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Looking For The Positives

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Harry, I understand, I truly do. We want some degree of quality of life while we're here.

Great news on the donations!

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Relay is over for another year. We raised $7776. Now I need some recovery time. But I start teaching tomorrow. At lest I won't be talking about cancer.



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Congratulations on the fund raising! I'm glad you get to teach now.

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I have a huge positive to share.

Very few of you knew what I was going through lately. I am treasurer for my church and with that brings a lot of communication and interaction with others in it, particularly leadership. We lost our pastor last August and they hired an interim pastor from within. That brought some challenges as some thought we should hire him permanently and some thought we shouldn't. This began division in the church. One of the Elders (they govern the church) quit, and the interim pastor and his wife (she was our clerk and secretary, he was also our janitor) left, a deacon quit, and behind most of this was one elder who was trying to act as dictator. He was daily coming up with stuff that caused problems and stress. Another elder quit. This left us with two elders, one of which really needed to step down but wouldn't. He hadn't attended in nearly six months, and was calling us in leadership positions, dictating changes, etc. He is rash, ignorant, and insensitive. His decision making was abhorrent. This caused us so much stress, it was affecting my health. I began to realize, as much as I care for our church and do not want to leave them in the lurch, if he continued in his position, I'd have to quit my treasurer position...my co-treasurer (who is leaving her position the end of the year) felt the same way. If we had any more resignations, our church would implode. To make matters worse, the other elder was new to the position, having only served six months.

Here comes the positive! He took charge, studying our bylaws and policies, and called a meeting. We voted on and ousted the troublesome elder from his position yesterday. I feel like our church is back on track and can now begin to move forward and heal. We also voted in two more deacons so now we have a board of three. This is such a relief!

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Oh, Kay! What a wonderful outcome to a tough situation. I am so very happy for you. You don't need more stress in you life, ever. I hope things quiet down now and get back in balance.

Good for everyone for helping to solve this set of problems.


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I'm so happy for you regarding the outcome of your situation at your church. It appears God removed the "bad apple" who was doing your church harm.

Amberly is dealing with two "bad apples" at work. She is their supervisor. She has a good team, except for these two cause others to become disgruntled by their negativity. She's meeting with her supervisor about them this morning, so we are praying for an outcome and solutions that will benefit all concerned. Such will certainly be a positive for us. I say "for us," knowing you will understand that what affects our children, affects us as well.

God is good, and will make things right. We wait for His timing (likely not as patiently as we should), for His timing is perfect.


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I, too, have a positive. Amberly's meeting went even better than expected. The "bad apples" will cause no more harm. Sometimes we must wait for God to answer, but this time, His answer came speedily. We give Him praise and thanks.


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That is Good news! the inner working of a Church can get quite messy because we are all still sinners. I'm glad it has turned for God's favor and your good.

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A friend gave me this verse a few days ago:

Because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, James 1:3–4

It kind of tided me over for the outcome. I hope for the best possible outcome/solution for Amberly's situation as well. It's so hard to go through these stresses!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just sitting here thinking that I have a positive to share. I have dabbled in creating bead jewelry for some time, but until recently just didn't have the spirit for it. Now, I have enough beads and associated materials to fill the back of my truck that are sitting nearby just looking at me. I don't do the wire wrapping or intricate stuff, but love to create semi-precious stone necklaces and earrings. I have a ton of beautiful Native American jewelry which I purchased whenever we visited the reservations, but really had no "western" jewelry. I found an online place that has a variety of "western" charms and beads I can't buy locally. So far, I have made boot earrings and necklace, saddle earrings, Texas earrings, etc. Some of them match the designs on my t-shirts. I can make the sterling ones for under $10 a pair and have ordered some plated and brass charms which will only cost me about $2 a pair.

Fae, I thought of you when I saw "fairy door" charms. What fun!

Making these things brings back bittersweet memories of how proud Ron was whenever I made something. He would always comment to the people in the bead supply stores that I made some really beautiful things. In his eyes they were beautiful and that was all that mattered to me.

Onward and Upward!


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Karen, it is so good to hear from you, and to read that you are doing creative things again. I think your heart will be much happier when you are creating. Brava!

Yes, we were going to have a fairy door on the front of our house in AK. Round, with two "porthole" windows on either side of it. It opened in the middle, and had large stones for door pulls, but could be barred on the inside (mostly against possible swimming bears. Doug was going to put some special type of latches on the door, but I am not sure what.

Anyway. Maybe I will still have my fairy door someday. :)

I am so glad you are finding your way back to making beauty. You are going to have treasures to bring to the world, from your own hands, and that is the best joy there is, other than Loving of course. I hope you will post some of your work here for us to see. If I ever get a final firing done, I'll post some of my new Bowls of Light. And today, two more pickup loads of kiln bricks left here. Mostly, I just visited more than hauled.

Anyway, we are all finding our way to new chapters of our lives, trailing along some of our most joyful habits:) The good habits. :) This is wonderful!

I am happy for you that you are creating again.



