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My Sanity Needed Vents

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17 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

But then, none of us are huge fans of reality now, are we?  

I had to laugh at the dentist that said he wouldn't want worked on sober.  :D  I like my dental office, been there so long it's like visiting family, comfortable, home.  Beautiful view of the river and trees outside (second story).  

I usually sleep 8-9 to 4-5, don't like less than 7-8 hours sleep!  I have a Medicare Advantage program which has to have a contract with providers or it costs a helluva lot more IF they pay anything at all!  Only one pharmacy here and it isn't contracted and charges too much, often out of medicines, etc so I don't use it unless an emergency.  My new doctor doles out Rxs like it's a control issue, gives ONE at a time, not prescribes for the whole year like my previous doctor.  Some things I liked about my old one.  Wish I could combine them into one perfect doctor. ;)

Sorry you gals are going through the dental work, can get expensive, I know.  I think I paid for my dentist to have a home in HI over the years!  Seriously, I only have half my teeth left, some being a bridge (upper front), all crowned but two.  More root canals than I can count, some repeats, tooth restorations, etc.  Born with bad genetics, both parents & Peggy had false teeth in their 20s!  Julie, Polly, and myself fought (and paid) to keep our own.  It's been a hard battle...and an expensive one.

Karen, have you tried cooking chicken or steak and then running some through the food processor?  I've done that for soup and it makes it shredded and small enough to swallow without chewing.  At least it'd be a different texture than hamburger.  I guess I'm lucky I have 8 on top, 8 on bottom.  I would not relish dentures, George hated his.  My dad always took his out before he ate.  He only wore them to work.


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5 hours ago, kayc said:

My new doctor doles out Rxs like it's a control issue, gives ONE at a time, not prescribes for the whole year like my previous doctor. 

That’s nuts!   All my meds come with refills, my doc doesn’t want to be bothered monthly.  These are normal stuff like thyroid, hormones and my antidepressant.   My anxiety meds only last 6 months, but that’s by law.  I get 6 months at least on the others for the mail order.  Many years ago my life was constant trips to the pharmacy for my stuff and Steve’s when he got sick.  I was younger then so it wasn’t that big a deal.  Is now tho.  Has your doc said why he does this?  Doesn’t he support mail order for 90 days to simplify your having to travel so far?

I can’t fathom how much I’ve paid for dental work over the years.  I’m missing 2 teeth, cracked more and have a precarious crowned area that would need a bridge except the latest tooth that broke off was supposed to be an anchor for one side.  I just keep taking care of them as best I can with crossed fingers.  Have do much other stuff going on to add that in too.  I’m still angry my dentist is retiring as he had this all figured out with the setbacks if it needs to be fine in a hurry.  The new guy might be good with it, but I don’t know yet.  I mostly hope he could do like my guy was, not involve specialists.  

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On 5/30/2021 at 1:42 PM, Gwenivere said:

 Wouldn’t even know how to find a new doc.  Can you get a referral as they usually can try snd match by how your relationship was with them?   How far away are you moving?  I think you said it’s a considerable distance.  

Actually, my PC did ask if I'd be needing a referral.  I said yes I would, but did not follow up before appointment ended.  The 30 minute appointments go quickly, especially with my not seeing her since pre-covid.  I will wait until I know when house is listed and sold.  I will be moving an hour away which is too far and too much traffic  depending on time of day or weather.  

My dentist is only 20 minutes from my new place, so that is doable.  I had to laugh when you mentioned dentist needing help to have his teeth cleaned. Dee    

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19 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

Doesn’t he support mail order for 90 days to simplify your having to travel so far?

Yes it's 90 days Rx by mail order, but then I have to contact the doctor's office again.  Last time he wanted a "telephone visit" before refilling but then after doing all the on line work for it, they called it off (they got busy, imagine that!).  I like the doctor but not their system.


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13 hours ago, widow'15 said:

I had to laugh when you mentioned dentist needing help to have his teeth cleaned.

Guess they are human like everyone else, eh?

5 hours ago, kayc said:

Yes it's 90 days Rx by mail order, but then I have to contact the doctor's office again. 

That’s a bummer.  Most docs add a refills you get at least 6 months.  That they forgot?  Experience it allllll the time.

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I don't think they forgot, I think it's a control issue, I hate that.  I hate having to play their games.  It doesn't seem reasonable.

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Got my new distance glasses today and some clip on sunglass lenses. I didn't want to spend the extra $85 for the tinted lenses. As expected, the glasses don't help much, maybe about 10%, but I can live with that. I can see well enough to drive as long as my BP is okay.

Had to postpone my dentist visit. He is in the hospital with pneumonia, a residual from Covid he had in Jan. Sure hope he'll be okay as he's close to 80 and pneumonia can be deadly in older folks.

Starting yesterday, something weird is going on with my legs. When I stand and walk, my muscles are weak and feel like I've run a marathon. Can't stand for very long. Never had anything like this before. Have a doctor appt. next week for BP so will talk to him about it if it persists.

Finally received all my dishwasher parts so Sears coming out tomorrow. Fingers crossed on that one.

