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Looking For The Positives

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Oh QMary, I am so sorry to read this just now! Here I thought you were in for some solid rest following your wonderful (but exhausting, I'm sure) trip. As one with bad bones and joints and having endured a number of joint replacement surgeries myself, I have such empathy for you ~ and I'm so sorry you are faced with more surgery! Like me, I'm sure you wish you could trade in your body for a better model! Thank goodness you had such a positive outcome with your right shoulder, as I'm sure it gives you some measure of confidence as you prepare yourself for surgery on the left one. Keep your chin up, and know that we're all thinking of you and sending healing thoughts and prayers! ;)

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Line me up for that one, Marty! I could use a new body. Since my husband and daughter passed, this one is worn out.

QM, So glad you had a nice trip and were able to see some new places. I just love road trips.

Just so sorry you had to come home with an injury. I'm sure the doctor will fix you up like new. Can't remember what caused it, but many years ago my right shoulder quit working. Long time off work, a lot of physical therapy and I could finally move it again, but can only sleep with it straight down my side.

Take care,


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I'm glad you got to see/hear the waves at least. Maybe you can ask your hairdresser to give you a shorter, easier style for a while? I'm sorry about the news, I hope the surgery goes well and you get full ROM back!

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Oh, thank you for the trip report and the description of listening to the waves from the porch! How very wonderful!

On the rotator cuff, it is good to know that you have a good track record on this type of surgery, and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Can you get some curl enhancer and just wear your hair short, curly, and wash and dry? You have such a pretty face, I'd think must about any hairstyle will look great on you.

Welcome "home" here around Marty's healing fire. It is very good to hear your "voice" among us again.



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Thanks all for the sweet words. Fae, what a good idea, I had not thought of getting a perm. I have not had one in years, this may be the time...really short and curly! My hair is already so short, Kay, any shorter and I would have a buz cut. I may let it grow a few weeks and think about investing in a perm....or just slap on a wig when necessary. I have wigs of all colors and styles from plays, so I could wear a different one each day of week...what fun.

Enjoyed the night with friends, we invited my dear friend Joe to eat with us, he lost a partner many years ago. He lives very close to Dana. We ate a good supper, drank some wine, and had a good time. Prior to going to Dana's, Dana Tom and I met at movie house to watch "Train Wreck". Knew it was an R rated comedy....but it was really R rated. The story line was actually good, if you could just close your eyes at the raunchier parts! Kind of embarrassing when you are sitting next to a good friend, and he is a male....sure it was just as embarrassing to him!

Dr.'s office called last night when I was gone to set up appointment for surgery, and I am to call back on Monday. Also want to chat with them about the injectable anti-coagulation treatment for after the surgery. I did this after last knee surgery, you inject into your stomach fat. Did not really hurt. However I am on medicare and a supplemental now, and coverage is different. I spent some time this morning researching this on my supplemental provider's site. There is only one kind (a generic) and one dose that won't cost me an arm and a leg, metaphorically speaking. I want to make sure that is what is prescribed. $759 vs $15, a no brainer for me.

I am finding that I am very down about this surgery. The first major thing I have had done, involving joints, etc, that Mike has not been here for. He died just days after my last major joint surgery (right knee), but he was there through the surgery and afterwards. My daughter stepped up after Mike died, and moved in with me for a month until I was starting to heal. She took me for months to therapy, shopped for me, hauled me around places...I can never repay her for all of that. I just hate the idea of being here alone afterwards. My sister in law said to let them know if I want them to come up and stay with me for a few days afterwards, and I may take her up on that. She is a good organizer, and would take good care of me! I think I am having a pity party....sorry.

