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Grief Healing and growth after Shock and AWE

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Tragedy happened this afternoon in a sister city close to where I live in Virginia Beach, VA.  It was a shock to hear since I have been in that building conducting business before.  12 people dead.  He was a long term city worker... no motive yet.  I heard about it as I was watching national FOX news... what a shock.  Praying for the family and loved ones for this horrific  event.   😩 - Shalom

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I heard that on the news last night and thought of you, wasn't sure how close you were to it.  There is no understanding such things.  :(


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Today is my two year Keto anniversary.  It is amazing to me how quickly time flies.  Last year I was told by several people that this way of eating is not sustainable and that I would fail and return to my old eating habits... I simply said, "We'll See!" 

I am not trying to prove them wrong but I am determined to pursue my dream of flying a private aircraft and getting a pilots license.  This WHY is what drove me to research and discover why I stopped losing weight on the typical recommended diet and I discovered the ROOT CAUSE of my problem... That is that I have a carbohydrate Intolerance that drove my insulin levels up, stored fat and also PREVENTED my body from using the excess fat as fuel.

Once, I understood that and then the science and history of this way of eating, I developed a plan that I would be successful with.  I haven't don't this perfectly, however I am constantly, learning, studying, listening, learning, testing, and adapting to optimize my health. I have managed to lose 145 lbs of excess fat and kept it off for a year now. 

I am still not where i want to be but so much more happier than were I used to be. This has encourage me to improve my sleep hygiene, optimize sun exposure (Vit-D) and Circadian rhythms, Weight resistance and HIIT ( High Intensity Interval Training) Cardio, and now mindfulness meditation.   I am an admin on a Type 2 Diabetes FB Group to help others and help others where ever i am able.

Even my business has picked up and is growing more this year.  No one knows what tomorrow holds but I know and TRUST who hold tomorrow.  😊 - Shalom (Peace)

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And I, for one, am so proud of you for all your achievements.  I know you to be a very smart and capable man.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My Sister asked me last month to carve out some time in my schedule to watch dad when her husband foot surgery's are scheduled for Thursday June 6. The last time I spoke with her was on her birthday May 29th.  She told me she would call me one way or the other by Friday. I received no call at all.  I called my sister yesterday (Sunday) to find out how her husband is doing after his scheduled surgery on June 6th.

She said, "OH! I thought you were gonna call!" 

I also found out dad's health has been declining but she never bothered to let me know. She is considering putting dad in hospice care because that is the advice she is receiving from the husbands helpful relatives.  I voiced my concerns over hospice.  Her husband's surgery was postponed because he developed cellulitis on his arm.

Her parting shot was, "  You could stop by to see him before he is dead... or not!"  Stunned, I just said that this will end our conversation for the evening.  She retorted, the I took what she said all wrong.  You wouldn't even recognize him and probably don't want to see him this way anyway. Yeah, she has the gift of language for a special ed para teacher.  She did ask me if I was going to stop by Sunday because it's Father's Day and Dad's birthday. I said,  well, if he dies before then, I don't think that is gonna happen.  She said it didn't matter.... she still wanted to see me irregardless....

She called me today, and let me know my dad is dying.  The doctor estimates two weeks or less.  Hospice has been called.  I plan to visit with my Dad after work tomorrow.  He is not eating much.  I remembered he loves circus peanuts candy so I plan to bring some to him.  It might spark a smile and memories. My Dad (Bill) will be 87 on Sunday.  Prayers are appreciated.  Still praying for his salvation before death.  - Shalom


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Wow.  Trying to keep in light that your sister has a lot going on at her place.  I'm sorry your dad is in rapid decline, I hope your visit tonight will be good, for both of you.  Bless you for trying to think of something to bring him a smile (circus peanuts candy).  I am praying for you, dear friend.

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Thank you everyone for your beautiful thoughts and prayers.  The visit went okay.  The Hospice intake nurse was there to get the hospice machine in gear..  My dad was sleeping most of the time but he did wake up to see me and saw the circus peanuts. My Dad has not eaten or drank much liquids for about a week now.  He was able to get up and go to the bathroom with assistance.  They will be bringing in a hospital bed and start administering medicines.  I hugged and kissed him and told him I loved him and he shook his head yes.  Dad looked better than what my sister described him.  He is weak and frail.  I trust this is the best treatment for him at this stage of his health decline. I trust god will see me through this like He has everything else.  

Thanks everyone.  Y'all understand this. I am touched by the love and friendship in this group.  😘 - Shalom

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My sister called me last night and I thought she was giving me an update on my Dad.

She said " I have some sad news to tel you".  I said oh, wow.  These were the same exact word my Dad said to me when he called to inform me of my brother's death.  He passed away peacefully.

My sister and her husband went out to dinner and the caregiver that was attending to him called my sister.  He went peacefully at 7:20pm. 

As soon as she said those words I was filled with incredible peace that passes all understanding.  I sign my posts with SHALOM  which means God's perfect peace that passes all understanding.  This group and many others are praying and I sense everyone's prayers and love.  I didn't have an expectation about how I was going to feel or handle it.  I slept well and worked today.   I will continue to take this journey one day at a time.

Thank you everyone for your love, prayers, and support.  I am loved and I am not alone.   🥰 - Shalom

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I didn't know what Shalom meant, thank you for telling us.  Shalom, George, I am glad you and your father have perfect peace.  My heart is with you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Happy July 4th Everyone!

My sister called (as expected.. family gathering time in her mind) last night  and asked "Why have you called me and ask how I am doing since the (Father's Day/ Dad's Birthday).  I told her I was wondering the same thing.  Nothing has changed she is trying to manipulate me to help her with something else.  

I told her I was working all day today and will not be there.  She commented that I hadn't been to her home since dad died.  Her last words were, " Be sure and call me and check up on me!"  Yep! It's all about her.  She never asked about me.  She is planning her next scheming adventure.

I am happy to be working.  I love our country and celebrate our Independence from tyranny, manipulation, and my past insatiable hunger and food cravings.  I am free!  I do not CHOSE to be put back in bondage from anybody or anything. 

My Insulin Resistance is still getting better and I'm feeling healthier that two years ago. Enjoy the day! - Shalom


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