my aloneness, apprehensive about how I will be afterwards.

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Before my husband got sick and died I would have never given it a second thought, we were just there for each other. Now, like you, I certainly would feel that total aloneness going through a major event like your surgery. We just aren't used to that. We never had to think about that. Of course you feel that way. I would probably stick his picture in my things to bring with me. Remember we are all here thinking of you, praying for you and sending you all the positive energy we have.


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Thank you.

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