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How do you mend a broken heart?

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Our little miracle girl Gracie is doing better off the vent etc... And up to 3lbs 11oz.  She needs to be stable for a significant amount of time and weigh over 5lbs before considering going home.  One day at a time.  She has such personality for a tiny little lady.  And she loves to cuddle and being talked to and smiles.  She loves holding Grampy's finger and I melt with her affection.  She's so little but has huge heart.  :wub:


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Oh, Butch, this has put a smile on my face. What good news. I know it is one day at a time and I'm so very glad for you and the family. Sending love to all in the family. Anne

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We're all pulling for her, Butch!  And I have all my prayer groups praying for her. 

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:wub: thank you for all the support and prayers continuing.  I'm in awe of this community supporting my precious Gracie in the midst of all your grief.  Gracie is just a tiny little peanut and she has no idea of all who are pulling for her.  

It being the weekend, I'm on grandsons duty because there is no school. So I miss being at the hospital feeling Gracie holding my pinky finger and not letting go.  And seeing her little grin ever so small they may be.  

I've been feeling so alone.  Missing my Mary.  Knowing that she should be here had ALS not stole her away .  But I'm just absent of words.  I think having to care for the boys and dealing with and worrying about Gracie's future, I'm afraid to let my guard down regarding my beautiful bride's passing.  Every now and then I get a shock of physical aching in my heart.  My heart is still forever broken but I hope I've not let her down.  


i included a pic of Gracie in her cuddly swaddling blankie and a gifted hand made hat that is too big for her little head.  


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Butch, thank you for the update on little Gracie.  I hope you enjoy the weekend with your grandsons.  I think you make Mary proud!

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21 hours ago, R.Everit55 said:

:wub: thank you for all the support and prayers continuing.  I'm in awe of this community supporting my precious Gracie in the midst of all your grief.  Gracie is just a tiny little peanut and she has no idea of all who are pulling for her.  

Butch, how can we not support and pray for your little peanut? Seeing Gracie get better day by day is just the medicine we need to see a little sunshine in our grief.

I made a little smiley for her...


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Gracie girl will be two month old already Friday.  She is a leap year baby.  She weighs 3lbs 15oz.  Almost four lbs!  She's doing perfect.  She loves eating.  Her personality is shining through.  She knows her momma and daddy.  And her Grampy.  She holds onto my pinky and just doesn't want to let go.  She gets mad if I take my finger away.  :wub:

she needs to keep up her fight and get to five lbs and then can come home.  

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It is such great news!  She's had so much fighting to do for her life, and it's wonderful to hear she's gaining weight and her vital signs are doing well.

Praying for your grandson Caleb's broken arm to heal quickly!  Thank God Katie and Allen have you there helping, just as they've been there for you.  You're a wonderful family!

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This little darling is thriving on all the love being sent her way ~ and we are absolutely thrilled to learn this wonderful news, dear Butch. Blessings to you and your family, and thank you for letting us know 

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A change this morning (day 89).  Accepting that the love of my life is gone, and everything in my life is gone with her.  I am now a blank slate of grief.  What I am other than grief, I will have to create.  I have to recreate my self.  Somewhat bewildering and a bit frightening.  Went out and walked for an hour, contemplating this situation. 



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Yes Bill, grief is a time of evolving, reinventing, re-creating, and simply learning how to exist and cope when such a significant part of yourself has been ripped from you.  Walking, for me, has been good.  It is a consistent distractor where I can be reminded that the world has continued spinning.


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I just came back from walking Arlie.  We were graced to see a beautiful deer looking right at us, before (from a standing position) she hurdled over a 6' fence like it was no effort.  It was a treat that we both enjoyed.

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