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Looking For The Positives

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Lots of POSITIVES today! :D  

1) Got a lot done at work today

2) Solved a problem at work today

3) Called Social Security & was told my Pers wouldn't affect it...called back & got a different person (both in the Eugene office not the hotline) and was told the same thing.   So the person that gave me the bum information Friday was all washed up! :)

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I sent off my first income tax today ever.  Well, actually it was a request to put off filling out the big income tax, but I still had to pay the taxes.  Was not trying to get away from the taxes, but numbers are my biggest enemy in the number/letter world.  Anyhow, got it mailed off with the check for my taxes.  Now, what did I fill out?  Billy did this every year and lived for numbers.  He would fill out, figure, and do everything but lie.  I would not let him lie.  He wanted to.  He wanted to beat the IRS so bad.  I know they got his form every year and laughed and then wrote us and told us how much to pay.  You see, when we had our big company living here.  They cleaned up our papers and Billy's each yearly income taxes were not filed neatly in the right side of the bottom closed bookcase.  I will just throw myself on the mercy of the courts anyhow.  Next year will be easy.

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I just got home after spending the day with my daughter and sisters and getting to see my daughter-in-law & granddaughter.  It was a wonderful day, I wish it didn't have to end!  I came home to my phone messages stuck in the machine and the only way to reset it is take the batteries out so now I can't use them for seven hours.  Oh well, I really need to build a fire and spend time with my dog & cats.

It's good to see all of the chatter on the forum, you guys are doing what Marty & Mary said and taking good care of each other.  Love you guys!

Margaret, glad you got your taxes done!  Doesn't that always feel great!

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Kay, your my number woman.  No, doing taxes scared the bewillies out of me.  I had to talk to a TurboTax woman that had the patience of Job.  She would tell me to go back and I would hit the arrow to go back and lose what I had done so we would start all over.  I hate numbers, really cannot tell you how much I hate them.  I admire my mom because she kept such wonderful accounts.  I admire anyone who "does numbers."  

Glad you got to spend time with your family.  A good day for you.  

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Margaret, I LOVE numbers!  Don't know why, maybe I'm sick! :D

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No, your smart.  They scare me.  Always have.  Never learned my multiplication tables past 5's.  Billy always chided me about that.  He was a laboratory supervisor and used numbers all the time.  I spelled for a living, he used numbers.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

This has been busy week, Litigation finished  on Angela's estate,that included Taxes.......Garden ready to plant, lawn coming back(lots of grass seed), making plans for flower baskets from scratch...congrats to all, good positives past few days

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I just finished writing a letter that will be sent to the recipient of Mark's corneas.  It took me a long while to be comfortable with the idea of someone else walking around with Mark's eyes.  But I am so very proud of him for being so very selfless.  I hope perhaps to maybe meet these two people some day, when the time is right.

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Maryann, I can think of no more selfless and generous act than organ donation. I cannot imagine how difficult this was for you. Giving sight to a stranger is indeed a selfless act, but it would not have happened without your consent. This priceless gift had to come from both of you, and I hope the day will come when you can bask in the pride and joy YOU so deserve for your willingness to honor Mark's wishes. 

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I have been waiting awhile to post a positive ~

Grandbaby #3 decided to arrive today instead of waiting until the middle of next month. The kids (my daughter and SIL) did not want to know if they were having a girl or boy since they already have one of each so a name hasn’t been decided yet. She is a healthy 7lb 6oz 21inch bundle of love. I am so excited and grateful that both mommy and baby are doing just fine. Grandpa would be so happy. He always loved babies. This is when I really like FaceTime or Skype especially when you live in another state. I’ll be making plans to travel soon. I reminded my daughter that her mom (me) has a very beautiful name (Annamarie) named after her grandmother! We shall see.

I do have a photo of my granddaughter only a few hours old but have not received their permission to show it yet.

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Oh, Anne, congratulations, Grandma!  I can't wait to see what she looks like!  She's a good size for coming so early!

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I managed to get my dad's taxes done, but not my own. I just sent the IRS a check that I thought should cover it and figure I'll get it done soon. I hope I don't just forget it...maybe I need a list, huh?

I am starting to see the light at the end of the (school) tunnel. I finished the first and biggest of my last two psychoeducational eval reports for the rest of the year- and the other should be straightforward and easy, tomorrow is the last orchestra concert for the year-and we're off for the summer, and Saturday is the last day of ceramics class for the semester. Then there are four more weeks of the school counselor work with the gargantuan drive to the reservation (2-1/2 hours each way. I feel some of the weight coming off my back. Summer is almost here...

Oh, and I got an appointment to get my eyes looked at and have procured vision coverage on my insurance. I can't wear over-the-counter reading classes because my eyes are totally different one from the other. So, maybe I'll be able to read a book again-wouldn't that be something?

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I can relate...I have very bad complicated eyes.  It makes life a challenge sometimes.

I hope you filed a tax extension?  Congrats on getting your dad's filed!

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What wonderful news! Can't wait to see the picture.

My mother's name was Anna Marie, also. She went by Marie. My grandmother's name was Anna.

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Yes congratulations Anne!  There just something about new life coming into the world that that brings joy when we're feeling the loss of another life.

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Anne, the name Margaret was handed down through the centuries in our family.  I always liked it but no one else ever used it.  The name Parthenia was handed down, and Nerine, and I am glad they stopped handing those down.  I'm not that attached to any of them, but I think it nice handing down family names.  

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Thank You, everyone. I posted a picture (of my latest granddaughter ~ a few hours old) under the Grief and Loss thread in my post Changes I'm Making so I can't double post here. The kids decided on the name Elizabeth Anne and she is beautiful of course. Everyone is doing fine ~ even daddy. We all have positives in our lives ~ even in our deepest grief. I will be traveling to visit everyone very soon.


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9 hours ago, enna said:

I posted a picture (of my latest granddaughter ~ a few hours old) under the Grief and Loss thread in my post Changes I'm Making so I can't double post here. Anne 


SURE you can!  One can never post too many pictures of grandbabies!! :)

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