I watched the new Tom Hanks movie "News Of The World". One of the better movies I've seen lately.

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Physical problems sure keep mounting for so many of us.  I can relate to the leg thing, is it painful too?  

I have to call Sears again because the part they ordered is lost at UPS.  I’m getting to the point I don’t even care anymore.   That’s what bothers  me.  The fight being kicked out of me by maladies that my docs aren’t responding to.

I want to see Hanks movie.  I never pass up any of his films.  I just started Nomadland and while good, it’s very depressing to me.  She’s a widow who lost everything.  Not exactly the escapist stuff I need.  But interesting about that lifestyle.  It’s a whole ‘nuhter world.  

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My sister walked somewhere she should not have yesterday and fell, very uneven ground & trip hazards.  She broke her nose, glasses, and dentures so now I have more appts. to take her to.  My BP is up 70 pts higher this morning.  I had to notify my sisters as Peggy said she couldn't call out of town.  ???  They're no help, glad to dump it all on me.   (We'd love to help if only we could but we're three hours away with our own issues.)  Guess my summer is spoken for before it gets here.  She refuses gov't help (Ridesource, Senior & Disabled), I'm going to call anyway.  It shouldn't have to be up to me.  Her phone won't hold a charge but she won't tell me what kind of battery, instead she wants me to take her out of town to BiMart WITH her phone to get a new battery.  I want to pull my hair out!  I made her some soup so will take it to her today.  I recall when I went through this, sheered off my upper front tooth, broke my nose, one week later my right elbow, no one helped me, instead I gave my sister a ride to Portland, both eyes black, fat lip, bruises/cuts everywhere.  I looked for work for months, holding my tooth in place with my tongue all while going to job interviews, no insurance, it was hard.  I had no one who gave a rip, and no help from my sister back then, this was ten years ago.  No one bringing me soup or giving me rides.

Karen, that is scary about your legs, I hope it is not your BP!  I'm glad your part is coming in.  But Gwen, oh no, they lost the part!  I can't believe how simple things can be so muddled nowadays, it feels no one does their job right.

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54 minutes ago, kayc said:

She refuses gov't help (Ridesource, Senior & Disabled), I'm going to call anyway.  It shouldn't have to be up to me. 

kayc:  That's sounds like a great idea.  In my opinion, it sounds like she let her husband do all the taking care of her while he was alive.  He must've been a saint.  You do need to find others to help her for sure.  It's not fair........  Good luck.  Dee

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Kay, this shouldn’t have to be all up to you.  I know you can call about sources for help.  I just don’t know what you’d do if she refuses them.  This is way too much for one person to take on in the best of circumstances.  You have your own issues to handle so it’s asking so much.  I understand family caring, but you don’t even have that from your other sisters.  I just so feel for you being caught in this.  💖

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Well if I found another source to give her rides she'd have to accept if I couldn't.  I don't mind some of the time but can't have it ALL on my shoulders!  And I've already told her no in wintertime!

Karen, that is great news!  Now, hoping with you for Gwen to get hers done!  We need some good news.

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Oops, I addressed you getting your dishwasher fixed in another thread, Karen.  ️  Congratulations and hopefully bye bye to Sears forever.   I’m waiting for the tracking number for my part.  Sears has yet to provide it.  This is the bad part of it all already paid for, no leverage.  

just got the landscaping bill which was very high.  Not paying on that til I get some reasonable answers beyond the tech jacked up the rates because the yard smelled so bad of dog urine he could hardly breathe.  ???  It’s been raining all winter and the yard is the same as always.  Even one less dog.  Why wasn’t this a problem last year?  I’m so sick of these petty problems.  I wish I could sic Steve on them all.  

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11 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

the tech jacked up the rates because the yard smelled so bad of dog urine he could hardly breathe.  ???

What???!!!  I've never heard of such a thing!  Unless your yard is 5' x 5' it can't possibly smell from one dog!  I've had dogs all my life, sometimes mine and my son's dog, no problem!  That's crazy!  And they should tell you ahead of time if they raise their rates so you can make an educated decision.  I sit outside while Kodie and Jazzy play every day together and it NEVER smells!  I'd be finding someone else and that'd never hold up in court!  Pay what you think it should have been and find someone else, gosh that is nuts.

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Yeah, he said it was happening while he was getting the weeds out of the gravel on the upper tier of the yard.  I’ve left messages with the owner, but no reply yet.  I was thinking the same thing, I’ll may just make a payment and say, if you expect more you explain why your tech did what he did. I was here for part of the work, not sure when he was in the back.  But still, there’s something wrong,  without consent he should not have done it.

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Sure has been quiet here.  I know many are dealing with big time probs out ‘there' and it’s hard to have energy to do both.  I have no one dependent on me for anything so have lots of time, way too much, so I come here.  I go for outings but they are tough.  I was trying out a new place to sit for Zoom talks, but it was in Steve’s office and while the chair felt a bit better, it was depressing as there wasn’t a way to see outside from his desk.  Colder back there too.  It’s a nasty day here. Dinner night at the church and I’m getting tired of those.  I just don’t feel like I belong there.  I was going for the cooked meals and human contact, but it’s not fulfilling anymore.  It kinda scares me I would choose more isolation over that.  I have more than enough going already.  

yesterday I pushed my back above and beyond with things.  I noticed I was mentally kinda off.  Didn’t feel totally here which always throws me.  I miss feeling sharp.  I never know if it’s depression or something wrong in my brain, cognitively.  

