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Our Pets- Consolers (Four Legged, Two Legged, Fur, Finned)

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Dear me - Benji had another seizure around 1:30 AM - called the 24 hour emergency vet hospital to see if I should bring him in or wait until morning for my own vet - she said that if the seizure was not over two minutes and if Benji seemed ok that the 'wait and see' rule applies - I needed to monitor him through the night - he is sticking very close to me - now, I am very worried - please keep prayers coming - I'm trying very hard to keep 'one step at a time' in mind.

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Oh, Anne,

I am so sorry to hear that Benji has had another seizure. I can only imagine how worried you must be right now. And I know Benji is feeling scared as well. I hope you can find out more very soon, and also find out what can be done or how to control the seizures.

I will be thinking of you and holding you in my heart today.

Much Love



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Oh Anne, I know how hard this is for you to go through...and Benji too. I know there isn't much you can do when he's having one, but perhaps you can just hold him afterwards and comfort him, let him know everything is going to be okay. I'm glad he has you in his life. It's the two of you going through everything together, caring about each other, helping one another through it.

Do let us know what they say after you've taken him in to the neurological center. Perhaps a medication would slow down the frequency of seizures. My uncle was epileptic and endured seizures throughout his lifetime, and I knew another lady who had them quite often...they've learned so much more since that time, I'm sure they can help him.

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Oh Anne, so very sorry to hear of the seizures. I know how scared you are for Benji. Our fur babies are part of our family. I will be praying for him to be well. Also praying for you, as I know how worried you are.

Mary (Queeniemary) in Arkansas

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I'm so sorry to hear that your little Benji is ill. At one time, we had a young dog that was prone to seizures that were controlled with Phenobarbitol. I do hope the vet can get to the bottom of this. Will be thinking of you and waiting to hear what the Neuro Vet has suggested.


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This has been a day! Benji and I spent almost four hours at his regular vet. They wanted to monitor him since his big brown eyes were a little glassy. I told them that I didn’t think he got in the liquor cabinet but who knows. It has been determined for now that he has to go on Phenobarb twice a day and check in at the end of August (unless there are more seizures). The neuro vet has been taken off the list for now. I asked about the need to bring him in each time he has a seizure and they said no, a call will be in order and they will decide from the symptoms if I have to bring him in – once on the Phenobarb the seizures should stop. I hope so for both of our sakes.

It is time for a nap now and I hope Benji will join me. I’ve been up since 1:30 AM.

Thank you for all your concerns.

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Oh Anne, hoping and praying along with you that your little Benji will be fine and the Phenobarb will do the trick. I bet you are exhausted!

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Anne, I am so happy to hear that there is a way to cope with this and we hope alleviate it for once and all.

Such good news!

Thank you for letting us know, and have a wonderful, long sleep.

Much love and



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Anne I hope you were able to get sleep. Benji will get through this.

All my prayers and good thoughts


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Anne, I hope you and Benji both had a restful night, and are both feeling rested this morning. So glad they seem to think they can control the seizures. I know the helpless feeling when your fur baby is sick, and keeping both you and Benji close in my thoughts and prayers. He is such a cutie...

Mary (Queeniemary) in Arkansas

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Anne, I am thinking of you. I am so glad Benji is on meds as seizures are, as you know, so hard on them. I remember having a kid in treatment back in the early 70s who had epilepsy and as long as he took his meds he did not have seizures...they do work. I know it is not what you wanted (to have Benji on seizure meds) but I am glad they did it rather than wait. I found myself being angry on your behalf last night knowing you had this to deal with now. I do not get angry often but this did bring anger to the surface. Just does not seem fair...wish we could see the big picture sometimes. Take care of your little friend and yourself. Mary with love

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My dear Mary and all those reading this post, we do not know why people or animals cross our paths as they do but one thing we do know is that once the heart is opened to accept them we will be given the strength to accept what comes. I know I will care for and continue to love my Benji just as I will always love and cherish my Jim and the time we had together. Funny, when I awoke this morning my early meditation was filled with the days of caring for Jim during those last weeks especially – nothing seemed like a chore to me and I did everything with a love that I did not know I had. It has been a little like that these past few weeks with Benji being sick. My heart sinks when I see him in a seizure and when it is over all I want to do is hold him and talk to him softly and reassure him that everything will be all right. He goes around like nothing happened while my heart broke a little just seeing him convulse the way he did.

My heart rate is staying close to the 110 range which is good for me. I feel much better knowing that I don’t have to prepare myself for Palliative Care just yet!!! I guess it is good to have distractions away from myself and perhaps that is why Benji is in my life right now. Big picture – I don’t know if I could handle it!!!

Please rest and don’t forget to eat good food. Garden greens, Pasta Primavera, a dish of chocolate mocha ice cream with chocolate stick cookies sounds like a start…Oh, I Know that the chocolate does not always agree with you, Mary, so I’ll keep the dessert for myself. Eat fruit and wear something on your feet. The rest of you can have the dessert, also.

