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Do You Believe In Signs

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When my dad died in 2004 I thought I had signs that he was still with me. I was so worried that I wouldn't have a sign from my husband after he passed. The day that I was to go to the funeral home to make the arrangements, I got in the car and on the radio was our song. I took that as a sign from him that he was ok and that he was with me. Sometimes when I am having a difficult time the song will come on the radio while I'm at work. Last night I was a roller coaster of emotions. I was a little bit better this morning. I got ready for work and got in the car. I couldn't believe it but when I started the car the song was on the radio. Needless to say I had a pretty good day. I felt that he was still looking out for me.

Does anyone else have signs from their loved ones?

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Many of us are firm believers in signs. From dreams to physical occurrances, I believe our loved ones have a way of letting us know during some of our toughest times that they are still with us--'looking out for us' if you will. These signs can work wonders on our psyche, so just allow them to impact you and enjoy them when they come. Realize that he/she is smiling down upon you and perhaps just tossing a mischevious little grin your way as only he/she and you know the meaning of that sign. : )


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I am looking for signs all the time. I have told this story before here, but after all the kaffuffle had calmed down, I was back at home, I sat down at the computer Scott always used. Even though the internal clock and calendar was accurate, the icon on the screen was stuck on June 17. This was the last day Scott spoke to me. He went onto life support after that and passed away on June 19. (We were now into July). I took that as a sign. (It wasn't until the computer rebooted that the date went back to normal.) I have had other incidents which I attribute to signs, or, at the very least, I have found comforting. Example: one night I was watching tv and feeling lonely. You know how the tv sometimes freezes when the feed is spotty? Well, the tv stuck on a caption incluling "Above and Beyond" for a few moments.


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Korina, I do but i'm still waiting. Maybe i am trying to hard to see them. I am waiting for him to even be in my dreams and he hasn't. I though at one time a few days after he died that i was sitting in the chair and watching his favorite show mash when the tv went off and on it it kinda looked like a sign to me but them my sister said hydro went out all over the town which kinda blew that for me. He was supposes to come to me cause that is what we had talked about before but maybe he is just enjoying his rest still.


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The first day that I tried to return to work after Brian passed away turned out to be not such a great idea. As I was getting ready to go home and was standing in my friend's office, I looked out her window and a large butterfly which landed on the grass. It stayed there for a few moments and then fluttered around the window. It really warmed my heart. Then when I was at the beach the other weekend, I was watching the surfers and a large butterfly began to follow me up the beach. Brian was a sufer in his youth. The next day I was on the deck at the condo and looked down at the bay and spied another large butterfly fluttering about. I really think that these were signs from Brian. My analogy is that we are caterpillars in this life but when we return to God we become butterflies. I think Brian was trying to tell me that he is now resting in God's beauty but wants to reassure me that all will be well. I can't wait to be with him in God's kingdom.

Peace, love, and blessings,


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I have been reading a lot of posts that have helped me greatly. Not responding but getting lots of good advice and support. Thank you all so much. But today, this topic was meaningful and I wanted to share a lovely moment - we have so few these days!!

It's now nine weeks since my husband died suddenly. I've been really struggling greatly, but going OK by my measure given the circumstances. I've learned from you all to be kind in my judgement of myself.

I've been forcing myself to go out every day or have visits from the wonderful family and friends that have kept me sane. I prefer to be at home alone at night because our house is the only place I can find some peace and comfort but last night, for some reason, was very bad.

A downward spiral with lots of tears and hurt late into the night. Fixated on photos of all that we've shared and the future that I feel is now lost.

Finally slept and just before waking up early, my dream had me enter a room to find him there. We hugged and I held onto to him so tightly. He just smiled in his wonderful way. I woke up feeling his arms holding me safely and yes,I think of it as a sign. He has supported and helped me when I needed it most - like he did for all our life together.

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Susie Q,

Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful dream. Brian hasn't visited me in my dreams yet. Perhaps it is because I'm not ready or perhaps it is because I don't get very much sleep. I long for the night when he will visit me and tell me that all is well. Tomorrow marks the one-month date of his passing. Life is really rough right now but I know some day he will come to me in a dream and I will know that he has found peace. This knowledge will give me tremendous comfort.

Peace, love, and blessings,


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The first day that I tried to return to work after Brian passed away turned out to be not such a great idea. As I was getting ready to go home and was standing in my friend's office, I looked out her window and a large butterfly which landed on the grass. It stayed there for a few moments and then fluttered around the window. It really warmed my heart. Then when I was at the beach the other weekend, I was watching the surfers and a large butterfly began to follow me up the beach. Brian was a sufer in his youth. The next day I was on the deck at the condo and looked down at the bay and spied another large butterfly fluttering about. I really think that these were signs from Brian. My analogy is that we are caterpillars in this life but when we return to God we become butterflies. I think Brian was trying to tell me that he is now resting in God's beauty but wants to reassure me that all will be well. I can't wait to be with him in God's kingdom.

Peace, love, and blessings,


Just so Beautiful.. Mrs.B.

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Susie Q,

Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful dream. Brian hasn't visited me in my dreams yet. Perhaps it is because I'm not ready or perhaps it is because I don't get very much sleep. I long for the night when he will visit me and tell me that all is well. Tomorrow marks the one-month date of his passing. Life is really rough right now but I know some day he will come to me in a dream and I will know that he has found peace. This knowledge will give me tremendous comfort.