Miss hearing updates, but I get that we only have so much energy.  Lost our newcomers.  Hope they are faring as best as possible.  I’m such a chatterbox I always have something to say.  I’d tell Mel about things, but she’s only interested in dog related stuff that affect her.  I noticed she knows when Zoom calls end.  I haven’t even gotten up but she comes in with a toy and all happy.  Then content to go back to sleep.  They are characters.  

Another day for missing Steve and lots of hours of it ahead.  Groundhogs Day did real.

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Sorry I've been a bit lax in contributing lately, Gwen. Nothing much noteworthy happens here unless something breaks down or some new ailment pops up. Pretty mundane existence. I don't even make little side trips like you do to escape boredom. When I go somewhere in town, it's for a specific purpose. If I was in the mountains, I'd go just for the sheer joy of being outside and exploring new places. How the heck did I end up living in this crummy desert? Moot point.

I'd love to have some new adventure or trip to report on. After Ron and Debbie died, I had this crazy idea that Marley and I could just jump in the truck and travel. Of course, it never happened and now I've gotten a bit too old and unsteady to try it. Plus, I'd have to rob a bank for traveling expenses. lol   I'm hoping to make a trip to the mountains during Robert's vacation this month, but time will tell.

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I've noticed James isn't even here, it's weird when everyone disappears.  Maybe we scare people off with our "growing old alone" existence.  

Gwen, I wish you felt more at home with those dinner excursions, so hard to be without any contact to look forward to.  My friend is starting our scrabble back up Wednesday, we didn't do it during Covid, that'll be nice.  

I'm hoping Peggy will be open to Home Health, she sounded resistant to the idea when I brought it up last night, she needs to be more receptive or she'll end up in a nursing home.  She still doesn't seem to get it, she needs help and she needs to listen to what we tell her for her own safety.  Ugh.  I thought I raised my kids!

I hear you, Karen, lately I've been fantasizing about packing Kodie up and just leaving home!  Going anywhere, anywhere but here!   I hope you get to make the trip you'd like.

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15 hours ago, kayc said:

I hear you, Karen, lately I've been fantasizing about packing Kodie up and just leaving home!  Going anywhere, anywhere but here!   I hope you get to make the trip you'd like.

Yes, Karen, as kayc said, I hope you get to take your trip with Robert.  That sounds like a good change of scenery for you.  And kayc, I am so envious in all that you get done.  Seems like you have one foot in the road constantly. 

I am also envious of your little companions, your Kodie, Gwen's Mel and Karen's Marley.  I do get to spend a little time with my son's elderly yellow lab.  She is really old but even though she is deaf, she must have the ability to pick up my scent from across the yard.  I spoil her with treats whenever I am there.  Dee

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Well couldn't go anywhere if I wanted.  

I called and it took me hours to get Peggy...she sounds like Stage IV dementia, it terrified me!  I called back and talked to the nurse, she has no one listed as contact.  The nurse said she thinks it's 1948.  She talks nonsense, can't reach for words, doesn't answer questions, it's crazy!  She was fine the day before.  I asked if she's on some Rx doing that and they said no, that sometimes if someone is early dementia and out of their surroundings, it can do this but it should go back to normal if she's back in her surroundings.  She has a caseworker and has seen doctors, I don't know what their plans are.  She has no one listed as a contact.
When I got home after getting my oil changed (60+ miles away) I noticed a pool of oil when I moved the car so checked, there is NO OIL!  No light came on, nothing!  I spent the next few hours trying to get someone to help me, they finally called, I gave them hell, they're supposed to have someone up here to tow it away as of 1/2 hour ago...still waiting.  They need to check the engine, also why no lights came on, and get to the bottom of their service problems.  Also bring me a car.
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I'm sorry, Dee, I wish you had a furry critter of your own, Kodie keeps me sane (if not, don't tell me!), well maybe not sane, but gives me impetus to go on...

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Wow Kay!

The black cloud is definitely over you right now!

I don't know much about dementia, but I do know if a person is severely dehydrated, they will act like you're describing. Surely they have checked her for that.

That's crazy about your car. I wonder if they didn't tighten the filter or something. And why no warning light? Computer problem maybe? Hope there was no damage and it gets taken care of.

Keep your chin up girl.

Sending hugs.

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I thought they were coming here at 7:30 but they say it'll be later, don't know when.  They said the fact that there was no light was a good thing, it means there may still be a couple of quarts that don't register on the dip stick, they will check it out.  Supposed to bring me a new car.  That's all well and good for a loaner but I hope they don't bring my car back with a stressed engine that'll have problems on down the road, I want to hear my son's take on this!  I need a man who knows something about now!

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