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Went to shut down my laptop and saw your post. Anne, I do agree we will have the strength to deal with all that is on our plate...we have already done the toughest one. And I totally get the feelings you expressed about watching your Jim (and my Bill) and Benji and Bentley deal with such tough stuff...when Bentley had surgery after Bill died (having eaten a BIC) I just wanted to cradle him and love him as I did Bill. I woke up dreaming I was in a restaurant...and at the next table were many of my high school classmates and convent band members all in habit. Now that is a dream. I was trying to remember all their names and in the dream did a great job :) naming them. No clue where that came from except perhaps being at a monastery so much these past two weeks.

That is lovely that your meditation involved caring for Jim. I love remembering those tender moments with Bill...jewels to hang on to. Laying low today...peace to your heart, Mary

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Anne, something you said about perhaps Benji is a distraction for you, that is good for all of us, to get our minds off of ourselves and onto our dog...it somehow puts things into perspective and I think it's healthy for us to be thinking of someone else, even if that someone else is a furry little (or big, as in my case) creature. :)

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I am getting rest now, Deborah. How are YOU doing? This is not an easy trip we are on, is it? I so miss my Jim. The weekends are very hard for me. Everyone is out and about doing their family things and there isn't much for me to do. I wish I could fix Jim his favorite dinner and we could sit on the patio and watch the sunset. He would have loved Benji. I have a granddog who is a Beagle. Jim loved him. Thank-you for reaching out and thank-you for the heads up on the E-Coli update. Yes, that is right in my backyard. I am safe though because I cannot eat Mexican Food because of my heart failure - too salty. ((((<hugs>))))) Anne

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I'm okay Anne, still worn down. Like you, weekends are hard for me too, everyone has plans. I sit and look at the sunset also and get lost in my thoughts. I think of all the things we would be doing together, its just never going to be the same. Hope you and benji have a good night, Deborah

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Anne, continuing to think of you and Benji, and sending positive thoughts and warm feeling your way. I like the way your mind thinks....I will have that ice cream and choc. stick cookies for those that do not like chocolate, or cannot eat it!!! Yes, I think a distraction helps, and our sweet fur babies, or kitties, or whatever animal (ground hog, Harry?) help give us a purpose and a reason to do things, and not think about ourselves.
Mary, so strange your dream. Last night I dreamed about two of my close friends from high school, that I just saw recently at my 50th, and they were interacting in my present life. So strange that we both dreamed about class mates. I suspect we are connected in some way that we may not understand.
Leaving my fur babies today to travel to Arrow Rock MO with a friend to the Lyceum Theatre to see a young friend (who is also the artistic director there) play the nerd, in the Nerd. So excited. Also nervous, I am driving on the way up, and we are having thunderstorms, look like we will be in them all the way past Springfield, MO, nearly to Buffalo........grrrrrr :(

My daughter and her family will check on them periodically and make sure they are fed. I won't get home until late tonight. It is a 4 hour trip each way, and then the play, and dinner in the very special restaurant "Catalpa".

Mary (Queeniemary) in Arkansas

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Oh dear Mary in AK, thank you for your kind thoughts. I love Benji so that it hurts to see him go into the seizures. I keep one ear open when i sleep fearing that he will seize when I am sleeping and I won't hear him. The vet did say that once he is on the medicine for a week or two he should not have any more seizures. That is what I'm looking to see - his little body shakes so that it hurts me to see it. I have researched the Shipperkee breed and it is not uncommon for that breed to have seizures. Of course I did not know that because when we saw each other it was love at first sight' and he knew he was going home with me. I don't know about the Shipperke/Poodle mix yet.

I love chocolate but I am not suppose to have ice cream - I cheat though - I can have the slow churn ice cream, but that's like having a hot dog instead of a filet mignon!

I hope your drive to MO is an easy one for you - I shall be thinking of you. Enjoy the play and report back. Love, Anne

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Ah, I see you've answered my question, that explains it, you're seeing someone you know in it..."The Nerd"...I haven't heard of it, I will have to keep my eyes out for it. Do let us know how you like it!

Oh Anne, I understand, I love ice cream and I'm not supposed to have sugar because of my Diabetes, but I have the "no sugar added" kind. My son says "That's not ice cream!" I tell him it's the "pretend kind"...you eat it and pretend it's good. :)

I think you are in tune to Benji just as a mother is with their babies...just like we wake up when they cry, I'm sure you'll awaken if he has a seizure. Do they happen at any particular time of day or after any particular kind of activity or have you noticed any correlation? Soon it should cease! And I doubt if knowing this would have swayed you from getting him. Just like I didn't know that Arlie would turn out to be an un-trained sick pup that would eat half my house and need house-broken, and would grow to be 117 lbs...knowing all that I know now, I wouldn't have hesitated to pick him! They are our babies and we love them!

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You had me laughing at the "you eat it and pretend it's good."

This is a short, funny story, but it was a"first" for me. My son & I were having a "yard sale" in the carport today. He brought his new puppy along & she was alternating between the front & back yards & inside the house while we were outside.Now she wants to be right with you wherever you are. He put her in the house and when he closed the door, she started scratching to get out. Well, she managed to hit the door lock and locked us out. It was panic for a minute until he remembered he had a set of keys to my house in his Jeep. So all was saved. I've heard of pets opening the door, but never one who locked their family out. LOL


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Oh Karen, that is funny! That sounds like something my dog would do!

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