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I have also begun to get back into my studio to start creating once again. I worked on and finished a couple projects begun before Mark died. Like your Ron, Mark was my biggest "fan" and many times would come and sit while I worked, and would always tell me how beautiful my artwork was. Now that the fur babies are older and will lay quietly for a time, I can begin to concentrate to the best of my ability. I know that Mark still watches me and is proud of me. I miss him so much, but know he will still be a part of each piece I create from now on.

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My bestie made jewelry too, she tried to get me into it, I dappled un poco, but I already have so much stuff with my card making I don't have room for another hobby, LOL! I'm glad you're enjoying it again. I do, now and then, make my cards but not as often as I once did. It's good to have something we enjoy. And I can relate to your comment about Ron being proud of your work, that's how George was with me. He thought I could put Hallmark to shame, ha ha!

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Hi guys, been home now for almost a week. Had a wonderful trip, saw some awesome sights across our nation. Brought my remaining older sister, Betty, home for a visit. Tomorrow I am taking her to Hot Springs, AR to finish her visit in Arkansas at my brother's home, and then she will fly back to AZ on Saturday. Have enjoyed her visit, but looking forward to some "completely alone" time!! I have not even had time to read posts, so over the next week or two I will try to catch up. Just wanted to let you all know I am alive and well, and back from a 12 state trip! Sassy was so happy to see me! lol


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Welcome Home, QMary!

Looking forward hearing more about your trip after your visit to your brother's with your sister. I hope you have a wonderful visit!


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So glad to have you back, QMary!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Going to post a little about my trip, a 15 day 12 state trip. Boy were we tired when we got back. It was an amazing trip, one I will probably never repeat, but one I am so grateful I had the opportunity to take. Left Arkansas, stayed in Cheyenne, WY first night, then Reno NV second night, Drove around Lake Tahoe, beautiful. Stayed in a lovely house on Hwy 1 in California north of San Francisco in a town called Gualala for 4 days. Ocean right outside our door! Toured the redwoods, "wine country in the north", ate a lot, San Francisco, Napa Valley, Yosemite NP, Sequoia NP, Las Vegas, Train trip from Williams to Grand Canyon, Sedona, Montezuma's Castle near Camp Verde AZ (I loved this place, probably my favorite, seeing the cliff dwelling, and imagining how people lived there), on to Prescott to pick up oldest sister, then home to Arkansas, through terrible storms in Texas and Okla. Best part of trip....no one got too irritated with anyone!! I was with my brother and his wife, and our friend Tom. As many of you know Tom is my good friend who lost his wife about 6 months before Mike died, and he also graduated from high school with my brother. We all had a good time, but I think we were all ready for our own beds. My sister came and stayed for a bit, but is now back home in Prescott AZ resting up from her trip. Glad to be back on this site too, I know lots has happened since I have been distracted with my play I directed, and the trip, and I probably won't be able to catch up, but will try to be better going forward. Do have one little negative, my left shoulder was giving trouble before trip and has steadily gotten worse. I had an MRI on Friday, and see the ortho dr tomorrow to find out what is going on....I am dreading that it might be rotator cuff.....hoping it is not! Say a little prayer.


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So good to have you back online, QMary. Your trip sounded wonderful. I can imagine how good it was to sleep in your own bed.

Please let us know what you find out about the MRI results. I pray it's not your rotator cuff.

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So wonderful to have you back here with your on line family! I'm glad you were able to enjoy your play and then the trip. Did you see the ocean when you were in CA? You were too close not to visit it! Wine country and everything! I'm not familiar with Camp Verde, AZ, have you been there Anne! I've always wanted to see the Grand Canyon, maybe someday...

I'll be praying for you, I'm sorry you're in pain. I hope it's not your rotator cuff!

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Kay, the house we stayed in near Gualala, Ca was right on the ocean. Our deck overlooked the ocean. It was great. It was chilly, so we did not dip toes in (and we would have had to climb down the bluff), however it was wonderful to see and hear the waves coming in.

In not so good news, ortho doc. says bad tear in rotator cuff, along with some bone spurs. Recommends surgery, sooner rather than later. He says the longer I put it off, the more it will atrophy, and the less chance for successful outcome from surgery. I have a colonoscopy scheduled for Aug. 17 (6 months from last one to see if more polyps), so I want to schedule after that. I have two weddings this fall, one in Sept. and one in November. Looks like the one in September (step granddaughter in Missouri) will be with my arm in a sling. The dr. office is calling me tomorrow to see what we can get scheduled. NOT exactly how I wanted to spend my late summer and fall. Not to pick up anything with left arm for about 3 months after surgery...... Hair is going to look pretty funny if I cannot lift left arm to wield the round brush when blow drying. May be time to get it cut even shorter than I did yesterday, and that is pretty short! Good thing I have a couple of short wigs! Oh well, this is all joint type stuff, and I have had this done before on right arm, and not only survived, but regained full range of motion, and I expect will do the same on the left. Just down about having to have it done. A good note is that this one will be done arthroscopically, so no big incision like on right shoulder, will be coming home day of surgery.

Today my two friends (widow and widower) and I are doing our monthly get together. A movie this afternoon, and then dinner at Dana's house. Looking forward to that.

Life is like this, just never know what is going to be thrown at you.....we all know that!


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