I think I have already told you all how great the World Premiere of Doublewide, Texas went. Meeting the playwrights, and spending time with them was the highlight of my directing career (community theatre). I am attaching a picture of them, Jones Hope Wooten, with Tom and I at the reception for them at Kirby Manor prior to the play on June 13th. If any of you enjoy live theatre, and get the opportunity to see a play written by these wonderful writers, don't hesitate. I have not seen a play of theirs yet that I do not love. Doublewide, Texas was the 8th I have directed of their plays, and I am planning on another one next June, 2016, "Last Roundup of the Guacamole Queens"



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QMary, my dear, planning ahead to have someone stay with you post-operatively and making sure it is someone who would take good care of you is NOT having a pity party. It is smart. It is practicing good self-care. Please, by all means, make those arrangements and make sure you are not alone, not only while you are in the hospital having the surgery, but also during that initial period when you are recuperating at home.

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You are not having a pity party! It is important to have someone there for you after surgery. I thought I had someone and it fell through so tried to wing it alone, it was very hard. Looking back, I should have gone to a rehab center for a week or so. I just didn't want to do that over Christmas, my mistake, but I honestly thought I had my bases covered. If you can get someone to come stay with you, do it!

I understand your wanting your husband with you, it's natural that we should feel this way. We can't help but think how different it'd be if they were here.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well tomorrow is the rotator cuff surgery, and I feel kind of disconnected. Yesterday was Mike's birthday, and that is always hard.  He would have been 68.  I am more or less ready for the surgery, house in pretty good shape, and stocked up at Wal-Mart.  My daughter is taking me to Fayetteville for the surgery (an outpatient) and then will stay with me through Monday night.  I don't even dread the surgery, just the weeks and months of therapy, and getting the shoulder back in shape.  I guess I am just feeling a little sorry for myself. I will be fine.


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Having been through weeks and months of PT myself, dear QMary, I can certainly understand your dreading what's ahead of you as you work hard to get that shoulder back in shape. I hope it will help once you know the surgery is behind you rather than ahead of you. And by all means, go right ahead and feel sorry for yourself ~ that is completely understandable and totally okay with us! Just know that we're all pulling for you and will be thinking of you tomorrow and throughout your recovery. And I'm so relieved to know that your daughter will be with you before, during and after your surgery!


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I will be thinking of you as you have the rotator cuff surgery tomorrow, QMary. I'm glad your daughter will stay with you for a few days. Sometimes it takes awhile for any anesthesia to wear off. Those anniversary days like birthdays are so hard. It is something we will always be dealing with now. 


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QMary, I will be thinking of you and sending good thoughts as you have your rotator cuff repair surgery.  Yes, PT is not fun, but the results make us endure it.  Come here and complain, pout, whatever you need to do.  Of course you are anxious and feeling sorry for yourself -- it is times like these when we deserve to have those feelings.  

*<twinkles>* and prayers for healing.


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It's so good to hear from you!  You will be in my prayers tomorrow, and I'm so glad your daughter will be with you the first few days.  I hope this will bring relief from the pain you've endured, even though it might be a hard path to get there.  I think Mike will be there seeing you through it.

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This is an update from QMary's daughter, "nurse Ratchet," with QMary's permission ~

QMary is home and resting. The surgery went well. She was acting a little "silly" until the anesthesia wore off her daughter said, but I think it was just our QMary's personality. hehehe 


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Haha, that's great!  I'm glad she has her daughter with her, "nurse Rachet" and all!

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Reporting in for QMary with her permission ~ she is doing well. Her passive exercises have been delayed for a few weeks due to her bones being a little soft. Her doctor said no therapy for four weeks to give the tendons time to reattach.

Her daughter will leave today but check in on her a few times a day. She will not be posting for a while because she does things with only one hand. 


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Please let QMary know our thoughts and prayers are with her as she recovers...may it progress speedily!  I hope she minds the doctor and Nurse Rachet!

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  • 1 month later...

I'm so excited...I just can't hide it...

I have two precious grandchildren and now I will be the happy grammy of a third ~ from my one and only sweet daughter.

I am blessed and on cloud nine, ten, twenty.....


grandma again.jpg

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Oh, wow!  That is super wonderful!  I am happy, happy for you!   Congratulations!

Another cute cuddly baby to hold and love.  Happy heart time, for sure!



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Oh Anne, that's great!  That will be so fun!!  Congratulations, Grandma!

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