Peace, love, and blessings,


Hi Linda, we have something in common..tomorrow is one month that my sweet hubby is gone..and tonight is rough with that empty pit in my stomach..I did have a dream that he came in the house looked at me, "with that look" smiled picked something up off of a shelf and then left...I could hear the familar door sound and walk..woke up feeling strange, but now I will call it blessed..I had to put "widow" on an application for a blood test and I cried..very sad today..I find when I do not get enough sleep, that I'm a mess the next day..wow, this is hard..I love this site and use it everyday..the folks here can relate to our pain..they are having the same pain..Hope to see your posts in the near future...Bless you, Rochel

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Kat - here are a couple of threads on this topic, as well. (I hope this works....)



You have to scroll down a few posts in the second one before getting to the part about signs.


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  • 10 months later...

This is weird. My husband committed suicide in his car/carbon monoxide. No mess or anything he took care. So it happened on a Tuesday. I was off and he had wanted to be cremated as do I. I had family with me for days. Went back to work Monday following. My car is a similar model and his sat in the garage since it happened. Toyota RAVs. We have 2. So I get in mine to go to work. It doesn't start/ no car problems just wouldn't start. Damn, I have to drive his. I know this so I get in and start it. Our favorite Moody Blue's song was Tuesday morning. It came on then an old song from the 80's came on. I'm burning I'm burning for you burn out today...it was the day he was to be cremated. So I said I get the message, Scott. Irrational or not.I have felt music came on for a reason. Lindakay

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I was having a particularly hard day yesterday. My husband has been gone for a little over two months and when I woke up yesterday there was a chill in the air.....the first taste of fall weather. Jeff and I loved the change of seasons, and we especially loved fall - the cool crisp air, the leaves changing, enjoying a camp fire....but now all I can think of is that I have no one to wrap their arms around me when I get cold.

I took my dogs out as I always do and between the two of them they managed to drag me over to some forsythia bushes that Jeff had planted in the spring. Now, my dogs are not allowed near these bushes because I don't want them killing them....but they managed to drag me over there, and to my surprise, one of the forsythia bushes has sprouted some flowers!


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Definitely a sign Tammy, that's awesome. I have received many over the past few months and it always catches me when I need it the most. I have stumbled on to missing items that I asked her to help me find, I have found things in books that I was studying and later found the same materials that she was looking at. My dreams and communications with her a few days ago are also some great gifts.....Do I believe, You bet. Sure could use one of those this weekend. BW

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I have had one dream in which I really felt that Mike was there, and he is always helping me find things around the house. One example, my doctor wanted me to take my blood pressure readings for a couple of weeks to see if it stayed steady. I could not find the wrist blood pressure machine, looked high and low, in weird places and in usual places. Finally I went over to Mike's Red Rock Urn from Arizona (he would have loved it) and said Mr. B, help me find this thing, you know where it is. 10 minutes later I found it, in a place I had already looked, but apparently not closely enough. I feel his presence often. Last night was opening night at our community theater for a play that I directed. As I sat with a couple of other in the back, watching the play on the monitor, I felt that someone from cast or crew was standing behind me, you know, you just sense some things. I turned around to say something about the play, and no one was there. I think it was Mike, letting me know he thought the play was a great success. (and it was, great crowd, and my cast was great). This was the first play I have directed without Mike's input. He was so good at tightening the scenes, but I have felt him all along guiding me in things. Others in the cast feel the same....we feel he is at the Lyric with us all.

Mary (Queeniemary) in Arkansas

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Everyday I have signs, feelings, and hear Ruth's voice talking to me, somedays she jokes with me and I get frustrated cause I can't hug her and then she tells me not to take her serious....and I cry...I am so glad I decided to keep her Urn at home instead of scattering her ashes, she left that up to me, at first she wanted scattered but after I told her I didn't want that she told me it was OK and liked the idea...


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I totally believe in signs. As in one of my previous posts I said that I have a song that is my sign. When I got in the car to go to the funeral home to make my husband's funeral arrangements the song was on the radio when I started the car. I had no clue at the time what my sign would be but when I got in the car and heard it I had no doubt it was it. I have heard the song numerous times over the past 15 months since Pat has been gone but the most recent just confirmed it for me. I recently lost our dog that we had for the past 18 years. While I was so upset about loosing him, I knew my husband was there waiting for his little buddy. I was so happy that they were going to be together. I had him cremated and on the day that I was to pick up his ashes I was wondering if I was going to hear my song. One of our local funeral homes cremates pets. I went to go pick up the ashes and when I turned onto the grounds of the funeral home the song came on the radio. This just confirmed that they were together and now I have both of them looking out for me now.


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How do you know what's a sign and what isn't? I keep hoping for a sign - a dream - anything to let me know my husband is near. But so far I haven't noticed anything.

When he was diagnosed with cancer, and I was praying to God every day to allow him to live, I kept thinking I saw signs that meant he would live. A rainbow, an animal, etc. But then he died. Does this mean these weren't signs at all? And how would I know now what the actual signs are?

Confusing - but I sincerely want to find something to hold on to that gives me the feeling he's still with me.


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I think a sign is something personal enough that you will know it as such. When George died there was a huge thunder/lightening storm and a triple rainbow! Talk about going out with a bang. A couple of times there were rainbows that seemed a sign to me, esp. since they were unexpected, out of the ordinary. But we had this discussion years ago and some people had very unusual signs, I remember Karen did, something to do with jewelry.

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I also believe in signs. Our youngest grandaughter from Calif. came to visit me and wanted to go fishing and blow bubbles to grandpa at his favorite spot in Williams. We loaded up the ranger on the trailer (something I'd never done by myself) and headed up north. Our trip up there and back went great, everything worked just like it was suppose to. Lila had a wonderful time and we shared lots of beautiful memories of grandpa. We were on the way home and as soon as we pulled in the driveway the trailer tire went flat. I feel it was Tim's way of saying, you made it this time, but you are not driving this trailer again without new tires. He was with us and protected us the whole trip.


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